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Article Title: Who and What is a True Champion?
Submitted by Craig Lock
Key Words: Success, Success Principles, Motivation, Inspiration, Sports Psychology, Sport, Mind, Mind Control, Positive Thinking and Positive Psychology (enough there now, craig!)
Web Sites: ... Views: 1661
Article Title: The Mind-set and Spirit of a Champion
Shared by: Craig Lock
Category (key words/tags): Champion, motivation, inspiration, empowerment, sport, sport psychology, positive psychology, achievement, peak performance (enough there for now, craig!)
Web Sites: ... Views: 1230
Want to help yourself and your career?
Quit asking for permission. Just go ahead, grab the bull by the horns, and do it. Far better to ask for forgiveness later than permission now. Here’s why:
Asking permission ensures that your idea may never see the light of day. Ideas need a chance to ... Views: 1339
Sales Prospecting by Positioning Your Business Where Customers Seek You Out "What business are you in?" It sounds a bit strange at first but it has massive implications to your business. Many businesses and salespeople lose sight of the real reason they are in business, that is to solve problems ... Views: 1302
If you have an element of sales prospecting and new lead generation involved in your sales position or your business then you have so many options open to you. There is no excuse for not being able identify a constant stream of new sales prospects. There is also no excuse for approaching people ... Views: 1263
Have you ever thought of using YouTube as an effective sales prospecting tool? You might think that YouTube is for teenagers to share videos of dancing parrots and car crashes but you would be wrong. There are huge opportunities for professional sales people and business people to get exposure ... Views: 1459
Is there an alternative to cold calling in sales prospecting? There is and it's good old Google! Ah, Google! Possibly the greatest invention of the 20th Century. What did we ever do without it? I know what I did without it because I was selling before it existed. I can remember spending a whole ... Views: 2505
One of the greatest advances in sales prospecting techniques is the ability to use Google alerts to track prospects, customers and sales trigger events. If you set up a few of these alerts the amount of data gathered can begin to get overwhelming but don't fret there are easy ways to manage all ... Views: 2424
How is your sales prospecting success?
One of the applications of the Internet that really excites me more than most for sales prospecting, is the ability to get direct contact numbers for almost anyone you want contact with. Historically, appointment setting training and material has largely ... Views: 1277
Have you heard the saying "People buy people?"
If you have been in sales or business any length of time then you would have heard this a thousand times.
The trouble is no one has ever really been able to show you how you can go about selling yourself - until now, that is.
You might work ... Views: 5305
Sales Prospecting in the 21st Century means you have to be blogging to raise your industry profile. Here you will discover the essential first part - the right name choice.
Are you blogging? If you are not then you are missing out on one of the greatest tools for accelerating your sales ... Views: 1233
Sales prospecting using blogging is a fantastic way to generate new business. In this article, which is part of a series released here, you will discover some advanced ways for salespeople to use blogging for sales prospecting. This is rather an advanced way of thinking about blogs but is ... Views: 1272
Sales Prospecting with Twitter.com, is called a 'micro blog'. It is a blogging platform that allows posts to be a maximum of 140 characters. It has taken the online world by storm and is set to stay as a dominant online networking platform for years to come. But the main question is if you are a ... Views: 1624
A question I am often asked when delivering sales prospecting training is 'should I be using twitter for business to business sales prospecting?' Why Use Twitter: Twitter is a fantastic way to quickly and easily begin a dialogue with key targeted people and form relationships with them. You can ... Views: 1095
Why should you sell over the telephone?
• Telesales is cost effective compared to face to face sales
• Telephone selling is direct - typically no appointment is required or its a quick and easy way to make a sales meeting
• It's personal - your personality can shine through
• It's ... Views: 1163
The 80/20 principle is also know as the Pareto principle after the economist who developed it. It is an almost universal principle that can be applied to business and life. It generally shows us that 80% of your return comes from 20% of your effort. We use this principle right throughout our ... Views: 1055
There is so much being written at the moment about cold calling being outdated, outlived and down-right dead. I couldn't disagree more.
