There are only a few days left in April… just a few days left of Stress Awareness Month and, no doubt, pretty much just as many people are suffering from stress at the end of the month than there were at the beginning… the WHO says stress is an epidemic and that it will be the single biggest ... Views: 1505
This article is about mindfulness-based, not mindfulness. For all it’s heralded and undoubted benefits – for example in the management of stress, the successful treatment of chronic depression and its application in sports (most notably golf, the NFL and rugby union), mindfulness has not made ... Views: 1507
We live where others holiday (it was recently suggested to me that I’m simply say this to annoy people – but it’s relevant to what follows!) – on skis in winter, with bikes and boots in summer. And the only people who are stressed or fighting around here… are the holidaymakers!
This ... Views: 1568
I think that it was Jon Kabat Zinn - UMass Medical School and "father" of mindfulness-based stress management - who said "If meditation is making you feel uncomfortable, then it's working!".
Change is uncomfortable - we inherently resist it - and meditation brings about major change in how we ... Views: 1500
Increasingly, I find myself talking to people who, until the pull themselves together, live in fear of the future. We might casually call it "worry" - we might even label it stress. But all it is is unchecked useless thought.
"All it is" is slightly misleading - because this fear keeps people ... Views: 1840
I've often quoted the World Health Organization's contention that stress will kill more people in the developed world in the 21st century than anything else. And, as far as I can see, they've got it spot on - it appears, from surveys, research and my own work, that the modern workplace is not a ... Views: 1541
I was twenty-two years working for myself a couple of weeks back - an anniversary which give rise to a pause for reflection.
First of all, it struck me how much science has caught up with what we intuitively know, feel and experience. For 2,500 years the practice of meditation has enabled ... Views: 1407
For the last twenty two years I’ve been enabling my clients use mindfulness in the course of their daily lives. Most of them are “big business” people – leaders in big companies and multi-nationals. And most of them tell me regularly, how mindfulness enables them cope with the enormous ... Views: 1574
It is now almost three years since Time Magazine announced “The Mindful Revolution” with a cover story that heralded a new age of happiness and productivity for both corporate America and , naturally, the people who make up corporate America… or, perhaps, the so-called little people… those who ... Views: 1508
People tell me that, having met me for the first time, they are shocked to discover that they aren’t there! They are stunned to realize that their body is present but that their mind is somewhere else. And, even as you read these words, you’re only partly here. Decades of psychological ... Views: 2208
I was sent an article on lottery sales by a reader a couple of weeks back - how, the Texas State Lottery was heading for record sales of US$3.83bn this year. Yes, that's one State and that's billion, not million! You'll also see in the article that its the poorer people who spend a ... Views: 1851
Decades of psychological research prove that about 96% of people use only 1% of their mental energy to focus in the present moment. Instead, the “normal” subconscious (the greater part of your mental energy) lives in your formative years, when you were so “sponge-like” and open-minded that you ... Views: 2283
In case you haven’t already heard, the global economy is in something of a reversal at present!! I mention this in the context of a long-standing friend mentioning to me over breakfast last Friday that his daughter “couldn’t pick up the ‘phone” to ask for some career or job-seeking advice from ... Views: 2249
Many people have said this to me - what exactly they're expecting it to do for them, however, is the rock that they think they're perishing on. Re-read that sentence - it's a loaded one.
Our own thoughts and expectations can present a barrier to what we do in life. We know this already from ... Views: 1867
Having just completed another 'Client-Only' Advanced Workshop, I continue to get the impression that there is a gap between intellectually grasping and understanding the very simple and scientifically proven concepts on which my workshops, books and websites are based, on the one hand and ... Views: 1770
There is a well-worm saying that suggests that perception is, in fact, reality. And, no matter how most thinking people might laugh off such a notion, the fact is that for the normal mind, reality is just that - the sum total of our perceptions. How we perceive the world, how it works and our ... Views: 2354
What steps do you deliberately take each day to ensure that you stay or track? Do you even know what 'on track' means to you? Do you know what you want to achieve? Do you know what makes you happy? Do you know where you want to go in life? Or are you just happy to go with the flow?
