When you want to brighten the day of someone else, you can write them a poem, or a little note, or you can even make them a handmade greeting card. What most people may not realize, is that Making Homemade Greeting Cards Can Be Therapeutic, Fun, And They Brighten The Days Of Those To Whom You ... Views: 4720
When you truly want to improve your life, there are a variety of things that you can do...all little steps in the same direction. People are where they want to be in life, because if they really, really, really did not want to be there, where they are, then they wouldn't be there.
If your ... Views: 3555
That is right! At the world famous institution of higher learning in Cambridge, Massachusetts, way back in 1910, the then president of Harvard, Dr. Charles W. Eliot, put together a list of all the most important books of knowledge and wisdom, and asserted that if a person were to read these ... Views: 3823
It is true, and the first thing you have to do, is to make up your mind that you're going to do it, no matter what it takes. You are also going to have to ignore the friends and family members who will try to tell you that you cannot do it. Can you imagine that some people who are close to you, ... Views: 3639
Even though the economy is a "so-called" BAD economy, which has spread all over the world, via the "ripple effect," YOU can still improve your own personal economy, if you will get motivated and become more productive. You can use some creativity, and some enthusiasm, and apply yourself, and you ... Views: 3547
If you want to have a healthier, happier, and more meaningful existence, there are many great things that you can do to improve the quality of your life, and to also improve the world in which we live! These may seem like "little things," but if more people did more things such as these, we can ... Views: 3637
Get motivated and get serious and start doing some things that you may not want to do, and you will soon find yourself developing some new and better habits! They say that you can break any bad habit within 30 days, and they also say that you can "develop" a new, Good Habit, in 30 days!
Start ... Views: 3388
You can make up your mind to be as happy as you want to be, just as Abraham Lincoln has suggested, and you can choose to be more productive, and thus become as successful as you want to be!
There are sales people who get up late, hurry to get ready foor work, rush to get there in time for a ... Views: 5410
Forgiving other people is one of the most important things in this life! When we get angry at someone or have ill feelings towards them, for whatever the reason, the only one that this hurts is us!
Sometimes a friend, family member, or co-worker might make a joke, and it comes out wrong, and ... Views: 4584
These are some quotes from famous people, and they are quotes that I especially like, and can write or recite them without looking them up! I hope that you enjoy them because they are powerful and effective when used as motivation!
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single ... Views: 5882
Have you ever noticed how some "adults" do not say "Please" and "Thank You?" Isn't it amazing that when all of us were children, we were taught to say "Please," and usually we were asked by an adult, at that time, "What's the magic word?"
We were also taught to always say "Thank You," yet ... Views: 7271
More important than work, money, careers, success, or anything...is KINDNESS!
Being kind to others; your family, your friends, even total strangers, is the most important thing in this life!
What do YOU think of a person who makes tons of money, and is successful by the world's standards, ... Views: 7019
Whether we feel like doing it or not, we have to do whatever it is that we know in our hearts to be right, and good, and productive! Sometimes, you just have to motivate yourself, to get up and push yourself to get out there and do it!
There are many successful people out there, and even on ... Views: 3805
It is so simple...just to be walking and talking, living and breathing, life is good! It's great to be alive! When people tell me life stinks, I ask them "Compared to what?"
We all have many things to be thankful for, although we sometimes do not remember them! We sometimes get caught up in ... Views: 6773