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Since I am very interested in human potential and in personal growth, some time ago, I attended a motivational lecture given by George Foreman, the former heavyweight champion of the world.
Many years ago, I wrote a few articles about George Foreman’s fight with Muhammad Ali, so I was quite ... Views: 3380
Yes it's true that motivation plays a huge role in being productive but it finds its roots in your confidence! Being self confident is what actually motivates you to take a particular action that can contribute to you increasing productivity in any field! Lacking confidence in yourself or your ... Views: 1127
I love to learn. Information is like catnip to me. So in order not to drown in information, I have had to systemize things.
Library Books
For instance, when I get library books, I look at how many pages the book is and how many days I have before it is due. I divide how many pages by how ... Views: 1298
Striving to become a success in any field typically offers challenges some of which are too much for certain people to overcome! In many cases however the problem boils down to an inability to maintain your focus due to an assortment of distractions! Now anybody knows you can't expect to become ... Views: 1455
Maintaining and increasing your focus is absolutely essential for anybody striving to be more productive! It all stems from your ability to plan your work and work your plan but it is the way in which you do so that will give you the best results for increasing productivity in your ... Views: 952
When I help senior leaders with their strategy creation efforts, I’ll review past strategies and then the results, financial and otherwise, that those strategies produced. I’m frequently amazed when I see that smart, capable executives have developed and implemented strategies that should have ... Views: 1103
Learning how to increase productivity is the key to becoming successful at just about anything! In fact when you improve productivity you are also improving upon the quality of your life since you are now making the best use of time! This of course allows for you to do the other things that ... Views: 1163
"Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it." - Stan Smith
As athletes strive toward high performance, setbacks and failures occur. It is part of the process. Some athletes are easily able to put the failures into perspective. Other athletes hold onto them longer than ... Views: 1225
Love ~ The Energy That Is YOU!
Raise your vibration to manifest prosperity, health and happiness
The universal law “like attracts like” is absolute. We get what we want by the way we think and feel. So stop and think, what is the personal broadcast you’re sending out into the world? ... Views: 2311
People who say that procrastination is about laziness are probably the same people who think that anorexia is about not eating enough.
Procrastination isn’t about laziness. It’s about fear. It’s about perfectionism. It’s about overwhelm. We all experience it, and there are some tricks to ... Views: 1213
“Follow your heart and do what feels right for you, because that’s living. Everything else is dying.” - Henri Junttila
In the hectic world we live in today, sometimes it is hard to find ways to live life in complete happiness. You are entitled to live your life they way you want to and were ... Views: 1515
The middle finger is named after Saturn, the mythical god and planet that rules responsibility, structure and integrity. This purpose centres on commitments, both to yourself and with others. You will need to ensure you evaluate contracts carefully before you commit in order to ensure you can ... Views: 962
One of the great things about being a parent is the fun you can have teaching your kids about what you know and enjoy. I love tennis, golf, photography photography, racquetball, fishing, swimming and chess. Like many fathers, when I became a dad, I was eager to share some of these interests ... Views: 3294
Marketing success online requires more than learning new skills as any experienced internet entrepreneur will tell you! Building a profitable business is a process that calls for your active and full engagement for you to become successful! In no way should you expect the results you seek to ... Views: 1403
All professional people in whatever walks of life are looking to enhance performance.
Whether in business, sport, the arts or any other profession people want to be the best they can possibly be.
We all aspire to achieving our desired goals, but there are times when we feel like we’re ... Views: 1256
Peak performance. A buzz word used by coaches, trainers and athletes. What if that was only a small part of a bigger picture? By solely seeking peak performance athletes might be missing an even greater endeavor. High performance.
Sounds similar, but different in quality and approach. Peak ... Views: 1451
I love to watch movies any chance I get. Recently, I watched the 2006 movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, a rags-to-riches story based on the autobiographical book of the same name, written by Chris Gardner. The movie chronicles how Chris Gardner, despite all odds, makes it from down-and-out ... Views: 1516
One of the most powerful resources for improving all areas of your life is as simple as a good night's sleep. Yes, you have much to do, and miles to go before you...well, you get the joke.
But in order to raise your level of accomplishment in any arena, you must increase your energy. ... Views: 1005
In the coming years, the workforce will undergo the most dramatic changes it has experienced in more than half a century. Understanding that people costs account for some 65 percent of corporate spending, and that workforce optimization has a direct impact on shareholder as well ... Views: 1830
In a recent session I conducted with performers on what they wanted out of their performances, I found that many of the performers in the group were big believers in the Perfectionists’ Creed:
Perfectionists’ Creed: “If I try hard enough and I am very careful and I follow all of the ... Views: 3925
Putting is a very mental task. It has very little to do with the golfer’s strength or size. Great putting is all about confidence, accuracy, focus and relaxation.
Golfers who choke on short putts and golfers who lose tournaments have difficulty managing pressure and distractions when the ... Views: 6177
Improving productivity should be a primary and ongoing focus for any internet marketer being it affects their ability to earn an income! Now what we're talking about here is learning how to work smarter not harder which therefore boils down to increasing work efficiency! When working online ... Views: 980
The statistics speak. Most people spend more time at work than in any other activity; more than hours with their family, eating, sleeping, or interacting with friends. That said, wouldn’t it seem logical that we would spend an hour and some effort making our workspace as conducive to the job at ... Views: 1742
Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are - Forbes
Performance is the best measure of an athlete’s mental game. Let’s face it as athletes move up in rankings some unexpected circumstances will appear. At that moment, athletes will be faced with a decision on how ... Views: 2118
Self doubt is much like the killer disease in that it can actually kill any chances of you becoming successful! It almost doesn't matter what level of skills you may have if you lack confidence for any reason your own efforts will likely be counterproductive keeping you from your goals! Our ... Views: 1286
The internet marketer will encounter many obstacles when working online but none no more formidable than frustration! When building your business maintaining a positive attitude is a necessity because when faced with challenges your mindset can not afford to be infected with self doubt! Doubting ... Views: 840
I have recently been asked the question “What motivates and inspires you”? I found it rather difficult to answer this question at first and got inspired to write this article, now that I have given this issue some deep thought. When my son was 10 years old, I never needed to walk into his room ... Views: 1398
While media experts are predicting low television ratings, this year’s World Series could be a very interesting game for avid baseball fans.
