We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Peak Performance". If you have expertise in Peak Performance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
One of the single biggest areas that delegates on my sales training want to cover when we look at cold calling and appointment setting is CONFIDENCE. When we set goals at the beginning of the day almost everyone wants to walk out of the door more confident in their ability to make cold ... Views: 1105
The way You approach cold calling will have a big impact on the success You have. If you're constantly saying to yourself
"They won't be in"
"They will be in a meeting"
"They will have just come back from lunch"
"They won't want to talk to me"
"They are probably ... Views: 1542
I was at an event recently and one of the scheduled speakers failed to turn up. Never being short of something to say or a desire to help other business owners I volunteered to do a 10 minute 'open floor.' When asked what the most pressing sales challenges in the room were, One of the other ... Views: 992
I was at an event recently and one of the scheduled speakers failed to turn up. Never being short of something to say or a desire to help other business owners I volunteered to do a 10 minute 'open floor.'
When asked what the most pressing sales challenges in the room were, One of the other ... Views: 944
It's all about price!! Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. And did I say - Wrong! If your attitude and mindset about your products and services before you start the day is: "Well it's a commodity marketplace and everyone buys on price" Then you have lost all chance of making any valuable sale ... Views: 840
We are faced with uncertain times and many people are fearing the worse about their ability to sell their products and services in his recession. It may not be easy but there are some proven ways that, if you work smart, will guide you in the right direction.
One of the key areas that I have ... Views: 935
Negotiation and Negotiating Skills are some of the most sought after sales training courses. People seek out negotiation tips, negotiating strategies and scour the web for processes to win against the 'other' person in a negotiation. It may come as a surprise to you but your own worst enemy in a ... Views: 1095
In my previous two articles, available on this site, I looked at how you as a service business can articulate your USP. So how can you pull this all together?
If you can develop an angle on your uniqueness and as to why someone should be speaking with you then it should be the focal point of ... Views: 799
In part 1, I demonstrated it's not all about sales training. Sometimes sales can be increased by developing your companies uniqueness.
Believe me, I know how hard this process is and for some companies they believe they can never find uniqueness. To those I ask
"If you can't articulate why ... Views: 835
When I moved to California, I was physically unfit for strenuous exercise. My legs were weak; my chronic asthma debilitating. In spite of this, I took on the challenge of hiking a nearby 2,500 foot mountain, Mission Peak. The objective: To improve this fragile state of health and strengthen my ... Views: 1295
It's not always about sales training. The most common mistake I see with Services marketing is the 'it's all about me syndrome'. All of a company's letters, web site, and networking interactions are all about the company and what you can do. Without being too brutal here, most people do not ... Views: 949
Last year I was in the process of selling my House and had invited a number of Estate Agents around to show me why they should be get my business. The process was an eye opener and one that left me totally unimpressed with some of the Agents I met. They were there to sell me on the benefits of ... Views: 894
Last year I was in the process of selling my House and had invited a number of Estate Agents around to show me why they should be get my business.
The process was an eye opener and one that left me totally unimpressed with some of the Agents I met. They were there to sell me on the benefits ... Views: 1326
A fascinating experiment was conducted on animal intelligence back in the mid-1950s. A hungry chimpanzee was placed alone in an empty room where a bunch of bananas had been suspended from the ceiling. The only other item in the room was a 10-foot long pole propped up against the wall.
The ... Views: 1265
It’s Not All About You
So a colleague bad mouthed your work, the client didn’t like your product, a friend doesn’t call any more, you get one bad evaluation after your speech.
What to do? Stop and rethink. It’s not about you.
They don’t know who you really are. They can’t get inside ... Views: 1243
Super Achievement is about the things you don’t do
Business Speakers
Success is about planning, doing, reviewing and improving. The success tool that best compliments these four keys to super achievement is actually related to something you don’t do. Super achievers have mastered the art ... Views: 1381
We all want more out of life. Some of us want to change our lives radically – some of us have things about ourselves that we want to change. But, unfortunately, for most of us, life keeps getting in the way! The stress of everyday life – yes, millions of people are suffering from stress and ... Views: 1696
Now is the Time to Start Investing in YOU!!!!
