What is boredom? Is it seeing our life as not enough? We may want something else, believe we need something else, in order to be happy and feel fulfilled. But it is also feeling that we are missing something, either missing out on something in life or lacking what it is we need to be happy. It ... Views: 2206
In our day-to-day life, we get over excited, overstimulated, stressed, and overworked, too much of one thing or another, whether it is our frame of mind, our emotional reactions, or something in our outside world affecting us. We all need to learn the techniques that enable us to relax at all ... Views: 1897
We think that if we fear something, it is there to stay, that it is permanent, and unchangeable. But this is not so, and we must take a very personal look at ourselves to see why we think this is. When we believe something about ourselves, we encapsulate it, we make it stronger, and therefore ... Views: 1731
We sometimes go through life in a dream-like state, never really connecting or being who we truly are. It is as if we are waiting for ourselves to begin or for our life to take form. It is this constant waiting that prevents us from taking the center stage in our life. The waiting for the ... Views: 4991
When we speak of love, we think of others and what they mean to us; we think of those we love. We do not, however, delve into what we think of ourselves and if we love the most important person to us, ourselves. Love, when given to ourselves, has the power to erase doubt, self-loathing, ... Views: 7559
We all want to feel good and be at peace during our day. We strive for this and attain it at times, but during the course of our day, we struggle to keep that feeling. We get lost in our day-to-day motions and forget how important it is to come from this place, to exist in this way. We lose the ... Views: 1636
Sometimes we spend a chunk of our lives looking back on what was. We are stuck remembering and holding onto something that is no more. We reflect on old issues, remembering things that have happened and moments that have passed. Why do we do this; why is it so important to us that it, in a way, ... Views: 10926
When you doubt yourself, you are basically saying that you cannot do what you want to do. For every moment we doubt ourselves, we are limiting our abilities and we are stopping ourselves. We limit ourselves, and therefore we lack self-confidence. It is a two-way street. If we doubt ourselves, ... Views: 3051
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Why You Are Afraid - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
Sometimes we hold onto fear even after the moment has passed. We maintain this sense of fear because we still haven't let it go. What happens to us stays with us until we make a conscious effort to let it go. When we tense up in life, it could be because of a past fear, and not just the moment ... Views: 1668
If you feel closed off, protected, or withdrawn, you can physically change this feeling in yourself. You can bring more awareness into your life by purposefully opening yourself up to the world. This can be done in stages and through many steps. It is important to know that when we are ... Views: 6394
What is the best outlook to have on life? If we are to have one perspective, what should it be and where should it come from? We can look at life in so many ways. We can see it as a struggle, as something to be fought against, as a hardship. At times, do we not see life from this vantage point, ... Views: 1242
In order to find peace, we do not need to escape the moment we are in. We may think that we must have things be a certain way in order to feel peaceful. We may believe peace can only be found during certain types of moments. This is not true. All moments can provide peace to us if we can be with ... Views: 1115
Our mind seems to wander on its own, seeming to escape our abilities to tame it. How do we go about harnessing our thoughts and controlling our mind so that we can be present? This is a very good question and one that many have tried to answer. But there is no one answer, for it really comes ... Views: 1084
When we wake up in the morning, what do we think about first? Is it what do I have to do next, where do I have to go today, or what needs to be done? How rarely do we think about how we are doing and what we need? So often we overlook ourselves from the very beginning. It starts when we wake up ... Views: 1057
If you are insecure, know that you can change this by letting yourself see your self-worth. You do not need to continue on in this life as less, for that is what insecurity does to you. It takes away a part of you and throws it away. When we choose not to claim all of ourselves and see who we ... Views: 857
When we feel ourselves closing off and retreating from life, when we feel ourselves holding ourselves back, we must search for the reason why. For when we see and understand this, we are all the more prepared to deal with it. Retreating is our attempt at not only hiding from reality, but ... Views: 1240
Finding out where we belong in life is very important, and that answer can be gained by going inward. We intrinsically already know what we are meant for; we just tend to overlook this. We instead look outside of ourselves for the answers, assuming they will come from somewhere or someone else. ... Views: 1128
