Life is a series of In-Betweens. How do you spend your In-Between times?
Ok, let’s start with an explanation if what an in-between is. In the broadest sense, the in-between is the time between your birth and your death. Then take that and break it down more into the time between being a ... Views: 1173
important to realize that this pain is something that needs to be acknowledged and processed.
The longer you hold onto that pain, the harder it is to work through it. There will come a time when you will be forced to acknowledge it. This old pain makes itself known to you in ways you can’t ... Views: 1161
Are you getting in your own way when it comes to moving towards your dreams or goals?
When you find yourself facing obstacles that appear to be blocking you from your goals, it is important to try not to get discouraged. It can be easy to feel “stuck” or that “life” is creating circumstances ... Views: 980
Are you proactive or reactive when faced with life’s challenges? Throwing your hands in the air and acting as if you have absolutely no control over what happens doesn’t do any good. That’s being reactive and staying stuck. To be proactive, take the initiative, take action with steps to face ... Views: 1344
Prosperity consciousness is a way of thinking that gives you more power over what you have in your life. It’s a concept made popular by New Age thinking, but a principle that’s been around for a very long time. Developing your prosperity consciousness requires a few key things that once you ... Views: 1309
You all know that saying: “If At First You Don’t Succeed…Try, Try Again. Are you incorporating that into you life? Do you stretch beyond the limits of your comfort zone by doing something new or different? Is the outcome always what you thought it should be?
Honestly, probably not…but ... Views: 980
The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in life, better health, peak performance in sports and business and a ... Views: 1076
I know we’ve all heard this many times. Visualize the life you desire, take action on that and it will come to be. Do you believe it? You should because it’s been proven over and over again. It isn’t some crazy woo woo, out there concept.
Athletes utilize this technique all the time. ... Views: 1131
Since it’s nearly impossible to completely eliminate stress from your life, why not look for ways to manage it. Using Stress Breaker techniques will alleviate or shorten the effects of stress on your life.
Your focus on stress is what determines how you allow it to affect your life. Now ... Views: 1280
I truly believe it’s never too late to live the life you were meant to live!
Not that many years ago, I made a conscious decision to step into my life and quit leaving it all to chance. After many challenging “Life Lessons,” I came to a point of really evaluating where my life was heading. ... Views: 1457
As you continue your journey along the path of self discovery, your reactions to certain events may cause you to wonder where that came from. You react in ways that seem totally out of context with the situation. This may cause you to pause and wonder why this simple situation is having such ... Views: 1106
Do you realize how totally awesome you are! Yes, I’m talking to you.
Many start along the path of self discovery and self improvement when they have become fed up with the life they’re living. In the beginning, focus is on career, raising a family, buying a house, fitting into roles you ... Views: 1029
When you discover what it is you feel destined to achieve, go for it! Even if at first it’s a vague concept in the back of your mind, be sure to nurture it, embrace it, and allow it to expand. As you focus on your dream…start to live it! Open up to all the possibilities that are presented to ... Views: 1249
Where exactly DO you stand? Do you know what your core values are? What are your beliefs? What are the most important principles that you operate from? Finding your answers to these questions will help shape your present and future immensely. All your decisions or choices are based on your ... Views: 1046
Everyone has a past. Some parts of it may be wonderful and other parts may harbor painful memories. You have come to accept what has been. You realize that holding onto shame, blame or guilt will not allow peace with your past. Mistakes were learning experiences that can serve you in moving ... Views: 1104
Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit.
Henry Adams
Where there is chaos, there is opportunity for growth. Challenging the status quo of life reminds you to continuously stay open to change. Using history as a base, chaos has preceded discoveries in all areas of life. So by ... Views: 1135
Ever feel that way? Your feet have suddenly become cement blocks. You cannot focus on tasks that you’ve set in place to move you towards your goals. You find yourself doing everything BUT what you say you want to do. Irritation and frustration sets in.
“Arghhhhhh, I’m Stuck!!!
Or are ... Views: 1014
onto, aren’t they? Can you identify areas in your life where these have reared their ugly head? What exactly is this pattern and how does it affect your life?