Motivational Speakers -
Are you one of those people that can state every sports statistic about every player in your favorite sports team, but when asked, do not even know what you bank balance or net worth is. People invest so much of their ... Views: 1163
It intrigues me – there is so much written on goal setting – and so little written on the much more important subject of goal getting. A client, Mike, recently told me that he’d been told, by his first mentor in business, that success comes from constantly setting goals. However, Mike soon ... Views: 1770
Do you find it hard to focus or concentrate on the task at hand?
Do you ever get brain fog, can’t think clearly or retain information?
Do you tend to over analyze things or get mood swings for no apparent reason?
A lot of my clients do. Housewives, students, successful business people, ... Views: 2403
Who hasn’t set a New Year’s resolution or declared a commitment to change some small aspect of who they are—only to disappoint themselves a few days later? We promise ourselves we will be more patient, positive, or forgiving. We vow to work out or show up on time, but still find ourselves with a ... Views: 1259
People have problems; they’re a reality of living life. However, most people are trying to solve problems at the level of the symptom, while the disease goes untreated. I’m going to tell you how to determine if the action you take is only solving the symptom while the root-cause is left ... Views: 1765
Surely we hit what might be described as the ‘peak performance zone’ when we are striving to achieve our goals. Goals, by their very nature, are things that we don't have at present – they are things that we are aiming for in the future. So why do so many personal development experts or ... Views: 1862
Executive Summary
The business task of hiring better people has spawned a deluge of potential solutions from voices in the talent management space. NEWS FLASH: There are no quick fixes to improve your workforce. The real potential for workforce improvement lies within your company—in the ... Views: 2103
Through connection and relationship with our Core Selves, and with our inner parts, we journey on from fear-based reality to loving Conscious Performing. For Conscious Performance, we must begin to know, understand, and heal our inner “parts” so we are free to connect to our audiences from a ... Views: 2852
When the business runs the owner instead of the other way round, generally, the growth of the business comes to a standstill. Every small-scale industry owner does not want to start a business, increase its productivity and then sell it off and repeat the process. It proves to be unaffordable. ... Views: 852
You know what is great about most careers for successful professional and executive women?
There are a number of items I could list, but they really come down to a couple of key items. Professional recognition, intellectual stimulation and challenge, a solid and reliable income, professional ... Views: 1450
As the eyes of the world focus on the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton I tip my hat (or should that be fascinator?) to an outstanding performance by the Brits. They are SO all about pomp and ceremony. And we are SO intrigued we’ve been watching it for months.
In this ... Views: 1290
Making decisions is one of the most important aspects of our life journey and has a profound influence on the roads we take and what we encounter along the way. We can walk the roads of our life in elegance or pain. Decisions and choices direct us along the path of life and to a great extent ... Views: 1553
What would you do differently throughout your day if you only had time to experience joy and success?
I often hear how so much energy and effort is being directed at what people don’t want rather than what they do want. Like anybody, I can get caught in that trap from time to time as well. ... Views: 1405
A good golf game can make your whole day. A bad one can … well, who wants to think about that?
The truth is a bad day on the course can really bring you down. Depending on how you handle defeat, it can cause you to isolate your friends, fight with your spouse, be short with your children and ... Views: 2302
As a keynote speaker on peak performance one of the points I emphasize is accountability.
