Harnessing the Universal Law of Attraction can be a challenge. When it works, it feels miraculous; and when it does not, it raises doubts and leaves us feeling frustrated. I believe there is a higher element to this “attractor factor.” I call it Flow: Once you set the intention, a power greater ... Views: 840
The following golden nuggets of wisdom are based on the lessons I have learned while working on myself and working with others. As we live these “truisms,” we are moving toward optimal health for the mind, body and soul. The overall quality of our lives and relationships will also improve. I ... Views: 1140
Recently, death took two significant people in my life: my beloved aunt (mother figure) and my younger brother (only sibling). They died two months apart. My aunt’s death was expected, but my brother’s was sudden. My world shattered and my heart broke. While I believe the soul is eternal and ... Views: 1033
Harnessing the Universal Law of Attraction can be a challenge. When it works, it feels miraculous; and when it does not, it raises doubts and leaves us feeling frustrated. I believe there is a higher element to this “attractor factor.” I call it Flow: Once you set the intention, a power greater ... Views: 1088
“What you seek is seeking you” --
Rumi—13th century Persian poet and Sufi master
Rumi’s quote reminds us that our intentions have power: Synchronicity, positive thinking, Law of Attraction, God, or Higher Order (whatever we call it) guides and supports us through life. When we set our ... Views: 1201
During the past few months, I have been surrounded by death: a relative, a friend and two acquaintances. While feeling sad for those who have died and those who are left to grieve, I also had a realization: The dying process is a time to let go, whether we want to or not. With commitment, ... Views: 1128
“Give without expectation and receive with reckless abandon.”
― By Colleen Mariotti, Livology: A Global Guide to a Deliberate Life
Enjoy this holiday season and be mindful of the ways in which you give and receive. The quotes abound on this subject. I like the quotes that highlight the ... Views: 1652
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” – Pablo Picasso
A few days after working with an energy worker, I had a revelation: I understood that as a young child, I was captivated by people. I observed and empathized with them. It was natural for me to ... Views: 1252
Whether we are raising children, working in a job, running a business, or retired, we cannot escape the fast pace, stress induced life that surrounds us. Life has lost its simplicity: I need three to five gadgets to work my TV; it takes six steps to download an ebook from the library; and I ... Views: 1157
“Kindness is like snow—it beautifies everything it covers.” – Kahil Gibran
After a year filled with political incivility, I feel as though my body and soul need a reminder that human beings are also compassionate and kind. While the media aggrandizes and normalizes aggressive behavior, it is ... Views: 1083
When we allow a past disappointment or betrayal to linger in our minds and bodies, we pay a price. Anger, guilt, hatred, resentment, bitterness, and despair can lead to disruptive relationships, emotional illness, physical disease and less enjoyment in life. When someone says, “I cannot forgive ... Views: 1418
While speaking with a health care provider recently, I said these words: “I feel as though I am walking in my own shoes.” In that moment, a stillness filled my body as I allowed this truth to resonate with me. I could see how after more than 40 years of self-discovery, my life reflected ME—what ... Views: 1002
Have you noticed that your words and actions get misinterpreted by others and do not bring you the outcomes you want? Words and actions can be easily misunderstood. When that happens, I suggest you look at your intentions and attitude. When they are positive and constructive, your interactions ... Views: 1202
“The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”
-- Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher.
