What are some of the symptoms of inner peace? How do you know that you really have inner peace and serenity?
In this time and age, we tend to get stressed over many things in life as we live in a fast paced world. Family, friends, job, health among other things are causing millions of people ... Views: 1114
How to deal with relationship issues and problems in daily life?
We all deal with relationship issues in our daily lives from trivial problems to more moderate problems. If you don’t learn how to deal with relationship problems skillfully, then you might not be handling the issues that ... Views: 2231
What is an anxiety attack?
What is an anxiety attack? Do you suffer from anxiety disorder? How to deal
with an anxiety attack?
Anxiety attack (also known as panic attack) is a reaction to a specific situation where you experience excessive stress and worry more than the common ... Views: 979
Is finding peace of mind a challenge for you? Do you look for ways to get peace of mind?
When we talk about peace of mind, many people wonder how to achieve it. Life is hard, work is stressful, children need nurture, are among the excuses that people come up with for not having inner peace ... Views: 1176
Are you kind to your partner? When you get into an argument do you practice kindness or you try to prove you are right? Do you constantly play the game I’m right and you are wrong? How to be kind to your lover?
Kindness is one of the most important characteristics of every happy and ... Views: 1278
What is peace of mind? How do you achieve peace of mind in life?
Peace of mind is the absence of worry, stress, and anxiety. When your mind is tranquil and serene, then you are in control of your thoughts and emotions. In short, peace of mind or what some call inner peace is achieved when you ... Views: 1194
The art of giving
Do you know what the power of giving is? Do you realize that you have to learn how to give to be able to get? How the art of giving can benefit you?
One of the wealthiest people in Canada John had almost everything a person could ask for, however, he was not happy. ... Views: 1171
Is amending a broken relationship difficult? How do you mend a broken relationship?
John and Kelly are trying to mend their broken relationship for 6 months now since John cheated on her. They find it very challenging and difficult to move on as Kelly keeps focusing on what John has done ... Views: 1522
Do you know how to encourage others? Do you offer words of encouragement to others?
Encouraging someone to achieve what he or she wants is one of the best things you can do to someone, especially if that person is your partner. As you know encouraging others not only can help improve your ... Views: 2597
Do you want to face your fears so you can combat anxiety and improve your life? How to face your fears, so you can reduce anxiety and live your dreams?
Most fears develop in childhood and adolescence and they rarely happen. Fears often keep people in their comfort zone. Therefore, instead ... Views: 1329
Is attracting a lover difficult? Can you really attract your soul mate? How to attract the love of your life?
Many people wonder how to attract someone they really love. I talk to many people who are trying to find their soul mate and someone to share their life with, but they stay ... Views: 1353
Do you use your imagination?
What is imagination? Do you know what the power of imagination can do? Do you use your imagination to attract success? How to use your imagination?
Creative imagination is the ability to imagine a situation or an event that you want to create in your life. ... Views: 1235
What do women want in a relationship? Do women need emotional security and emotional safety? How to give your girlfriend or wife emotional safety?
To be able to win your lover’s heart, then you need to provide your partner emotional security and safety. This is true especially for women. Of ... Views: 5735
Do you seek approval constantly? Do you depend on others for your self esteem? How approval seeking increases your worry and anxiety?
People especially children, teens, and young adults seek approval constantly and many worry that they won’t get it. People want to be liked and they want ... Views: 1678
Are you a kind person? Do you know how to be kind to others? Do people usually tell you that you are kind? What is kindness?
Kindness is when you do something positive to someone else or to yourself. Kindness is an act of goodwill that can help and makes a positive difference in someone’s ... Views: 1845
Do you trust your partner? How to deal with trust issues in a relationship? How to trust your partner?
Lack of trust or what some call doubt is a mental illness that affects many relationships negatively. Lack of trust is a huge problem that can ruin the relationship. Lack of trust could lead ... Views: 3023
Are you persistent? Do you do whatever it takes to achieve your goals? Do you know what the power of persistence can do? How to become persistent?