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Being Happy Now - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
We think we need to be attached to things so we can be comfortable and happy. We think that by having one particular thing, we will be okay. We believe that by surrounding ourselves with our idea of happiness, then we will become happy. But this can not be further from the truth. The less we ... Views: 1149
Open up your perception of life and you will not only live life differently, but will see the world in a whole new way. Often, we can get locked into seeing the world as we think it is, instead of seeing what is real. This can come from how we feel about ourselves. We project how we feel ... Views: 2659
Throughout life we grow accustomed to things, to needs, and to the belief in how things must be. We believe we can't do without them, that in order to be happy things must be a certain way. But do they have to be? And what happens when we lose the things that are necessary to us? When life ... Views: 1270
We need to know that it is not what we are, but who we are that is important. We may believe that we are a product of our environment, that who we are is created by our surroundings, because we react and then become; this is not so. You can live anywhere, become anything, no matter the ... Views: 839
In our search to feel content and at peace in life, we may think we have to change our behavior or habits, but does this really work? What really is in our way of finding peace is our decision of what life is. It is the belief that somehow we can figure it out, figure out our problems, and ... Views: 1241
Opening up to the possibilities in life is important. If we feel hopeless and challenged too often, we lose the purpose in our life. We stop seeing what could be, and instead see the end of things. Letting go of this viewpoint in life enables you to see life as it really is for you. If we ... Views: 4903
We need to let go of our fears, for often the reason we are so stressed is because we fear a recurrence of our past. We fear what may be, and so our bodies are tense and ready for any outcome. We cannot relax into the moment if we fear our past coming back to us. Even if we seem at ease, are we ... Views: 1123
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Choosing Happiness - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young from Answers in Writing
During life, we may sometimes find ourselves in a slump, experiencing sadness, emptiness, or withdrawal at times when we know our lives should be making us happy. This can be confusing. Why, if all seems as it should be, are we not happy? What is in our way or stopping us from experiencing the ... Views: 1194
During life, we may encounter periods of time where we are under a lot of stress. We tend to hold onto these moments and carry them forward with us. How we felt during that period is also carried forward if we do not let go of it. That is why, even though the moment we are in may seem good, ... Views: 1765
What happens when our plans are changed or when things are not going our way? How do we deal with these kinds of moments? How do we let go of our plans so that we can shift with the moment in a less stressful way? When things happen that go against what we want, we have to be able to adjust ... Views: 1052
Sometimes we fear change. Why? Because we do not know what will happen. It is this fear that keeps us from enjoying life. Because we cannot know what will be, we fear; we fear the not knowing. It isn't so much what could happen as we cannot prepare for whatever may be. In order to feel more ... Views: 1193
When we wake up in the morning, where do our thoughts go? Do they run to the things we have to do? Are they filled with memories of yesterday and worries for tomorrow? How we think and feel when we wake up has a lot to do with how we will perceive the day. If we can relax our mind in those ... Views: 882
Where does sadness come from when you don't understand its presence? Why is it there when you see no reason for it? Sadness itself has no control over you; it is not a separate thing. If we imagine sadness itself as something we must get rid of, let go of, or solve, then we are going about it ... Views: 1587
When you wish you could live your life differently, what is holding you back? If you truly want to change, what is stopping you, why can't you do it? For so many of us, we seem to be blocked by the inability to alter our own behaviors, even when we know we need to. What limits our capability ... Views: 1137
When you look at the very core of who you are and ask yourself why you believe you are worth less, what do you hear? What put this in your thoughts originally, and why is it there? For the doubt stems from somewhere, you didn't always believe less of yourself. At one point you created this ... Views: 1037
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What Peace Means - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
Being at peace is the state of being where one is, fully immersed in life, living connected and completely accepting of all things. It is living without struggle, resisting change, or withholding oneself from life. Become connected by knowing yourself, tuning into who you are, how you are, and ... Views: 833
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What Is Destiny? - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