Tony La Russa is a very clever manager and he may continue to implement some innovative strategies with his pitching staff. If he does, this could make ... Views: 2506
Tribute Shows are both a blessing and a godsend to fans and entertaining industry alike. A. K. An impressionist, look-alike and tribute artists, their presence is an illustration of respected persons which have touched the hearts of a lot of millions of people. The want of the people to ... Views: 918
One of the most neglected areas of our lives is our Physical health. I can never understand why so many people neglect to take care of the vehicle that supplies their energy and carries their mind. We can never expect to achieve anything meaningful and sustain our level of achievement if we ... Views: 1767
When you first start a new job, it's very beneficial to have a "first 90-days plan." Why? First, because it gives you some direction about where you want to focus your time and attention in your first three months and second, because many companies will give you a "90-day review" after your ... Views: 2291
Have you ever sat down to your computer, pressed the send/receive button on your email only to have it download a laundry list of emails that you know just by glancing at them aren’t important or urgent to growing your small business? First you look at them. You feel the pressure build up ... Views: 1289
Money is a vehicle, not a measurement of value. Today’s culture is plush with unprecedented comforts and luxuries. Yet, it seems the more material things we have the more we want. And it takes more and more money to get the good stuff, what we think is the good life. We need more to measure up. ... Views: 1536
Once you establish your own company, we have a tendency to look at our previous experience and how it has encouraged your employee's success – to notice what worked and what didn't. One of the essentials of a flourishing business is the openness to share your wisdom and enthusiasm of doing what ... Views: 1489
In a world of continuous connectivity, creating focus is a challenge for even the most disciplined small business owners. Some studies even suggest that only 20-30% of focused time is spent on priority areas. The news of the day, email, and texts can have you getting sidetracked never ... Views: 1147
Article Title: The Mind of a Great Racing Driver
Submitted by Craig Lock
Tags (key words): Motor racing, Ayrton Senna, Denis Jenkinson, champion, champions, Formula 1, great racing drivers, racing drivers, champion drivers, Grand Prix drivers, Grand Prix champions, Formula One ... Views: 1408
We are approaching the World Series, so baseball is on the minds of many Americans right now.
And baseball fans and sports pundits like to debate the issue of who is the best hitter of all time. And it is hard to compare hitters from different baseball eras.
However, my colleague, pal ... Views: 2797
Article Title: The Principles Of Success : "The Winning Edge" (from 'The Winning Mind' and 'Endless Possibilities, Far and Great Horizons')
Category (key words): Success, Success Principles, Peak Performance, Achievement, Motivation, Inspiration, Sports Psychology, Sport, Mind, Mind Control, ... Views: 1022
Coaches from around the country and maybe from the world, sometimes remind athletes to “get their head into the game,” during an athletic contest.
This well known sport cliché is a way to remind athletes to tune out distractions and stay focused on what is happening on the playing field or on ... Views: 4020
A goal is a target on which you aim your focus and put your time and effort into the process of achieving. There are five steps essential in guiding you toward achieving and realizing your goals. Achieving a goal can take longer and require more commitment than you realize or might imagine. ... Views: 1496
Passion is defined as a strong emotion or feeling about something, or, a burst of strong emotions. We all are passionate about things in our lives: our family, children, hobbies and, hopefully our careers. I recently read the book The Corner Office by Adam Bryant. The book captures the ... Views: 1564
The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are but in what directiom we are moving. Oliver Wendall Holmes
How old is too old, when athletes are over the hill and ought to begin considering retirement? Each individual is unique. Some athletes keep going, like the energizer bunny, ... Views: 1982
'You either have rhythm or you do not. And when you have it, you have it all over.' These words have been said by the king of rock and roll Elvis Presley. And though the king himself is no more, these words remain true today more and more.
They put into proportion the attempts of thousands of ... Views: 850
Often times people can get a quick taste of online success and allow this to become more a barrier then something to build upon. Making a profit quickly is the best way to start an online business since the positive feedback helps you build momentum but some internet marketers fail to ... Views: 874
When it comes to making the right decisions, most people find it easy if they do not have problems and issues about the topic concerned. Otherwise they will certainly procrastinate and even let the matter drag over time. This is especially the case when the decisions require sacrifices – giving ... Views: 739
Many couples who come to see me for marriage counseling report that they are having communication problems. These communication problems frequently involve power struggles around money, sex, parenting, household responsibilities, in-laws, trust and leisure time.
It is not easy to resolve ... Views: 1390
School has started and lots of young athletes will be trying out for school teams. And some kids will fail to make the team. Others won’t get the playing time they think they deserve. This time of year, I get lots of calls from parents of young athletes who are upset about their child’s role ... Views: 5529
Boosting work efficiency leads to increasing your business productivity so in this way it is always a good idea! This is especially important for the typical internet marketer since in most cases they face the challenge of juggling many tasks without the help of others! The profitability of ... Views: 1007
In the article yesterday we explored the necessity of regular rest, proper nutrition and for making time in your day to clear your mind and meditate. The greatest challenge you will face, as you try to introduce these three crucial components into your life, is that you will feel like you are ... Views: 1830