We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Peak Performance". If you have expertise in Peak Performance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Increasing your online business efficiency involves a certain amount of 're-engineering' regarding the current strategy you are utilizing! Capitalizing on your own strengths while also 'streamlining' your efforts in a way that gets you the maximum results is the most direct path to marketing ... Views: 2350
To a lot of people, the word competition is ugly and holds a negative connotation. When we think of the word competition, we often think of professional sports, athletes, Survivor the reality show, "others" on the dating scene, or the younger generation entering the workforce who may just beat ... Views: 1317
When visiting my parents one bright sunny weekend, I noticed that my mother had a beautiful plant with purple flowers resting on her window sill. As I was admiring her plant, a hummingbird approached the window desperately trying to reach these flowers. He must have tried three or four times ... Views: 1070
Have you ever explored the limits of your potential? Or are you limiting yourself by what you believe is possible for you. There are amazing stories going back through history, where humans have exhibited incredible feats of both physical and mental prowess. One of the stories that really stood ... Views: 1328
I really enjoy what I do for a living but there just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. I am self employed but I have to figure out ways to get more productive and squeeze more work into my day so that I can make a better living. I honestly need to add a full time ... Views: 1269
Have you ever been stifled when choosing between two options? Every time you tried to weigh the pros and cons, you came to an impasse?
What if you took a different approach? Instead of looking at a right-or-wrong, this-or-that, all-or-nothing approach, you could asked yourself, “What is the ... Views: 1111
Fear increases productivity primarily due to its ability to instill a strong sense of purpose in people! Fearing the loss of anything we covet is one of the most intense motivating factors a person can experience! This motivation pushes you to focus your effort on doing whatever it takes to ... Views: 1802
“My daughter is very bright, but she panics when she has to take tests.”
“My son can’t sleep the night before a test.”
“I was so scared during the SAT’s that I couldn’t concentrate at all.
I took a prep class, but it didn’t help me. I was just too up tight to do well.
I’m really ... Views: 1472
Tiger Woods is dealing with a multitude of issues, losses and changes which seem to be impacting his performance on the golf course.
Several years ago, most golf pundits thought he would definitely break Jack Nicklaus’record for wins in majors.
I have coached many golfers on the mental ... Views: 5576
I counsel lots of golfers. Some of them are professionals, some are highly ranked amateurs and juniors. Others are weekend warriors hoping to win a few more dollars and maybe the club championship.
While most pros do not mind hitting out of bunkers, some golfers hate being stuck in the ... Views: 4506
Over the years, I have counseled many females who compete in figure skating, cheerleading and gymnastics at very high levels.
These sports can be quite demanding, since they are different from many other sports. Consequently, these sports can place a great deal of stress on the young ... Views: 4529
I was reading a brief article written in the early 1900’s by Elisabeth Leseur as part of my daily meditative materials. In the article she provided the following list of qualities attributed to those special holy people who serve as examples for all of us to emulate. As I read the article, it ... Views: 1882
Our Strengths
A) The Big Picture
We all have strengths. But we cannot just smugly sit self-satisfied like a Cheshire cat. Rather we need to further develop our strong points because it’s a matter of using them or losing them. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890~1969) explains, “Our real problem, ... Views: 1535
Many are painfully aware of weaknesses that hold them back. Yet, surprisingly, they are unaware of their many strengths. Focusing on our weaknesses while ignoring our strengths can be a source of discouragement and failure. And glorifying our strengths while ignoring our weaknesses can be ... Views: 2379
Derek Jeter recently got his 3,000 hit and he accomplished this milestone in very dramatic fashion.
There are a lot of things for baseball fans to love about the shortstop for The New York Yankees-Derek Jeter. But what really makes him so special?
He is a clutch hitter and a steady ... Views: 3229
The power of peak performance lies within. It is all about knowing who you are, what you want to accomplish and a plan for how to accomplish it. Peak performance's simple definition is "doing ones best at achieving one's goals or objectives."
