If you want to
You have to
If you want to differentiate yourself you must actually
Than Your Competition
Dominate Your Market
When radical innovation is necessary, most people are only interested in baby ... Views: 1095
Networking on Steroids: The Bold New Game of Strategic Alliances
Everyday around the world, thousands of professionals are struggling with this question; why isn’t their network of referral sources producing as many opportunities as they would like?
While some people choose to complain ... Views: 1055
Many years ago, my love of music compelled me to take a song-writing course. I learned many things from that experience, the lessons of which have applied beyond the subject of music. One such transferable nugget of insight relates to formulas and structures for songsmithing. Just like with ... Views: 1431
SIMI VALLEY, CA - In the financial services industry, the information age, combined with a wave of new technology, has caused a rate of change that is unprecedented. The world is quickly becoming more competitive and consumers are becoming more sophisticated and are demanding more service for ... Views: 999
I'm thinking of a demeaning, disempowering, filthy, four-letter word that begins with the letter "F" but I doubt you'll ever hear anybody shout it out as an angry expletive. Here's a hint: it isn't feet.
The four-letter word is fear.
As President Roosevelt so eloquently put forth many ... Views: 1287
There is a certain four-letter word that is only used to describe a woman, and the last three letters of the word are:
___ U N T
What do you think the word is? Be truthful now, what is the first word that jumps to your lips?
Hmm. Really?
Is it a word that describes the woman who is ... Views: 2017
Well, I left my happy home
to see what I could find out.
I left my folk and friends
with the aim to clear my mind out.
Well I hit the rowdy road
and many kinds I met there,
many stories told me
of the way to get there.
So on and on I go,
the seconds tick the time out,
there's so ... Views: 1193
A fascinating experiment was conducted on animal intelligence back in the mid-1950s. A hungry chimpanzee was placed alone in an empty room where a bunch of bananas had been suspended from the ceiling. The only other item in the room was a 10-foot long pole propped up against the wall.
The ... Views: 1265
With the advent of TiVo and digital video recorders embedded into cable and satellite broadcast services, it’s a wonder that people still watch commercials anymore. But I’m one of those viewers who find many of the commercials to be more enjoyable than a lot of the actual programming. Why, I ... Views: 1826