You might be thinking, what a ridiculous question! “Who else is — or could be — controlling my life if it isn’t me?”
The truth is there are many possible answers to this question. Here’s a few: your spouse… your significant other… your parents… your siblings… your good friends… or…. I’m sure ... Views: 943
How many times have you heard “Life is a game?”
Do YOU believe life is just a game?
I do.
Does my response surprise you? If so, keep the question hovering in your mind for a bit as I explain.
I believe life is a mind game. Winning the mind game of life is all about perspectives and ... Views: 1270
When people live their lives on cruise control – as so many people do – it reminds me of a broken record. (I’m really showing my age here. This example wouldn’t work so well if I said on a CD or mp3.)
These days it seems like people wake up in the morning, get dressed, and drive to work ... Views: 1298
If you have finally had enough stress… overwhelm… over-compromise… anger and … disappointment in your life and… you’re ready to do something about it…
I remember back many years ago when I was a young boy my father would often say, “Talk’s cheap. Don’t be a talker, be a ... Views: 1027
For many years I didn’t understand what it meant to live a life of fulfillment. I’ve come to learn many people have no idea what it means either. When I asked the question “What does a life of fulfillment mean to you?” the most common response I get is “Living a life of fulfillment means living ... Views: 7317
This is the time of year when many people feel stressed and not wanting (needing) to be with family. All your bad feelings come up as you remember how past holidays went. Remember your thoughts just last year?
"I'm never going to do that again!"
"I can't believe those are my ... Views: 932
I was just talking with a new client of mine who was feeling angry with her husband. The anger came from a conversation that just didn't go the way it should. As I was asking questions to get to the root of the problem there was an "Ah-ha!" moment. The Ah-ha moment came when my client realized ... Views: 899
Accountability is one of the most overlooked and undervalued pieces of the puzzle to achieving personal and business goals. Without accountability many things in your life would not be present. In fact, lack of accountability could be the biggest reason why you don’t currently have what you want ... Views: 1108
Are you finally at the point in your life when you’re ready for change?
Do you really want to change or are you hoping other people and circumstances will change?
If you’re hoping people and circumstances will change then you can stop reading this article now and be prepared to see ... Views: 894
Let’s pretend someone asked, “Who are you tolerating?”
Maybe you’ve been asked that question before; maybe you haven’t. Either way, think about it for a moment. Now, answer this question. What came up for you when you thought about it?
This is the type of question that provokes other ... Views: 4649
Do you know some of the reasons why you might not be getting what you want?
I'm not just talking about material things. You may want a better relationship with your spouse, significant other, maybe your kids, your parents, or some of your friends. You may even want to have a better ... Views: 846
“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” I bet you’ve heard that one. Maybe you’ve even said it yourself.
This very well known line from an old movie became so popular because millions of people related to it. They would internalize how mad they were yet rarely express it ... Views: 914
I’d like to introduce you to that little voice in your head. While these voices are called different things by different people, I choose to call them “The Saboteur.” The Saboteur is what keeps most people stuck from getting what they want in life. Maybe you have more than one.
These little ... Views: 984
You’ve heard it said that life is all about choices. Do you believe it?
If it is true, why do so many people go through life choosing to live the way their feeling now? Why in the world would anyone choose to live life feeling miserable?
It is a great question. If more people really ... Views: 917
Is it too much to ask you to slow down and stay in the moment?
What does that even mean?
Have you noticed during the day when things are going right and you’re feeling happy and all of a sudden something happens? You don’t know what happened; you only know that now you’re sad, and ... Views: 1049
I ask tough questions.
“What do you really want in Life?”
“What makes you happy?”
“If you had it all over to do again, what would you do differently?”
These questions sound easy, but for most people it’s a struggle to come up with an answer. There are different reasons why answering ... Views: 941
Becoming Aware!
I talk with a lot of people who say they are tired of living the way they’re feeling now. I often ask, “What are you feeling now?”
The some common answers I get are:
• “I’m not exactly sure what I’m feeling. I just know I’m frustrated and disappointed with the people ... Views: 10484
Just a few short weeks ago you and millions of others Declared, Promised and made New Year's Resolutions. Are you still on track to achieve what you said you wanted? If you're like most people you made your resolutions without a plan and without knowing how to get them or who to talk with to ... Views: 768