Sometimes we get frustrated because things do not move fast enough or we are too close to the situation that we cannot see any progress, even if we know that things do not just happen overnight.
We have to concentrate on building a good solid and strong foundation and learn as you go. Life ... Views: 5694
We only have one body; we sometimes take that for granted. When we are young most of the times we abuse our bodies, and take things for granted. Forgetting how fragile our bodies really are.
We abuse or neglect our bodies in several ways. I for one can admit that I am guilty of this. When ... Views: 2906
Some cycles are meant to be broken. But, how do you know when you are caught in a cycle?
I believe Al Franken said it best when he said"
“Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless ... Views: 3242
Are you too comfortable where you are at? We may not like what we are doing for a living or the relationships we are involved in but we do not make the changes necessary. This can be due to fear of getting out of our comfort zone.
A reason why some people may not achieve their ... Views: 1832
Fear can own you if you allow it. All we have to do is accept it for what it is …fear it is natural and everyone young and old, rich or poor no matter what walk of life every single person on earth will at one point or another will experience fear. There is no way to avoid feeling afraid every ... Views: 1348
For the past several years when anyone would ask me to tell them a little about myself I would always being by telling them how I am a mother of 2…..I am very proud of being a mother. While my children have not discovered the cure for any disease or end world hunger to me they are the reason ... Views: 1274
Growing up I changed my mind several times what I wanted to be when I grow up. I am sure everyone might have gone through this. As far back as I can remember I always wanted to work outside the home. While some other little girls may dream of being a mother and a wife having children and stay ... Views: 1215
I began this process as sort of therapeutic soul searching sort of way. I see myself as many of you have been before me and many more after me as embarking on yet a new adventure or stage in life. During this process I read a quote
“If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies” - ... Views: 5544