Recently the Today Show interviewed Galia Slayen who built a life size Barbie to demonstrate the unhealthy body image the iconic doll represents to young girls as part of National Eating Disorders ... Views: 1789
Are you interested in running your mind? Do you want to learn how to use your mind with intentionality to create a better life? We all are creating our lives and the larger percentage of what we are doing to create it, is happening beneath our conscious awareness. It is possible, however, to ... Views: 1403
We live in an ever changing world. The pace of the change is speeding up every day. The only way to survive and to thrive in this ever changing environment is to constantly innovate, evolve and grow. Your commitment to consistent innovation is what will separate you from the followers and make ... Views: 1465
Our clients often ask what are the secrets to lifelong success. The tell us that is seems that no matter how much or how hard they try to "will" the process forward they eventually end up self-sabotaging. For everyone the answer is different but we'll share with you 5 steps that help you to tap ... Views: 898
When I was on the high school Speech and Debate team, my specialty was Extemporaneous Speaking. Each speaker is given three topics to choose from, and is given 30 minutes to prepare seven-minute speech, which has to be delivered at the end of those 30 minutes. Although the speakers can bring ... Views: 1794
In order to really answer that, we need to define what we mean by personal development. In my opinion, personal development is:
• Growth as a conscious human being
• Activities that improve self-knowledge and identity
• Development of talents and potential
• Development in different areas of ... Views: 6734
Anyone who knows me, knows I ask a lot of questions. Thankfully, my clients have said they appreciate it because I seek to understand and pose questions that help generate ideas.
I guess I’ve been curious all of my life. When I was little, I remember spotting a mound of ants. I noticed ... Views: 1203
A couple of weeks ago a friend proudly showed me her grandson’s report card. She had reason to be proud. With four A’s and two B; things looked good.
He also had one E in a mandatory subject that he really didn’t like.
I was touched by the mature and loving way in which she dealt with the ... Views: 1016
You have to fight for what you want but what if you do not have the right tools, power or time to fight. You will loose the fight before it starts. What is the meaning of forcing yourself to succeed when you are not ready? It is always better to succeed tomorrow instead of failing ... Views: 1631
Thought viruses are statements, ideas or comments, beliefs or beliefs about beliefs (also called values). There are two parts that you need to know about “thought viruses” the first of which is, that these beliefs come in many forms but mostly from people in positions of “authority”. The other ... Views: 4788
Having energy in life is about balance. It is about being clear and not being weighed down by thoughts, emotions. It is to let go of struggle and to remain present. Energy in life comes from connecting, from being present, and from being your true self. When we feel low our energy drops; when ... Views: 1000
From a lecture given by Werner Erhard in San Francisco on May 23, 1973
Living is really pretty simple. Living happens right now; it doesn’t happen back then, and it doesn’t happen out there. Living is not the story of your life. Living is the process of experiencing right now.
Thinking ... Views: 1976
Are you yearning to create that perfect product label? As far as the perfect tag printing is concerned, there is possibly nothing like that but surely there are certain ways that could help you get close the level of perfection. If you wish to take colored prints of tags then there are a few ... Views: 813
Polo. "Tis the sport of kings they say.
Jolly good and all that.
As a motivational keynote speaker on peak performance it was fascinating to watch a game at the Houston Polo Club to draw some parallels between business and sports. The ponies are trained for years to stop on a dime and turn ... Views: 1223
Finding our connection with our higher consciousness will bring us towards enlightenment and at the same time give us the knowledge we need to bring balance to our civilization. When we are connected with our higher consciousness, we see much more clarity about everything, we feel fulfilled and ... Views: 2180
This week it seems my work week will be rearranged so I can support son while he is working through an ear infection and teething fevers. Am I happy about it? Not really, but ultimately my first priority beyond any reasonable doubt is my son's health and well-being.
It is somewhat out of my ... Views: 1229
In today’s busy world, few of us can invest time exercising and conditioning our bodies. While nothing can replace an actual physical work-out, using the power of the mind to improve physical performance is an excellent “next best thing” for those whose schedules are too demanding for a visit to ... Views: 1542
With Spring around the corner, the ground is thawing and seedlings are sprouting up from the soil. It raises the question: What’s your plan for growth?
Like cultivating your garden for growth, successful entrepreneurs realize that what is happening on the inside will always be reflected on ... Views: 1862