For the past three weeks or so, the Egyptian people have been persistent to achieve their goals to gain freedom, to topple Hosni Mubarak and his ... Views: 1097
Do you want to increase your confidence? How to boost your self confidence?
Self confidence is having the belief that whatever you encounter in your life and whatever your mood is, you will achieve your goals. Self confidence is strength that makes the individual grow and prosper. Without ... Views: 1001
Kelly mentions that her partner is a workaholic. She says that he lives and breaths through his work and it is the number one priority for him. Kelly mentions that she suffers because he is neglecting her and doesn’t spend much time with her.
Is your partner a workaholic? Does your partner ... Views: 1549
How negative thinking affects us? Is negative thinking a habit? What is the power of negativing thinking on your subconscious mind?
Have you heard someone say “I feel tried when I get up in the morning. I need to drink a cup of coffee, so I wake up?” Or “I always get nose allergy in July ... Views: 1338
Are true friends hard to find? What makes friends special?
We all have friends and many of us appreciate friendship. We all need to have true friends and many of us do have close and best friends, but let me ask you what makes a friend a true friend? What separates a true friend from an ... Views: 1150
Are you in an abusive relationship? Is dealing with emotional abuse hard? How to deal with emotional abuse?
Jennifer mentions that her partner keeps saying abusive words and statements to her. She has informed him many times that abusive words are worse than physical abuse because according ... Views: 1216
Do dreams come true? Can you turn your dreams into reality? How to make your dreams come true?
Bruce Lee was one of those individuals who loved martial arts including Kung Fu. When he was young, one of his teachers asked the students to write down their dreams and what they want to be when ... Views: 1065
Can you forgive your parents? Is forgiving your parents difficult?
When Jane was a child, her parents got divorced. Her father hasn’t been in her life at all. He was not there for her when she needed his love, his compassion, his care, and his support. He has never called to see how she is ... Views: 2010
Many people often try to change others directly or indirectly and couples are guilty of that. How many times have you seen husbands try to change their wives? How many wives try to change their husbands?
What do couples mean when they ask their partner to change? What they usually mean is ... Views: 1406
When you lose a friend, you will feel like you have lost something that is part of you. A friend is a blessing from God to make your life better. A friend is someone who will be there for you at the time of distress.
What would you do if the friend you have spent so many nice moments with, ... Views: 1321
How do you improve yourself as a person? Do you have to develop certain skills?
How can you achieve your goals and continue to build relationships and your life if you don’t know who you are and what you want? You basically can not. Being honest and knowing yourself is not an easy process. ... Views: 1855
Do you know what love is? What is unconditional love?
Love is the one of the strongest emotions a person can have. It is a tender feeling of affection that you feel for another person. Everyone seems to have his own opinion of what love is. Regardless of what definition you want to give it, ... Views: 4179
Do you know how to control your life? What are the steps necessary to control your life?
To control your life, you have to know your values, goals and vision in life. To be able to control your life, you have to be productive and know how to deal effectively with stress, worry, and anxiety. ... Views: 1116
Do you know how to control your life? What are the steps necessary to control your life?
To control your life, you have to know your values, goals and vision in life. To be able to control your life, you have to be productive and know how to deal effectively with stress, worry, and anxiety. ... Views: 1116
Are you usually late or on time? Is being on time important? Do you know why you should be on time?
Whether you have a meeting, telephone conference, family visit, lunch, dinner or invitation, it is important that you be on time. What unites many successful people is their time management ... Views: 1509
Do you live in the past? How do you free yourself from the past?
There is no individual that hasn’t experienced pain or sadness as this is a normal thing in life. However, some stay living in the past for a long time. As life goes on, it becomes harder for them to overcome these negative ... Views: 1059
Do you get upset when you make a mistake? You made a mistake that you regret?
There are no mistakes in life, but experiences that you learn from. Each mistake that you do contains a lesson that you should learn from, so you correct and avoid the mistake from happening again. If you start ... Views: 995
Jane was 15 years old when she started caring for her brother and sister. She sacrificed her life for them by leaving school and working as a maid in various houses since they lost their parents. She needed the money, so she can feed herself and her siblings.
