It's hard to beat working from home. When you work from home, you have the ability to work around the things going on in your life. You don't have to worry about asking for a day off if you need it or taking a sick day. However, although there are many great benefits of working from home, you ... Views: 755
If you want to know how to achieve your personal goals in life, but you feel overwhelmed about knowing where to start, know this: Reaching goals in life can be achieved if you have a plan. A very effective way to develop and succeed in your personal goals is to engage a life coach. A life coach ... Views: 830
Life is good. You see that simple phrase emblazoned on clothing and you can’t help but smile.
But life can also be challenging and often gives us a multitude of questions or situations that we don’t know how to handle.
Even if you have a wide circle of friends or family who are willing to ... Views: 1696
In today’s society, we tend to be jack-of-all-trades. Gone are the days where the man of the house worked while the woman tended to the children and the household. While this may still be the case in a few households, it is not typically the norm anymore.
Having a career is usually necessary ... Views: 1288
Have you ever been in a situation that brought on sweats, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath? You probably weren’t having a heart attack but an anxiety attack. If you suffer from anxiety disorders, learning to manage anxiety is the first step to overcoming it.
Anxiety is characterized as ... Views: 1095
More and more, the number one complaint I hear from women, whether in the business or in general, is that they don’t have enough confidence in themselves to do the things they want to do. So, I asked myself, “Why do so many women suffer from lack of self confidence”? I believe it is the main ... Views: 6426
Lack of self confidence affects women more than men because of the way we’re wired. Women have been wired to be more intuitive and nurturing than men, and therefore the hormones and other factors in a woman’s brain affect the way she sees herself. Her intuitions and sense of nurturing also cause ... Views: 1139
Life is always changing. When life throws you changes that you like, they are usually easy to deal with and you look forward to the change. Changes that are indifferent to you are usually easy to cope with as well and you usually just go with the flow. But, how about the changes in life that you ... Views: 1555
Many people, especially women, suffer from self-hatred and don’t even realize it. Self-hatred is probably the main cause of low self-esteem and lack of self confidence. Self-hatred also causes obesity, other eating disorders and health issues.
Recognizing Self-Hatred
The first step in ... Views: 4089
Overcoming Fear to Reach Your Full Potential
Have you ever started a project or set out to do something but stopped right in the middle of it or worse, quit before you even got started. Or have you ever envisioned yourself doing something, like speaking in public or owning your own business, ... Views: 1533
Stress is a natural part of life. We all experience it at some time another from various types of situations. The working moms can find themselves at the very top of the stress ladder. They experience more than one type of stress.
They have the stress of their own personal lives, stress from ... Views: 828
Your teenager may go through times where their self-esteem goes up and down; especially if they’re being teased by their peers. You may want to find ways of raising your teen’s self-esteem to a higher level to help them cope with their issues. Here are some ways you can do just that:
Take the ... Views: 966
No one is perfect. We’re all human. Each one of us has had a negative thought at some time or other in our lives. Negative thinking can be damaging to our self-esteem, and can begin a cycle of thought and behavior which leads us to set ourselves up for failure.
For example: Perhaps you’ve been ... Views: 1480
At some point, your teenager is going to want to start dating. This will happen whether you want it to or not. Keeping your teen locked up from the concept of dating is not going to make for a healthy relationship between you. It’s important that you work through the teen dating scene with ... Views: 898
You may very well know some of your teenager’s friends already because they grew up together. But, as they grow into their teen years, most lose some of those friends and gain new ones to take their place. You might be wondering, at this point, if it’s worth getting to know their new friends or ... Views: 958
You’re having a good day. Your child comes home from school and whines about the bad day they had. Then your spouse comes home from work and complains about the day they had at work. Everyone is in a bad mood, and pretty soon so are you. Does this sound like a situation you have quite often? ... Views: 823
At times, even when using the best parenting tactics, teens may need outside help in order to get over their problems. It’s important to know that there are many useful resources in your community that can be called upon when your teen’s depression or anger issues become out of control and more ... Views: 1116
It can be overwhelming and frustrating when life seems uncontrollable. When we lose control of daily situations, it can feel like we are being pulled in different directions. Life simply becomes stressful!
No matter how stressed out we can get, know though that keeping our life balanced is not ... Views: 984
If you are a mom, more than likely you know the feeling of having a full schedule. Rushing around, taking a kid to soccer, another to dance class, rush to pick up the dry cleaning and then running home to get cookies baked for the youngest child’s snack day. As moms we have full schedules, ... Views: 915
If you hear someone described as a “supermom”, immediately you think of someone who is good at everything that she does. She is the mom who manages her household flawlessly while working a full-time job and carpooling kids to after-school activities. A “supermom” is a mother who puts the needs ... Views: 833
As a parent, you are familiar with the concept of “family time,” but have you ever sat down and thought about why it is important and the benefits it brings to both you and your children’s lives?
Many of today’s families are very busy. Most households need two incomes to survive. Some parents ... Views: 5029
If you are the parent of a teenager, you are familiar with mood swings. One minute, your teen is happy and loving, the next they are sullen or angry. These mood swings can happen fast and can seem to come out of nowhere.
You may find yourself wondering what you did or said to cause this shift ... Views: 1570
We all know the adage, “A mother’s work is never done.” In fact, this could become a modern-day mother’s theme song since we all have overbooked schedules and everybody wants something done yesterday.
We teach our children from a young age that it is impolite to say the word, “No,” which was a ... Views: 1001
According to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) the number of teen pregnancies are falling to 40.4 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19 years. While those statistics are good news, they don't really mean much to a family ... Views: 1630
If you have been watching the news, reading magazines, or even overhearing conversations while in line at the post office or grocery store, you may have heard about something called a “personal coach”. More and more people are turning to personal coaches each day; if you have ever wondered what ... Views: 1184
All of the stress associated with the school year has begun to dissipate and now is the time for all good teens to break out and use their free time to engage in summertime fun. Do you know what your teen plans to do? Has your teen obtained a summer job, or will he or she spend the entire time ... Views: 1006
It’s stressful isn’t it? Having to get all those things ready, trying not to forget anything, not to mention bickering kids, tantrums about what to wear or the sleepy head who doesn’t want to wake up. No, the morning rush isn’t any fun but luckily there are a few things you can do to bring ... Views: 1187
Or should I say “Well Balanced Moms Are More Fun”? Let me ask you… When was the last time you had lunch with some girl friends, or went on a girl’s night out? When was the last time you went on a romantic weekend getaway with your spouse? If you can’t remember, we definitely have to talk.
It’s ... Views: 1031
Self esteem in an important quality for all children to have. As parents, you can help to boost your child's self esteem by following the steps below:
Model good self-esteem: Express through your actions and words that you respect yourself. Children are wonderful at imitating what they see ... Views: 1054
How you feel about yourself truly does affect your interaction with others.
It truly saddens me when I hear women using negative talk when referring to themselves. We aren't born with self confidence but it is something that we gain throughout our lives. There are many things that we ... Views: 1155
Coaching is an effective process used to support individuals in creating something new for themselves. I work side by side with my clients’ coaching them by providing perspective and support for self-knowledge as they accomplish their business and personal goals.
I help women achieve balance ... Views: 1150
Hey - Did someone press the FFW button?
Have you ever felt like someone just pressed the Fast-forward button on your day and before you know it the day is over and you are sitting there wondering what you've accomplished?
I love to organize and with working Part Time outside of the home and ... Views: 1134