Man! We're living in a World of Wonder!!
All day today, I have felt the need to make a blog post because of some events that have occurred to me in the last couple of days.....All day, I thought the title of the post needed to be "Hope Springs Eternal." And, my thoughts that I will present will ... Views: 930
If this tree could only speak, what would it say?
Well, Vickie and I just arrived back home from a quick little weekend get-a-way at the beach. Time to get ready to get back to work tomorrow, and to the "normalcy" of home life (if there is such a thing!). But, also time to think a little bit ... Views: 1859
The Daffodil told me a Story!!
What an absolutely gorgeous day in the south. It is hard to beat North Carolina on a beautiful spring day....(except maybe on a beautiful autumn day!!). Even as much of a Duke Blue Devil fan as I am, I can actually say that those Carolina Blue skies are hard to ... Views: 1033
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about footings. Since I have spent my entire career in the building supply industry, a footing is always a good thing when I see one!! That means something is happening....someone is investing...someone is ... Views: 593
Getting from Here to There Requires??? Gravel???
Boy, how's that for a title that leaves room for thought!! This blog post is not really just a cleverly disguised attempt at increasing my gravel sales...(even though, if that is one of the end results, then that is good too!)
I have been ... Views: 679
New House...New Business..New Life
Today, as I was listening to a motivational speaker that I really appreciate, he continued to drive home the point that we must continue to grow, continue to drive forward, continue to produce. He delivered a "message" that resonated loudly and firmly to me. ... Views: 711
I am sure as I travel through this journey of writing my thoughts and musings down that I may from time to time "progress" or "digress," I am not really sure if those are correct words, but they fit my mind just now. Perhaps, I may even "sidegress" on occasion. ... Views: 1003
A few days ago, I wrote a blog post about the Bag of M&M's that I thought that I deserved. I have thought about those ideas often in the last few days. I am never quite sure how that Bag of M&M's might come back to me, but in the last day or two, I have gotten a couple of ... Views: 880
The Golden "Rule" in My Life
I follow a blog of a young lady (who happens to be my niece) and I am very proud of what she has accomplished and what she will continue to accomplish. As I watched her first post to her blog, I realized that she had taken a step in her life that was necessary for ... Views: 770