According to the law of attraction, your thoughts influence your destiny. This is the law that connects people of similar passions and/or interests together. It is a means for people to deal with their lives, get things done and obtain what they desire.
Literally, the law of attraction ... Views: 1514
Someone once said, "If you strive for nothing, you'll hit it every time." In other words, setting goals prevents you wondering aimlessly through life.
Goal setting = Success
Goal setting is the process of deciding where you want to get in life, and then plotting out a number of steps to lead ... Views: 1285
The most significant characteristics you need to apply in order to keep on taking action are momentum and determination. You must stand firm in how you do things; keep moving forward in the face of difficulty, hardship and challenges; and motivate yourself to accomplish your dreams, despite any ... Views: 1024
Success is what most people dream of accomplishing. To reach our heart’s desire is the ultimate goal. Although we live with different purposes in life, it is the main reason why we stand, why we strive and why we continue to live… to be successful!
Now, the big question is how can we achieve ... Views: 12139
Avoiding the negativity
When you have come up with a new idea (innovation) or taking the necessary steps to make major changes in your life there are certain things that you do not need from your surroundings. One of those things is negativity. You will find that most people around you are not ... Views: 1003
We all possess “hidden talents”. The Power of Innovation is one of the most common of these talents. You might have scratched your head now and again wondering why some people are so creative while you are not. Well, guess again.
In this article, I will give you a few tips and tricks about ... Views: 1104