When you become resentful of another person, it’s like drinking poison and waiting for it to kill your enemy. Doesn’t ... Views: 1196
Life brings you many experiences, some of which may be good and some which are not so good. Your perception of these experiences will determine whether you look at these as stepping stones to a better you or as stumbling blocks which hold you back. It’s not about life being fair or just, it’s ... Views: 1473
Fear is nothing more than a state of mind. YOU allow it to manifest into a concrete entity. How does this affect your actions and thoughts as you expand your horizons? Why does this stop you from moving towards your dreams/visions? Let’s take a closer look at this stealer of your ... Views: 7060
“People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.”
I think most of us have heard that poem before. It’s a very touching and pointed piece which speaks of the heart of life. We all have experienced this with others or perhaps we have been one of these for another. Probably ... Views: 1469
We are all tested to find our persistence level. How dedicated are you to achieving your vision? Will you keep trying no matter how many times you get knocked down?
Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel
Napoleon Hill
The basis of this is the power of your will. ... Views: 1304
Is your curiosity peaked? You never know where or when an important message will present itself. Last weekend I heard such a message. Patricia Clason, a speaker and Business Coach, talked about different triggers you can utilize to empower yourself in any circumstance.
The ... Views: 6943
“Grounding and Centering” is a visualization and meditation exercise you can use to focus yourself on the present. You learn to feel more whole, more aware while being able to balance yourself. This exercise can be used whenever you are stressed, worried or nervous. When you can step into ... Views: 1014
Are you living in the Moment? How exactly does this work and what is the meaning of “Being In The Moment?”
Brings up quite a few questions doesn’t it! Let’s start with an explanation of what this means. Living in the Moment is all about living like there's no tomorrow. Being aware of ... Views: 1365
Clarifying you vision is the first step to achieving your dream. It will be difficult to step into your life dream if you don’t have a definite vision of what that is. Creating a unique vision means clearing away all the doubt and fears you may harbor about accomplishing your dream. If you ... Views: 2443
Life is all about the Story. Your journey is filled with experiences, both great and not so great. You have the power to choose how to tell your stories. How you write the stories in your book depend on how you perceive the events. YOU are the author of your Life Book, YOU can write it ... Views: 1047
I can hear your thoughts… “What? Rocks in a backpack? Why that’s crazy! Makes no sense to carry heavy rocks around.” But you are, whether you know it or not. When you hold onto bad experiences from your past and use them as excuses for your actions, you my friend ARE carrying around rocks in ... Views: 1538
What thoughts does Staying In Integrity bring up for you? Does it mean that you are being true to your beliefs? Does it mean following through on your word, keeping your commitments? Does it mean being accountable?
Now, when you think about these areas, do you have any feelings of ... Views: 2533
As you travel through life, you’ll want to have a direction to follow. Clarifying what you desire in your life will give you this map. Not only will this aid you in your path, it will also be a guide for who you attract into your life. If your relationships are not bringing you joy and ... Views: 1371
Are you listening? No, I’m not really talking about listening to others when they speak. I’m talking about connecting with yourself, your head with your heart and your source - the infinite being. Are you using all three levels of being?
Picture three spheres connected vertically, a ... Views: 1042
Yup, that’s what I said.
Do I have your attention?
Alright, let’s talk.
I’m not advocating acting as if no one else in the world matters. What I am saying is how many of your decisions are based on what you think someone else may think or say? Do you follow your dreams or do you ... Views: 1920
Competing Commitments may be getting in the way of following your dreams. You say you’re committed to achieving a certain goal, yet your actions say otherwise. What you say and what occurs are total opposites. Your actions speak louder than words.
Have you ever had this happen? Have you ... Views: 4680
Let me tell you a little story about a rhinoceros in a zoo:
This rhinoceros had a small enclosure where he paced along the same path day after day until he wore a path in the dirt. The zoo keepers felt sorry for him and expanded the enclosure to give him more space to move around in. After ... Views: 1319