When we think of our destiny, we think of fulfilling our purpose and living our life as we are meant to. But what does this really mean? Are we not already living our life doing what we do every day? Are we not finding purpose in our life already? The question really is, does your life, right ... Views: 990
Do you feel confused about your life or lost? Does your life feel like it has no purpose or plan, that you are just using up time? Do you wonder about when it will get better and when will you start really living your life? When you feel this way there is a reason. All of these thoughts mean ... Views: 2637
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Living Your Dreams - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
Getting what you want in life is vital to your happiness and success. Fulfilling our desires gives us hope and helps us to strive for more in future endeavors. By accomplishing what we set out to do, we gain the courage to keep on trying and the belief that we can and will keep on succeeding. ... Views: 941
Staying present in life seems harder than it is. It is not about controlling yourself or always reminding yourself to stay present. In fact, it is the release of all of that that makes it possible. When we release ourselves, we can be present. When we let go of our ideas of control over ... Views: 971
To accept something is to let it be as it is, to not fight it, not even the idea of it, internally. It is to be open to what is, however it may be, without resistance. It is the understanding that every moment changes; therefore, what may be now will change. This allows continual acceptance ... Views: 1833
What is the meaning behind being in the moment; what does it really do for us? Existing solely in the moment you are in allows you to connect to what is real. Anytime we are withdrawn, distant, or not present, we are living in a way that is not real. Existing anywhere other than the exact ... Views: 7008
Obsessive behaviors occur when one is trying to make themselves feel better; it is a mechanism created by the need to sooth, compensate, or satiate an issue. The behavior is a way of trying to balance out an internal problem. It is an unconscious way of trying to take care of an unrecognized ... Views: 1142
Life is not about making plans or deciding how your future will be. The life we live is about right now, today, and no other time. When we let go of our ideas for our future, when we shed our predetermined goals and open ourselves up to now, we can start to live the life we are meant to and ... Views: 1107
How we look at our life and the world around us has a lot to do with how we live our lives. If we see our lives from a point of view that is pessimistic, negative, or without hope, then this is what our lives will feel like. When we see our lives as progressing, changing, and evolving, then ... Views: 2116
Being in the moment is a very important tool to finding happiness in your life, for if we are forever looking elsewhere, we will never be happy now. If we are always looking back at the life we had, we are losing our presence in now. Living in the moment is about being present; it is being ... Views: 999
Our energy levels change constantly, and they can be a reminder of how we are doing internally. If we look at how we feel and how much energy we have, it often correlates because how we are feeling or thinking about something can consume and also regulate the flow of energy that is available to ... Views: 888
We all seek happiness in our life; we all want to find peace, contentment, to be at ease, and feel fulfilled. And yet how often does this really happen, and what is the key to finding this? How can we live a life that provides not only this, but everything else we desire? How do we connect to ... Views: 1664
When we are in a stressful situation, it is hard for us to respond or react clearly. We are overwhelmed by our emotions or thoughts, and therefore cannot see the situation for what it really is. We make it harder on ourselves because we are not only dealing with the moment at hand, but we are ... Views: 999
When we let go of our ideas of the world around us, we begin to see what is really there. When we open ourselves up to what is real, we begin to live the life we are really living. Just by setting aside our agendas, expectations, control, and the process we normally live by, we escape the ... Views: 1251
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Looking For Love - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
During life, we all seek to know someone well enough to feel love and be loved; we seek to connect and be a part of another person's life. When we look for love, sometimes we are looking for a lot more than love itself. We are not just looking for someone to be with, but we are also looking to ... Views: 1072
As we walk through life, sometimes we fumble and lose our way; we neglect to choose the right path or follow our destiny. How do we know when this happens? We know when we find ourselves living a life that is empty and shallow of purpose and we find ourselves withdrawn from life; when we are ... Views: 955
When we project ourselves forward in time, we alter our behavior now. We change how we feel based on what may be. We begin to think differently because of our thoughts about the future. By being only in the moment you are in, you let go of your future, you let go of planning and trying to ... Views: 817