The Universal Cycle of Change – the natural cycle that describes how everything in the whole universe evolves – has seven stages:
1. Creation – the starting point of every process of change.
2. Growth – the realization, the shape forming, of the creation.
3. Complexity to Maturity – ... Views: 2298
There are a lot of great pieces of advice on how to have a better life, how to be happier and so on. Some say: “Think positive,” others encourage you to “look at the bright side on everything.” While all that is helpful and true, in a way, what it all comes down to at the end is: “Do things that ... Views: 1410
Self development – or personal development, if you like – has become extremely popular and is considered to be a whole industry nowadays. Some people, however, have declared that people involved with self development are self centered and do not submit to the common good of all people. Is it ... Views: 1363
Human development - or personal development, or self growth, or self improvement, however you want to call it – can play a vital part in your professional development.
When you develop the different areas of your human potential you can expect your career development to take a new direction ... Views: 1250
”We are always aiming for something with our actions. Our goals can be conscious or unconscious.” - Terttu Grönfors & Trygve Roos
Everything that we do really does have some kind of a goal behind it. Think about it: You go to a supermarket. The goal behind this action could be that you need ... Views: 1596
”People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals – that is, goals that do not inspire them.” - Anthony Robbins
There is no question about it. Just having a goal is not enough. It’s like a motor without the fuel – it just won’t run.
The fuel to keep your motor running is your purpose, ... Views: 1642
”It has been proven many times that if you do not have goals, chances are you will not be able to find what you truly want.” - Shelle Rose Charvet
It is obvious that if you want to achieve something worthwhile in your life, you need to have goals. Then, on the other hand, you will also need ... Views: 1205
In order to really answer that, we need to define what we mean by personal development. In my opinion, personal development is:
• Growth as a conscious human being
• Activities that improve self-knowledge and identity
• Development of talents and potential
• Development in different areas of ... Views: 6734