We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Peak Performance". If you have expertise in Peak Performance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Having experienced in working together with a great number of certified NLP practitioners, I've realized that most of my students really enjoy Neuro linguistic programming anchoring a lot.
Likely due to its convenience and its effectiveness, Neuro-linguistic programming anchoring has started ... Views: 1860
Article Title: The Mind of a Great Racing Driver
Submitted by Craig Lock
Tags (key words): Motor racing, Ayrton Senna, Denis Jenkinson, champion, champions, Formula 1, great racing drivers, racing drivers, champion drivers, Grand Prix drivers, Grand Prix champions, Formula One ... Views: 3453
Article Title: Jim Clark: The Most Naturally Gifted Formula One Driver of All Time?
Tags: Jim Clark, motor racing, Formula One, great Grand Prix drivers, racing drivers, champion drivers, Grand Prix drivers, Grand Prix champions, Formula One champions/drivers, tribute, elite performance, ... Views: 1845
Article Title: A Short "Tribute" to the "late and great" Ayrton Senna, perhaps the Fastest and Greatest Racing Driver of them all!
Submitted by Craig Lock
Key Words: Motor racing, Ayrton Senna, books, motor racing books, tribute, elite performance, champion, champions, Formula 1, great ... Views: 2201
What can fatigue teach us about success? To answer that question I have to tell you about one of my favorite subjects from engineering school, Fracture Mechanics.
Fracture Mechanics is simply the science of how things break. What will cause a metal or metallic object to break or suffer ... Views: 1147
"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."
"This was such an important victory for me. It's the old thing everyone says: ... Views: 6048
I know you will be wondering what this success tricks is. Infact when you see it later you may also respond just like every other person I have ever shared with. At first, disbelif later a life change.
Now let me kick it out with this question. Who is responsible for all the problems, the ... Views: 2639
I finally wrote down the methodology I have intuitively been using over the years to achieve concrete results by changing from within. Spirituality is getting very popular since the last ten years yet many people still don’t achieve their goals. A very popular meditation technique is to breathe ... Views: 1836
Three Power Moves for Decision Making
Power Move One: Know When to Disengage
It is of utmost importance to recognize when you’ve entered into a no win situation and have a strategy that allows you to instantly get out and be at choice rather than in reaction. You can consciously step back ... Views: 1031
As the world mourns the death of a Hollywood legend, I recall vividly the night I met the man with the striking violet eyes. I was totally and completely mesmerized…
The place was Gstaad, Switzerland in December 1981 and the height of ski season. Gstaad is the playground of the world’s ... Views: 1456
Article Title: "Say 'YES' to your Potential" (a book by Skip Ross)
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Success, success principles, motivation, empowerment, mind, mind power, life purpose, spiritual, spiritual gifts, inspiration, Skip Ross
Web Sites: ... Views: 2509
Stress is caused by your body preparing to face a physical threat - and then doing nothing. When we get wound up our bodies prepare to hit something or to run away - that's how our ancestors stayed alive before we built towns with walls and weapons to defend ourselves.
Of course, nowadays, ... Views: 1322
Have you ever taken on a big project or a new creative endeavor and, after hours, days, weeks of working, you think you're finished. And then someone offers you a suggestion to make it even better?
Do you settle for "good enough" or do you step back, take a breath and say, YES, I want it to ... Views: 1178
People often forget what they want out of a situation and what their desired outcome really is. Many people see winning as the only positive outcome and this puts huge amounts of pressure on them. If you can’t believe in yourself, then others can’t believe in you either. So in competitive sports ... Views: 1310
Today we talked about the three fundamentals of having teamwork work for you. It’s important to start with the realization that everything great was accomplished as a team. If you go in it alone, you limit your true potential.
1. Do what you do best and have others do the rest.
Get to ... Views: 1745
You’re walking into the boardroom. All eyes are on you. You take a seat. Take a deep breath and WHAM – now you’re on. What’s next?