Peak performance is often linked to physical ... Views: 1325
We all start perfectly successful. We all start complete. We acquire failure.
Real success is based on who we are within rather than anything we come by externally. The willingness to look at ourselves in a light of perfection, success, inclusion and completion provides a real opportunity to ... Views: 1316
What is Self Discipline?- 'The training and control of one self and ones conduct, usually for self improvement'.
Self Discipline is also one of the key factors of success. It's the ability to do something regardless of how you feel, what your body tells you and when you are supposed to do it. ... Views: 4261
Content development plays a key role in establishing and maintaining exposure online and begins with the development of ideas. Now finding creative writing ideas is one thing and can normally be done quite effectively surfing the internet. What we're discussing here today is the best way to ... Views: 851
Have you set yourself goals at work for this year? If you haven’t, go away and set some and then come back and read this.
Done it? Good. Now read on to see whether you’ve set the right sort of goals or whether you might be selling yourself short…
What’s the point of setting goals at work? ... Views: 949
A big serve is a huge weapon in tennis. In order to serve well, you need to have reliable mechanics, an effective pre-serve routine and a range of different serves. In addition, top servers know how to disguise their serve, so their opponent can not determine what kind of serve is coming toward ... Views: 2328
Knowing how to get into the zone allows athletes and top executives to perform to their fullest potential. Moreover, if top executives are skilled at utilizing techniques to enter the zone, they can model and teach these methods to their staffs. Having a staff that knows how to get into the ... Views: 1964
Article Title: How to Cultivate Seeds of Greatness in your Life by Dr Dennis Waitley (from Inspirational Books)
Submitted by Craig Lock
Web sites: www.creativekiwis.com/index.php/books/74-craigs-books http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/craiglock + www.lulu.com/craiglock
Other Articles ... Views: 1291
Article Title: A "Review" of the Book 'Bounce': How Champions are Made (by Matthew Sayed)
Shared by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Books, Bounce, Matthew Sayed. Success, Success Principles, Motivation, Inspiration, Sports Psychology, Sport, Mind, Mind Control, Positive Thinking and ... Views: 2358
One of my favorite times of the day is when I sit down to write my blog post. I have some breakfast and sit in front of my computer until a topic comes to me. And then I write.
And sometimes it goes smoothly and effortlessly.
And sometimes life tries to butt in and take over this peaceful ... Views: 1267
5 Secrets to “Unshakeable” Self-Confidence
When you are grounded, focused, and self-assured, you will be unstoppable. You will be free to express yourself, share your unique skills, talents and gifts with the world. You will be able to accomplish things in your personal and professional ... Views: 5038
I think that we can all agree that there is only one superman. I think that we can also agree that it’s definitely not me or you. So since it ain’t me I don’t have to try to pretend like it is.
One of the biggest mistakes that I have seen people in leadership or supervisory positions make is ... Views: 1352
The word “intention” is used in many ways. The dictionary definition that fits most closely says “intention is conception of a thing formed first by the direct application of the mind to the individual object, idea or image. It is a stretching or bending of the mind towards an object.”
There ... Views: 2124
The key to fulfilling your heart’s desires is to recognize that your brain is hardwired to focus on what you want until you get it. You’re not wired to quit. In fact, giving up goes against human nature. And you possess the key skills needed to attain any desire. Skeptical?
Here’s the proof: ... Views: 1268
It is important to learn how to increase focus when working online since there are many distractions to contend with that decrease your work productivity! In order to have a profitable business on the internet your work efficiency must remain at a high level since in most cases you are working ... Views: 1234
I have watched so many people ponder, contemplate, do, not do, research, analyze, and ultimately not To Do”.
Why do so many find it so hard to do a simple thing like make a list of the things they need “To Do”?
Maybe it is because if they “To Do” they will now have “To Do” it!