Yes, we all know there are more sophisticated marketing and sales methods around. We would all like our phones ringing off the hook with potential clients ... Views: 1079
Sales is not a numbers game and the way you control that is by clearly identifying who you would like to be working with and who is a good fit with your company. Define your ideal client or customer. Sales is only a numbers game game if you let it. It is your choice.
If you can't identify who ... Views: 1206
When sales people are prospecting we very often overlook the easy solutions. Where ethically acceptable to do so, the quickest way to get new business appointments meetings is to contact the competition of your existing clients.
Example 1:
My business was recently emailed by a search ... Views: 981
We are looking at the quickest ways to win new business by careful sales prospecting. The reality is there is no quicker way to develop a list of target clients than to revisit your past successes, the companies involved and target their competitors and their Industry.
An Example:
A ... Views: 961
Very often when I run telesales training courses, one of the biggest failures I see is an understanding of why people are calling. Before you ever embark on a campaign of appointment setting and/or telesales you need to understand why you are calling the other person.
Take a few minutes and ... Views: 1031
Voicemail is the scourge of many salespeople and yet the number 1 prospecting tool for some of the worlds most successful salespeople. Where does it sit in your sales prospecting armory?
I really am surprised that even the most experienced sale people have never, ever taken the time to work ... Views: 1552
When you send sales literature in the post your job is only just starting not ending. Make sure you know how to develop this to make the sale.
All too frequently sales people spend an inordinate amount of time posting out literature to prospective clients and customers. Generally it is ... Views: 1060
Sales Objection Handling - "Send Something in the post"
This has to be one of the most horrible phrases ever heard by many salespeople. In fact it generally goes something like this:
"Send something in the post and we will call you if we are interested"
When many sales people hear this, ... Views: 1876
Most people who come to my sales trainings want to know about objection handling and closing. Unless they have had training before or are a little bit more experienced, they think that sales relies on what you say at the end of the process.
This is not true because sales is a process that ... Views: 1032
This has to be one of the most asked questions in my sales training.
"How do we deal with the sales objection -- we are happy with our current supplier?"
Firstly, let me talk you through a few key elements of what I notice in people when they have asked me that question:
Generally ... Views: 3316
Today's modern technology lets you do so much in terms of saving time and adding functionality to the sales process. One of the greatest advances is in the area of web meetings or 'webinars' as they more commonly know.
A webinar is an online meeting held over the internet using a service such ... Views: 1173
When working with sales people in my sales cinsulting business I am often amazed at the amount of time they spend focusing on the people that are actively interested in their product or service right now.
Now don't get me wrong, these are by far the hottest prospects and deserve attention. ... Views: 931
Are you fighting a losing battle with your work schedule? For anybody who works online it is important that the working schedule they organize be realistic as well as properly targeting priorities! It is understandable for anybody growing a business that they may be a bit ambitious in terms of ... Views: 895
Online Sales Training has been on the verge of breaking through to the mass market for many years. With some of the recent technological advancements and the changing dynamics of the business world due to the global recession, online sales training is set to take a massive increase in adoption ... Views: 1031
Online Sales Training has been on the verge of breaking through to the mass market for many years. With some of the recent technological advancements and the changing dynamics of the business world due to the global recession, there is set to be massive increase in adoption in 2009/2010. Many ... Views: 980
Have you have experienced the absolute pleasure of listening to a true professional salesperson closing a sale on the telephone.
There is nothing like it and it really is something you must aspire to.
There is no stress or anxiety in his voice, just a smooth confident flow which you just ... Views: 1008
Unfortunately, many average salespeople leave the closing of a deal purely to chance. Sure, they make some sales but if you compare their end results with those of a professional you will find there will be a massive gap. Professional and successful sales people always have a plan in place ... Views: 1035
The main step you must take for successful sales planning is most definitely preparation. As with anything in life, to be successful you must have a written game plan.