Every day leaders are made, deals get sealed, and negotiations fall through.. So what separates the ‘made’ deals from the ‘broken’ deals? Following these ... Views: 939
Article Title: 'Overdrive: Formula One in the Zone ' - Some Book "Reviews"
Submitted by Craig Lock
Key Words: Motor racing, books, book "reviews", elite performance, champion, champions, Formula 1, great racing drivers, racing drivers, champion drivers, Grand Prix drivers, Grand Prix ... Views: 1326
Viral marketing is a promotional strategy that has been in use for quite some time and has transitioned over onto the internet quite successfully. The strength behind this particular advertising technique is in its ability to help businesses spread their marketing message a whole lot faster and ... Views: 855
Last week, during one of my complimentary 30-Minute Business Breakthrough Strategy Sessions, a potential client asked: “What is the difference between a customer and a client?”
I told her that some people say there is not much difference, while others say it depends on the industry as to ... Views: 1060
Do you know what's important for the success of small business owners and entrepreneurs? I submit that it is: Knowledge, Skills and Talent. I know that many of your competitors also have the same traits. The key to remaining viable and profitable must also include ATTITUDE and the following ... Views: 4201
Recently I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Brené Brown as part of our Ask the Expert series. Thank you to our Community for your profound questions, and to Brené for her wise guidance.
Some of the questions addressed perfectionism and what to do when someone uses our vulnerability ... Views: 1405
Peak performance and success is filled with paradox. From ancient philosophers to modern day researchers, we marvel at these seeming contradictions that resonate as truths.This week brought an intimate experience with one of my favorite paradoxes: In blessing others, you become a benefactor of ... Views: 1432
In order to keep my inbox at a level of activity that fuels and not drains
me, I limit the newsletters I receive to half a dozen. These include two
newsletters that hit on Sunday from colleagues I greatly respect – a
psychologist and a psychotherapist. Both experienced, knowledgeable and ... Views: 1412
When I was in my third semester studying for my Doctorate in Human Sexuality, I went to the Florida Sex Therapy Institute to complete a Certificate in Sex Therapy. Dr Susan Lee, my teacher, introduced me to her clients I bumped into and her counterparts as ‘Dr Lee’.
My first reaction was ... Views: 1028
Competition, nervous anticipation, and butterflies come hand in hand. You think about your performance, and also if you have packed everything you need. If you are prepared with a checklist ahead of time you can stop fretting about forgetting something and let your hard work and many hours of ... Views: 3346
Improvement is a Lifelong Process
If you are an honest person you will admit that there are many things in your life which need to be improved on. This is true of all of us no matter who we are or where we are from. The richest man in the world may not have more character than the ... Views: 1253
-Today, family vacation budget gets a little low than that of before. It's not an amazement since it's the economy who demands it.
But there's a good news for vacation lovers. Only thing is that if they know how to look bargains out there.
It's nice to think renting a 3-bedroom Spanish villa ... Views: 766
Sometimes in life things can feel out of control, like we are being pulled in many different directions. When things feel this way, we too can become that way inside. Our emotions and thoughts scatter, rising and falling with the events in our lives. It can be hard to stay grounded, to be ... Views: 9090
“Instant” self-hypnosis? It sounds like one of those exaggerated claims that are too good to be true. But when you realise that self-hypnosis is simply the skill of focussing your attention narrowly for a particular purpose, learning to do that instantly becomes a very reasonable goal.
Narrowly ... Views: 2240
“You talking to me? You talking to ME?”
-Robert De Niro, Taxi Driver, 1976
As passionate and purposeful business owners who are constantly engaged in marketing our services and ourselves, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the should-do’s and must-do’s. Every week it seems there’s a new ... Views: 1007
Your online marketing effectiveness will directly impact both your income and how hard you will work to build your business! Obviously you will want to maximize your income while investing the least amount of effort. It therefore stands to reason that your success online will arrive much quicker ... Views: 872
Most entrepreneurs are so anxious to sell something, anything, on their web site or affiliate site that they rarely pay attention on the importance of how to attract repeat business. And very few people out there today provide the tools that teach you how to get it.
So many people are ... Views: 1229
I was a shy, introverted, insecure kid. My parents pushed academics and music. This included "gifted" classes, choir, band, and piano lessons- all worthwhile pursuits, but they did not do much for my geek status. I wanted to be popular, confident, and comfortable in social settings. In eighth ... Views: 1621
If you’ve ever asked yourself the question, “how do I overcome fear”, you’ll be relieved to know you’re in good company. In this article, I’ll provide 3 quick cures to help you live a life free of limitations.
