The root chakra emanates from the perineum. As with all chakras, it takes the shape of a funnel with the small end closest to the body.
The root chakra grounds us and also lays the foundation for our spiritual journey. It connects us to the physical world and all that it contains - nature, ... Views: 2641
How are those monthly or annual goals progressing? Are you celebrating some, feeling guilt over others?
Instead of merely checking "got it" or "failed" how about looking at the goal as a process? Sometimes we want a particular item or habit in our life. In the case of items, it might seem as ... Views: 1242
Many of my readers meditate, practice yoga, have used EFT, energy medicine or other complimentary healing modalities. They do this to bring about relief from specific symptoms. Something in their system is out of balance and they recognize a need to bring it back into balance.
When we are ... Views: 1641
The soul chakra emanates from mid-way between the navel and base of the spine. As with all chakras, it takes the shape of a funnel with the small end closest to the body and extends out from the front and back of the physical body.
The soul chakra is the seat of our safety and freedom. ... Views: 1875
How is your goal setting progressing? Are you celebrating some, feeling guilt over others?
If there are goals you set a month or few weeks ago and haven't made progress on, then it's a great time to explore what's going on. As clients work with me and learn to set themselves up for success, ... Views: 1465
The solar plexus chakra emanates from the navel, half way between your front and back. As with all chakras, it takes the shape of a funnel with the small end closest to the body and extends out from the front and back of the physical body.
The solar plexus chakra is the seat of our emotions. ... Views: 2940
"I'm going to exercise three times per week." How often has that statement, or something similar, been on your To Do List? I see this a lot with clients. They usually tell me that it requires tremendous discipline or willpower or scheduling.
What if it was easy? Can you believe that adding ... Views: 1306
I followed up with a prospective client recently. She'd contacted me because she was struggling with "heartburn and GI problems." In our initial conversation she revealed "I think a lot of what I am feeling its wrapped up in depression and anxiety. I am stressed out more by being uncomfortable. ... Views: 1076
The throat chakra emanates from the throat, half way between your front and back. As with all chakras, it takes the shape of a funnel with the small end closest to the body and extends out from the front and back of the physical body.
The throat chakra is where the mind and heart meet. We ... Views: 2476
If trying to maintain balance in your life makes you feel like a tightrope walker, you are not alone. Most of us have so many demands on our time and energy that life can feel like a circus sometimes. How well do you manage career, family, fun, money, romance, social life, spirituality, service, ... Views: 1726
I wonder what you're really looking for when it comes to information about food. Are you looking for expertise? Reasons why you should/could eat what you love? A partner who is also making mistakes and letting you know about his/her journey?
I recently read the story of a very well known ... Views: 1164
What do you lack in your life? What do you not have control over? Lack -- or perceived lack -- often drives our food choices. This comes in two flavors (tee hee) the types and quantities of food we choose.
Some people who crave love tend to overeat sweets. The sugar high and/or some of the ... Views: 1161
Goals often fall into one of two camps – they focus on doing something or they focus on changing feelings. We might not exactly recognize it as such and often times we don’t word the goals in a productive manner. This prevents us from changing the parts we have control over and not wasting ... Views: 2943
How often do you give yourself a treat - either as a reward for something well done or to console yourself for enduring a bad situation?
Do you tell yourself that you deserve __________ (fill in your favorite food) because __________
(fill in your favorite reason)?
When we justify ... Views: 1305
Whether you are planning a trip or packing the kids for camp, there are certain items that need to be considered. Here is a twist on the traditional backpacking pack-list.
10 Essentials for a Successful Life
1. Navigation: map, compass, possibly a GPS (goal progress system)
2. Hydration: ... Views: 1290
There are a few considerations, or things to be aware of, as a healthy food consumer.
Foods are labeled per USDA or FDA requirements. These requirements set minimums and standards. They do not always reflect true ingredients. And some labels have no standardization. For example, “Natural” or ... Views: 821
Years ago organic farms had to cease using pesticides or artificial fertilizers for seven years or more to call themselves organic. In 2002 the laws were changed and now the USDA has several classes of organic. Some are entitled to use the official seal, which means that food is grown or raised ... Views: 2475
Years ago organic farms had to not use pesticides or artificial fertilizers for seven years or more to call themselves organic. In 2002 the laws were changed and now the USDA has several classes of organic. Some are entitled to use the official seal, which means that food is grown or raised ... Views: 1113
I often hear clients, colleagues and friends talking about how overwhelmed they are with home, work, family, schedules, vacation time that has to be used or lost, too much work to do; houses that need to be cleaned -- are you exhausted yet?
They indulge in zoning out or caffeine or drinking or ... Views: 1262
Whether you are planning a trip or packing the kids for camp, there are certain items that need to be considered. Here is a twist on the traditional backpacking pack-list.
10 Essentials for a Successful Life
1. Navigation: map, compass, possibly a GPS (goal progress system)
2. Hydration: ... Views: 1063