As I listen to people struggling with their illnesses or physical discomforts, I continue to be amazed that most do not make the connection between how they live their lives and their physical ... Views: 1052
If you are feeling stressed by a life event, stuck on your way to achieving a goal, or in conflict with yourself or another, it may be time to examine your thinking. Your negative beliefs, attitudes and assumptions may be hijacking your emotions, sabotaging your success and ruining your ... Views: 1217
The recent mass killing in Orlando made me pause and reflect. I felt sad and sent love and prayers to the victims and their loved ones. I felt angry that assault weapons are on our streets and can fall into the hands of destructive zealots and mentally ill people. I felt anxious for the future ... Views: 1035
Blaming ourselves leads to feeling guilty, and feeling guilty can trigger an expectation of punishment. When self-blame becomes a habit, we carry a heavy burden throughout our lives. The feeling that we are being punished for some wrong doing or not being good enough plagues us. Before we ... Views: 1180
Feeling anxious is a part of being human. We can’t run away from anxiety if we are fully participating in life. If one of my adult children were to be diagnosed with a life altering illness, I would become an anxious mother. Going through two divorces, I felt anxious about how I would move ... Views: 1340
What do the Kepler planet-hunting spacecraft, measurements of gravitational waves and pulsars, the study of epigenetics, and Disney’s Hollywood Studios Star Wars fireworks have in common? And, what do they have to do with integrative wellness? These accomplishments, and so many more, excite me ... Views: 1026
Heart Awareness Month and Valentine’s Day are both celebrated in February. I don’t know whether that was planned, but the physical heart appears to be associated with our ability to give and receive love. We say: “My heart is overflowing with love for him/her” or “my heart is breaking for the ... Views: 1366
Do you create long and short-term goals?
Do you write down your goals or intentions?
Do you create a blueprint for your day?
As a success coach, I help individuals create and implement goals. Whether I am coaching a person about a life goal or an executive about leadership goals, I see ... Views: 1219
Energized marathon runners dressed in fun costumes with smiles on their faces, I could hardly believe my eyes. I said to my husband, “They do not even look tired after running 23 miles; they had another three miles to go.
We were meeting family at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, and it was an ... Views: 1044
Eating special foods, especially your favorite sugary treats and drinks, are part of celebrating the holidays. However, when you eat too much refined sugar, your insulin and blood sugar levels rise. If you make eating sugar a daily habit, you may develop insulin resistance: More and more insulin ... Views: 1058
Religion defines God based on a specific set of doctrines and rituals. Spirituality refers to a sacred energetic flow and way of being in the world. It cuts across all religious beliefs and traditions and influences your attitudes, feelings and behaviors toward yourself, others, nature and ... Views: 1058
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate and express gratitude. When we take the time to focus on that for which we are grateful, we feel fulfilled. Our cup overflows with feelings of abundance. According to Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles: “Gratitude is the single most important ... Views: 1260
After watching the video series, The Truth About Cancer, I am reminded how important it is for each of us to take charge of our health. If we do not, the powerful organizations currently in charge of our environment, our food, and our medical care will continue to lead us down a path that ... Views: 1067
October is breast cancer awareness month—the leading type of cancer in women (around 30%). Awareness focuses on prevention as well as treatment. Cancer prevention involves a healthy lifestyle and periodic screenings. Treatment involves making informed choices.
The research connecting ... Views: 872
Death is a part of living, but when it hits close to home, it leaves us feeling vulnerable, sad, angry, afraid and/or guilty. During the past month, three people I know died: 1) a middle aged woman who struggled with cancer for many years; 2) a 25 year old young man who made poor choices in his ... Views: 1083
Inner peace is an experience of inner calm and harmony—“all seems right with me and my world.” This state of awareness is possible each time we stop our incessant negative judgments, work with what is happening now and let go of striving for a desired outcome. These strategies are not new; ... Views: 1194
Last month two young female Army officers made history by becoming the first two women to complete the elite Army Ranger course—a two month training program that demands physical strength, mental discipline and endurance. Approximately one-quarter of the applicants for this grueling army ... Views: 1024
Getting breast cancer many years ago was devastating for me for many reasons. The most disturbing reason: Conventional doctors could not tell me what caused the disease, except for my taking hormones for 10 years. Being a take charge kind of person, I refused to feel like a victim to cancer. I ... Views: 1100
What does it take to become an active and vibrant 100 year old adult? Why is that important? If you are curious about what it takes to have optimal health and well-being, centenarians have much to teach you. Researchers are interviewing active centenarians from diverse cultures around the world, ... Views: 1196
Synchronicity appeared to be at work on my recent Mediterranean cruise. I found myself sitting next to or speaking with people who had challenges with cancer. Some of these individuals wanted to know more about my approach to overcoming cancer. Half way into the cruise, I “woke up.” My daily ... Views: 1849
In 2004, Time Magazine featured an article, “The Secret Killer.” Today, the role inflammation plays in the disease process continues to be ignored by many, including the conventional medical community. I was forced to learn about this silent killer with a cancer diagnosis 15 years ago, and it is ... Views: 1146
In our search for truth and inner peace, we place our feet on a path that is filled with paradoxes. Integrating and living what feels like opposite truths can be challenging to say the least. This one jumped out at me recently: We are individuals taking charge of our lives, and at the same time, ... Views: 1269
Are you a truth seeker? In those first moments of recognizing a new awareness or concept as a truth, your body usually confirms what your mind acknowledges. How do you recognize truth? When something strikes you as true, do you feel it as a sensation in your heart, head or body?
