"We need to talk," your partner says. You hear The Tone and glance up from your book. They've got that Look on their face. You know, The Look. The closer they get, the more sure you are. Trouble. With a capital "T". Cue the opening bars from the Jaws soundtrack. A sick feeling in your stomach ... Views: 1021
It hit me like a bucket of ice-water in my face. I was putting away a book this morning, and it fell open to this: modern Western women have twice the rates of depression as men.
How could this be? We have access to unprecedented independence, careers, education, birth control, therapy, ... Views: 757
“What makes you think you can paint? You’re not an artist. You’re kidding yourself!” This is Judy Fuller’s inner voice at two a.m., when she wakes up churning about a painting she’s working on. Judy is a self-taught artist whose extraordinary, luminous landscapes of the Florida wetlands are ... Views: 664
We’re a lot like baby otters, us humans. We’re not born knowing how to do everything we need to thrive. Part of thriving requires us to understand and manage the incessant, often self-destructive conversation inside our heads. Virtually all of us do it. Welcome to the human race!
That ... Views: 818
Have you ever chickened out from pursuing a dream? Some of my coaching students are having some fears about blogging. They asked if I had any fears when I began.
It brought back some funny memories.
I started my own blog when I was in training to be a coach. I had no idea what I was ... Views: 704
“When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.” The Tao te Ching
Do you approach the holidays in a spirit of leaving nothing undone?
I totally get it, and I feel your pain. My holidays used to include a ten-foot Christmas tree, a perfect specimen, chosen with a careful eye and festooned ... Views: 886
Pollyanna, the title character in a 1913 best-selling novel, has been given a bad rap. The plucky little orphan played “The Glad Game,” and found something to be glad about in every situation. When she was sent to a cold, barren attic room by her stern aunt, she marveled at the view out of her ... Views: 2271