Years have past and Jane’s ... Views: 1167
We all know what an apology is. It is an expression of remorse and guilt because of what you said or done to someone that caused him pain, hurt his feelings, or turned him down. How many times have you said something that caused pain to someone? It happens so often that when we are angry, ... Views: 5110
Are you afraid of failure? Did you give up on your goals because of your fear?
Fear of failure is common among people. Everyone wants to achieve success, but the ones who do become successful are the brave ones who are willing to challenge fear. These kinds of people are the ones who took ... Views: 1226
Are you brave? Do you allow fear to destroy your dreams and goals?
If you allowed your fear to destroy your goals, then I’m sure you became frustrated and maybe thought about giving up on your goals and dreams at one point in life. Despite all the challenges that you might have encountered, ... Views: 3584
How to deal with a stubborn person
Do you know someone who is stubborn and doesn’t change his opinion? How can you deal with a stubborn person?
A stubborn person is one who refuses to change his mind about an idea, opinion, or an action that he wants to take, and refuses to give ... Views: 2520
Do you get upset when someone criticizes your opinion? Do you always defend your opinion in an angry and defensive way?
You are likely to defend your idea, since this is what you believe in. When someone criticizes your idea, you need to defend without exaggeration and without being ... Views: 6808
Do you get bored at home? Does boredom affect your life? Do you sometimes feel that you don’t have any desire to speak or do anything? When someone asks you about life, do you usually say statements like life is boring, I’m so bared, I don’t know what to do?
All of these statements indicate ... Views: 2032
Smile 400 times a day
There is an American study that published a study on children and their relationship to smiling. The study showed that children smile around 400 times a day while adults smile only 14 times every day. Big difference isn’t? People as they grow older, they seem to forget ... Views: 1238
How to deal with Stress
Do you feel stressed? Is stress affecting your life? How do you deal with stress?
Stress is simply the response of the body and mind in reaction to events or external influences. Many people go on with their day feeling stressed from their jobs, house work, life ... Views: 1173
How to increase your energy level in your day
Do you feel that you get tired more often? Do you feel that you can’t manage life’s pressure and stress? Do you feel that you don’t have much energy?
Many people complain these days for their lack of energy. Many people of all ages young and ... Views: 1207
Forgiveness in life
Is forgiveness a sign of weakness? Does unforgiveness hurt you? Does forgiving someone benefit you?
Every person should learn how to forgive, which really means when you think of someone that upset or hurt you, you wish him or her good and prosperity. When you don’t ... Views: 1142
How to forgive yourself
John has cheated on his wife a few years ago and he can never forgive himself for what he has done. He says he will never forgive himself for his behavior, for hurting his wife, and for not being loyal to her.
Kelly came home tired and frustrated from her job. She ... Views: 1291
Do you manage your time effectively? Do you know how to prioritize? Do you know how to overcome procrastination?
Successful people know that time management is crucial to their success. They know that each minute is needed to achieve their goals. The Russian actor and director, Stanislavski, ... Views: 1229
Who programmed your subconscious mind
How did your beliefs and opinions become ingrained in you? Did some people affect the way you think? Who programmed your subconscious mind?
You probably know that thoughts are power. You also probably know that opinions and beliefs are formed because ... Views: 1206
Time management
What is time management? How can you manage your time? Do you have enough time to do what you want during your day?
Time is a valuable thing that we all have, yet many people don’t know how to use it wisely. The most common statement that I hear all the time from people is ... Views: 1201
Do you know how to change your behavior? What are the steps needed to change your behavior?
We all want to change some behaviors or habits from time to time. For ambitious people, they tend to have many behaviors that they want to change or improve in themselves. Let me ask you something, do ... Views: 1565
8 characteristics creative people have
Are you creative? Do you come up with original thoughts? How can you become creative?
There is a study that was done in the United States that shows creative and successful people have certain characteristics that other people don’t have. The study ... Views: 3537
How to change yourself for the better?
How do you improve and change yourself for the better? Do you to grow and evolve as a human being?
Each and everyone of us wants to change our life for the better and change our behaviors. You should know that true change comes from within. Your ... Views: 3508