Maybe it ... Views: 1014
Last week I was the after lunch speaker at a regional manager’s conference for Weingarten Realty. The theme was “The Power of Team” and my sixty minute presentation was entitled “Extraordinary Performance: The New Norm for Tough Times”. The challenge? Keeping people awake and engaged after the ... Views: 2034
Well-apparently we all do, if we want to achieve our goals and live our best life.
Recently in ESPN The Magazine, NFL Draft 2011 was the cover story. In this issue was an article by Jonah Lehrer which opened with the following: “Top NFL quarterbacks don’t need smarts. They need ... Views: 1619
“The heart of a champion has to do with the depth of our Commitment.” Bill Russell
The championship crown, winning the playoff title, eluded LeBron James once again. He is in a league of his own when it comes to basketball. When LeBron is focused, he plays a brilliant game of basketball. When ... Views: 2922
Article Title: Jim Clark: The Most Naturally Gifted Formula One Driver of All Time?
Tags: Jim Clark, motor racing, Formula One, great Grand Prix drivers, racing drivers, champion drivers, Grand Prix drivers, Grand Prix champions, Formula One champions/drivers, tribute, elite performance, ... Views: 2343
Often time's information overload results from a wandering mind which of course is more receptive to distractions! For anybody who works online this is particularly true due to the quantity of information available on anything imaginable! In fact search engines offer up a double edge sword to ... Views: 982
Article Title: OVERDRIVE: Formula One In The Zone – A BOOK “REVIEW
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words/tags): Motor racing, Grand Prix drivers, Formula One, “the zone”, “in the zone”, sport, success, achievement, peak performance, mind, the mind of a racing driver, mindset of a top ... Views: 1322
Article Title: OVERDRIVE: Formula One In The Zone – Some More "Book Reviews"
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Motor racing, motor sport, Grand Prix drivers, Formula One, "the zone", "in the zone", sport, success, achievement, peak performance, mind, mind-power, motivation, ... Views: 1366
Times have changed and leadership is undergoing an evolution. Leadership is no longer confined to those at the top of organizations, indeed it is no longer confined to those working within organizations. Leadership is becoming an essential skill for us all; it offers us many insights into how we ... Views: 1218
Article Title: The Mind of a Great Racing Driver: An Interview with Ayrton Senna... perhaps the Fastest and Greatest Grand Prix Racer of Them All!
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Tags (key words): Motor racing, Ayrton Senna, Denis Jenkinson, elite performance, champion, champions, Formula 1, ... Views: 1310
I arrived to check in at my hotel in the middle of long business trip. I approached the counter and was greeted by a pleasant young woman with her name emblazoned on a badge affixed to her shirt. It said “Melanie.” Underneath her name was printed one additional word, the dreaded ... Views: 959
Having experienced much frustration with unreturned calls from vendors I wonder how these people stay in business. Whatever happened to common customer service? In this economy how can they afford to ignore customer calls?
I came across a blog from speaker colleague Bruce Turkel a branding ... Views: 1324
Finding your passion in life is very important. It sets you on your life's journey and keeps you strong and motivated, even when times prove difficult. Lucky are those who stumble upon theirs at such a young age, but there are still those who have no idea where to start looking. Right now, you ... Views: 2002
Article Title: Formula One: Sharing Some Quotes by the Great Grand Prix Drivers
Submitted by Craig Lock
Key Words: Motor racing, books, book "reviews", sport, elite performance, champion, champions, Formula 1, great racing drivers, racing drivers, champion drivers, Grand Prix drivers, Grand ... Views: 3374
Article Title: Mind Games: "The Winning Edge" (from 'The Winning Mind and Endless Possibilities, Far and Great Horizons')
Category (key words): Success, Success Principles, Motivation, Inspiration, Sports Psychology, Sport, Mind, Bill Beswick, Mind Control, Positive Thinking and Positive ... Views: 1277
The Seven Tips of Relationship Building
Every day we meet and interact with hundreds of people but we do not treat these occasions as a means of relation building that will eventually lead to a foundation of our success.
You must understand that all successful outcomes are created by and ... Views: 1019