The ... Views: 1707
I wonder how much more time you would have on your hands, to do all the important things in life, all the things that you really want to do, if you stopped doing the things that you shouldn't be doing.
In conversation with a group of people earlier this year, they calculated that they would ... Views: 1676
Join all the dots plotted by over seventy years of psychological research and you’ll immediately come to the blindingly obvious conclusion that normal people are crazy. You probably don’t even have to look far for concrete evidence of this psychological fact. Normal crazy people are all ... Views: 2958
I’ve been running Personal Development Seminars now for over fifteen years and still, after all these years practicing what I preach, I wake up some mornings plagued with useless thoughts – or the little rascals come after me during the day when I least expect it. But, of course, I should ... Views: 1700
Each Monday morning, I recommend a self improvement book to my Personal Development Ezine readers. But I’ve decided to stop. I’ve come to the conclusion that self help, personal development or self improvement books – whatever you’d prefer to call them – don’t work. For starters, Forbes ... Views: 1847
Personal development or self improvement is all about awareness and, in particular, self awareness. But do you actually know what awareness is? Certainly, much has been written and said about it – but, all too often, the simple has been over-complicated. And, because the psychology of the ... Views: 1544
I’ve been in the personal development business for nearly sixteen years and, to be quite honest, a get a little fed up when I see people, who are all over the place themselves, suddenly proclaiming themselves to be a life coach because they did a weekend course or get some online accreditation. ... Views: 3480
Real life is full of possibilities and opportunities that the normal mind is unaware of. That’s because the normal mind is rarely present – our subconscious mind expends most of our energy focusing on its internal ‘stored knowledge’. Taking the psychological-speak out of the last sentence, we ... Views: 1718
I’ve been running my Personal Development Workshops for the last fifteen years and, during that time, I’ve met plenty of people who, for one reason or another, wanted to change their life. I’ve all sorts of reasons – from the proverbial midlife crisis to the career crossroads, from low self ... Views: 3007
For all that has been written and said about goal setting, I have met very few people who are sure of what their goals are. And, with the proliferation of self improvement books and personal development websites, you could be forgiven for thinking that, with so many people wanting to change ... Views: 1680
We all want more out of life. Some of us want to change our lives radically – some of us have things about ourselves that we want to change. But, unfortunately, for most of us, life keeps getting in the way! The stress of everyday life – yes, millions of people are suffering from stress and ... Views: 1697
It intrigues me – there is so much written on goal setting – and so little written on the much more important subject of goal getting. A client, Mike, recently told me that he’d been told, by his first mentor in business, that success comes from constantly setting goals. However, Mike soon ... Views: 1771
We all want more out of life. Some of us want to change our lives radically – some of us have things about ourselves that we want to change. But, unfortunately, for most of us, life keeps getting in the way! The stress of everyday life – yes, millions of people are suffering from stress and ... Views: 1752
I’ve been running Personal Development Seminars now for over fifteen years and still, after all these years practicing what I preach, I wake up some mornings plagued with useless thoughts – or the little rascals come after me during the day when I least expect it. But, of course, I should ... Views: 3964
The World Health Organization believes that stress will be one of the biggest killers of the 21st century. Stress is responsible for millions of lost workdays in the US and UK each year. Stress leads to eating disorders, sleep disorders, heart problems, a multitude of other health problems – ... Views: 1654
Surely we hit what might be described as the ‘peak performance zone’ when we are striving to achieve our goals. Goals, by their very nature, are things that we don't have at present – they are things that we are aiming for in the future. So why do so many personal development experts or ... Views: 1863
For the vast majority of our adult lives, we live in a world of make-believe. However, as most of us know, it’s no fairy story – most normal lives are a mundane up and down affair that never really goes anywhere – more like a second-rate soap opera. However, in stark contrast to our personal ... Views: 7402