Fear! Just the word alone can send shivers up the spine of some people. It evokes ... Views: 1062
Is your company's computer system a ticking time bomb? Once devastation happens, make sure you don't get trapped with no need of a trusted computer repair Nj firm to rely on. It usually is far better to establish a good connection along with a maintenance firm early on, before you run into any ... Views: 839
Have you ever noticed how little you actually accomplish when focusing on multiple objectives at the same time? Many people feel they can increase productivity by tackling multiple tasks simultaneously but this is not usually the case! What is actually occurring is that their efforts are usually ... Views: 862
Article Title: The Mindset and Spirit of a Champion
Shared by: Craig Lock
Category (key words/tags): Champion, motivation, inspiration, empowerment, sport, sport psychology, positive psychology, achievement, peak performance (enough there for now, craig!)
Web sites: ... Views: 1428
Article Title: Who and What is a True Champion?
Submitted by Craig Lock
Key Words: Success, Success Principles, Motivation, Inspiration, Sports Psychology, Sport, Mind, Mind Control, Positive Thinking and Positive Psychology (enough there now, craig!)
Web sites: ... Views: 1451
Have you ever had one of those days when you hit all the green lights? When progress seemed effortless? When you were simply unstoppable? Sometimes it helps to slow down.
I live in an area of Atlanta called Buckhead near Peachtree Rd, one of the busiest streets in Atlanta. I was running late ... Views: 1380
Recently, I’ve been in a front row seat to watch the dynamics of a couple of experiences that on their face may have nothing in common. The first is a friend dealing with a spouse having an affair. The second is a business relationship, in which the service provider refuses to acknowledge that ... Views: 1377
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Don’t feel like you’re giving your all at work? Do you feel that you are underperforming and that no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to let the inner potential come out? Tired with mediocre work and mediocre recognition? You can do so ... Views: 1102
When working on the internet your first step towards online success begins to take place in the planning stages. Creating a business plan of some sort is the only way to coordinate your efforts and get the best results! It is important to note however that most successful online businesses take ... Views: 743
The success online you experience is in most cases a by-product of a journey involving experimentation and personal growth. An internet marketing business has access to not only a global audience but an ever growing array of tools and resources upon which you can build your business! Sometimes ... Views: 895
Increasing your work efficiency is one of the single biggest contributing factors to building and operating a successful internet marketing business! After all when you increase efficiency you also increase productivity as well! When working online, in the vast majority of cases, most if not all ... Views: 1396
Motivation is a funny thing. It seems to come and go. But when you know the secret of how to motivate yourself, life gets a lot easier. It becomes less of a challenge. When you use the 3 goal setting strategies that follow, you can be sure that staying motivated will no longer be a ... Views: 1400
Can you solve a labyrinth if you cannot see the exit? You can find a way out but it depends on the complexity of the labyrinth. Maybe you get lost or waste too much time and the gate is closed.
Success is also like a labyrinth. You must see where you should go. You must be sure about your ... Views: 1865
Oh, What a Year It Was!I recently shared with our Best Life Design Community, an exercise by Dan Pearce of Single Dad Laughing (http://bit.ly/fGL6t0) shaking up the New Year’s resolutions process. Instead of listing everything he wanted to happen in the New Year, Dan created a future ... Views: 1544
I came across a video this week that features a new technology that captures people’s attention in a novel way. It’s worth watching simply to take a look and ask how you might use it in your business.But its value far surpasses this.In this video, Sir Ken Robinson, makes a powerful call for a ... Views: 1417
Sourced from: http://www.sportscars.tv/Newfiles/tick.html
Tags (key words): Motor racing, Ayrton Senna, Denis Jenkinson, elite performance, champion, champions, ... Views: 3578
With the growing popularity of facebook, privacy of millions of users is at risk as its users are experiencing a number of security issues. Just like a coin has two sides, similarly facebook usage has two facets - Fun and Threat.
Facebook users are an easy target for spammers. Privacy of ... Views: 1057