Lets not pretend it's easy, because it is not.
But just because it is not easy does not mean you should put it ... Views: 1039
One of the most important skills that any salesperson must utilize is to set out a strategy to achieve your objectives and to plan in advance how you intend to manage your time and sales territory to reach the end goal.
It is often said that time is the most valuable asset of any sales ... Views: 1235
You know how important it is to make plans which will propel you towards your goals but what is equally important is actually talking to your customers. Everyone one of your customers will have different requirements. Make sure you take time to listen to their requirements and decide how you ... Views: 991
It is a known fact that sales people hate planning. Let's be brutally honest here, most of us hate planning. Even though most sales people are motivated by actually taking action they wrongly assume that the time it takes them to plan their leads and administration is time that they just cannot ... Views: 1026
You should really try to look at cold calling in a different light because it really can make a big difference to your personal and business success.
I know what you're thinking, How can this be so important?
There is a common misconception that cold calling is an unskilled job, a job that ... Views: 1255
The most straightforward way to avoid rejection in your selling activities is to try and make sure that your sales prospects are as qualified and as receptive as it is possible to be.
It is highly recommended that you spend time to research and prepare for your clients before you make the ... Views: 1030
In an ideal world you would be getting a steady stream of enquiries all day long from people who were interested in the product or service you are selling.
Unfortunately this just does not happen and you have to go out and find your sales prospects, and if you like it or not one of the most ... Views: 1374
There are many points where it is possible for a sale to stall but the main three are as follows
1.After you have made the initial presentation,
2.The initial proposal
3.When the contract has gone to the legal department for verification.
As the last point is really not a matter for ... Views: 1035
The people who make the decisions in any company, large or small, hate cold callers with a passion and they consider them to be one of the biggest time wasters that they know of.
They will often refuse to take your calls because they assume that you will just be wasting their time. End of, ... Views: 1095
What can you say about a minute? That is what can you say about a minute other than it being 60 seconds.
Well, what you decide to do with that minute can have a profound effect on your sales career.
If you want to be successful, which I'm sure you do, then you must realise that every ... Views: 940
Are you having trouble closing leads?
If so you are amongst the many sales people who find this most important part of the sales process to be a big problem This really is one of the most tricky things that salespeople face.
It is so important that you learn how to deal with your prospects ... Views: 1011
Everyone can probably remember a cartoon or television show that makes them laugh every time they think about it.
And every time we think about it, it makes us laugh again and we tell all of our friends that they have go to watch it as soon as they get a chance.
This kind of Humour, you ... Views: 983
Many sales people, from those with experience to newcomers to the industry, go to sales seminars hoping to learn the tricks to get rid of the many struggles associated with selling.
The more hopeful amongst them are aiming to find the holy grail of selling techniques which will close every ... Views: 1060
It does not matter if you are salesperson of the year or if you are in the first week of your sales career, you will definitely come across a period of time where you will encounter a steady stream of 'No Thanks'
During these challenging times it is very easy, despite the salespersons amazing ... Views: 987
Master sales people are adept at using a strategy called framing to communicate with prospective clients. Framing ensures their sales messages 'cut through the clutter' and distinguishes them as the credible sales resource for their product or service.
Framing is not a difficult skill and it ... Views: 5276
The sales world is changing and you should be aware of the impact of the changing tastes of consumers and how it can effect your business.
Do you know what makes a millennial tick?
The Millennials:
Other wise known as the Generation Y, the Echo Boomers and the Net Generation, they are ... Views: 966
Using Behavioural economics To Increase Sales
In the course of my reading around the subject of sales, I always look to find new and innovative ideas to make a difference to my clients. One of the most fascinating areas that has emerged in the last few years is that of behavioural economics. ... Views: 924