I have yet to meet someone who does not want to change something about his or her life – no one is 100% happy with themselves or their lives. Whether they’re seeking that illusory goal of ‘financial freedom’ or the utopia of the ‘perfect job’ (there’s no such thing, by the way), or they’re fed ... Views: 1762
The word ‘focus’ is often used in the context of success. We’re told, for example, that highly successful people are better focused than the rest of us. We hear stories about athletes or sports people who are totally focused. Surely, if either you or I could get some of this focus, at the ... Views: 1741
You’re one of those people who want to, to quote Oprah, live your best life. So, you’ve read the books – you know the ones, those feel-good self-help books. And you felt good while you were reading them. But your life has gone on much as it did before – with the normal stress and worry of ... Views: 1733
The normal mind is hard-wired to ensure that you will never find peace of mind. Research confirms that each of us is peppered with, on average, some fifty thousand thoughts each day. Many of these whizz through our field of consciousness at such speed that we don’t notice them. Then there ... Views: 1861
How are you going to be up to the not-too-onerous task of getting the very best out of life if you are mentally unfit? Unfortunately, many years of research confirms that the normal mind is not just unfit for effortless living, it has been living on a diet of clapped-out old movies (from your ... Views: 1774
Worry is corrosive form of useless thought – that is all worry is. Yet, it turns mole hills into mountains, conjures up imaginary crises and transforms the small puddles that we have to inevitably step over in life into raging impassable rivers. Instead of looking at life’s little hand ... Views: 1871
You are the creator of your own version of reality. Decades of psychological research prove beyond doubt that how you think controls how you behave and how you behave creates your life. Your mood dictates how you feel about every situation and every person that you encounter in your life. ... Views: 2117
Since I started working for myself in the area of personal development in January 1996, I have come across many, many people who yearn for a better life, a more balanced life, people who want for more out of life. I’ve met lots of people who have bought all the books – purchased their atlas or ... Views: 1886
Worrying about money, being anxious about job security, worrying about children, fearful of personal security, feeling inadequate – these are the things that occupy the normal mind. Unfortunately, psychology has proven time and time again that the normal mind is plagued by negative thought. ... Views: 2081
We are all victims. Whether we are aware of it or not is entirely a different matter. The facts are, however, as grown adults, we are all a product of the childhood years that shaped who we now believe ourselves to be. During those formative years, our subconscious minds learned about the ... Views: 1864
Do positive self-affirmations actually work? The short answer is ‘No’ – unless you have a few years to spare and a heavy-duty supply of perseverance. The problem is that self-affirmation is directed at the conscious mind and, unfortunately, your conscious mind has absolutely nothing to do ... Views: 2748
Very often I find it difficult to explore some of the key concepts in what might loosely be described as personal development or self improvement, given that ordinary language and words prove wholly inadequate. For example, do the words ‘universal energy’ adequately capture the reality that you ... Views: 1897
Once our day gets going it is the easiest thing in the world to get swept away by the routine, the urgent (which, by the way, is quite different from the important), the latest minor crisis (which probably seems major at the time) or, most common of all, the endless stream of useless thought ... Views: 2161
Myself and my family recently spent an evening on our balcony star-gazing – watching the annual Perseid Meteor Shower – when the earth passes through a band of wayward comet grit. Many people might just see one shooting star in their lifetime – but, in the space of about twenty minutes, we ... Views: 1740
I sometimes get very frustrated (it doesn’t last long!) when I see the extent to which Personal Development is hijacked by people whose sole focus is on money. Go on, Google ‘Personal Development’ – the number of sites that talk about becoming a millionaire, trebling your income, achieving ... Views: 3642
Cast your mind back to when you were a child – maybe eight or nine years old. Remember those long, sunny, summer holiday days that seemed to go on forever? Remember how you had no idea of time – what time it was, the way time was passing – it was like everything was effortlessly enjoyed in a ... Views: 3756
Over the many years that I’ve been working with clients who want to better their lives I’ve come across the goal of “financial freedom” – people looking for an end to financial worry (over 905 of males claim that it is their greatest source of worry), people looking for “passive income” or ... Views: 3386