Whether the ... Views: 1002
On my first day in Venice, Italy, a half hour walk to a specific destination took my cousin and me over two hours even though we had two different maps. Street and river names are written on the corner of buildings but many buildings have no names. I soon realized that Venice was going to demand ... Views: 1142
Anger is a high energy emotion. When you can focus the energy in your anger towards an action that leads to a constructive outcome, you are turning your anger into power. Speaking up rather than acting out or holding back leads to healthier bodies and relationships that work.
Two divorces ... Views: 2354
Are you aware that the Earth is a powerful healing resource? A growing number of enthusiasts believe this planet is a never ending source of natural electrical energy that promotes health. Placing your body in direct connection with the Earth is viewed as an effective anti-inflammatory and ... Views: 1335
Do you think that your genetic blueprint is your destiny? I am fascinated by the “new science” called epigenetics (above the genes). Research is proving that gene expression, not necessarily your genetic blueprint, dictates your state of health.
Why is this important to you?
You have ... Views: 1195
As you learn NOT to take anything personally, you will bring harmony into your relationships. For example, someone may say or do something that feels like an attack on your self-worth, wellbeing or your beliefs. If you retaliate by defending or protecting yourself, you disrupt the connection ... Views: 1251
Are you addicted to seeing what is missing in your life instead of the fullness that already exists? After hearing my inner voice give thanks for my lovely home and wishing it had larger rooms and more storage, I had an epiphany. Suddenly I realized that giving thanks and asking for more at the ... Views: 1494
Recently I heard a spiritual teacher address a woman who asked whether she should continue to love and accept her partner of four years the way he was or move on. She wanted him to be more committed to the relationship in ways that mattered to her but could continue to love him unconditionally ... Views: 2822
Whether you meditate or just want to still your mind from its incessant chatter, I have a profound message to share with you. “Thirty sacred seconds” is all that it takes to allow your conscious mind to dis-identify with your thoughts and connect you with your divine mind. Each time you do this, ... Views: 1642
When I moved to California, I was physically unfit for strenuous exercise. My legs were weak; my chronic asthma debilitating. In spite of this, I took on the challenge of hiking a nearby 2,500 foot mountain, Mission Peak. The objective: To improve this fragile state of health and strengthen my ... Views: 1285
In today’s economic climate talented people are being forced to look for their next job or opportunity. Many of them have valuable skills and experience to offer an employer; and some are being given opportunities that take them out of their comfort zone. Some will get stuck in self-doubt, fear ... Views: 1953
Standing under the shaded cathedral of tall oak trees, I looked out upon a body of water alive with shimmering golden light. My soul was enchanted. In my mind's eye I could envision Native Americans living in this sacred place. I felt as though the earth, trees and water were pulling me into ... Views: 1406
If you have tried to eliminate a bad habit, you know how difficult change can be. Your good intentions fall apart as you try to eliminate overeating, procrastinating, negative thinking or being disorganized. Too often, as you proceed toward your desired outcome, you bump into internal resistance ... Views: 1855