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Core Desires are those things you have your heart set on- what you want to be, have, or do most. One might think that identifying these Core Desires would be easy, but people often tell me, "I don't know what I want, please help me." This dilemma affects people of all age groups and crosses all ... Views: 11936
There will always be barriers and obstacles between where you are right now and where you want to be. If your desire is fairly strong, you will definitely get started on it. You will probably spend a lot of money and time on it, too. You may even get most of the way there. However, the day you ... Views: 2384
Mind-sets can be accurate from a rational point of view but still be wrong. For example, a management professor at Yale University once responded to a student's proposal of a reliable overnight service that it was a "concept that is interesting and well informed, but in order to earn better than ... Views: 2572
Bonnie St. John Deane grew up in hospitals, in leg braces, and on the wrong side of the tracks, but that didn't stop her from believing that an African-American girl, with only one leg, could learn to ski.
As soon as I learned to ski a little, I set my sights on qualifying to compete in the ... Views: 2318
Many years ago, when I was teaching karate, I could usually tell how well my students would perform from their motivation to learn in the first place. Often it was just a passing fancy, an ego trip, or a belt. But for others it was a burning desire.
Once, a university professor approached me ... Views: 2152
Although many people acknowledge that we are born with an incredible, God-given power to do, have, or become whatever we want, no one has explained what it is or how to turn it on. We wonder, "Where is the switch to my hidden energy?"
Your Core Desire is the switch. Having your heart fixed ... Views: 2339
Cold calling sales tips is something I decided to write about after reading an article in Inc. Magazine.
The article was about David Rosen. He sells $500,000 worth of wine a year to private individuals across the country.
This guy loves and lives on making cold calls.
David is extremely ... Views: 1937
When you become aware of the root of achievement, every door you wish to go through will open wide. It truly is the key to success. Whether you use it to open the door or not is your choice, something you have total control over. Whether you choose to open the door or not depends solely on your ... Views: 3137
Bruce Jenner seemed to have it all. He was the 1976 Olympic decathlon champion who seemed too All-American to be true. He was the man on the Wheaties box and on the cover of Sports Illustrated. But in 1980, by his own account, you would never have recognized him.
I was living in the hills ... Views: 3170
Most people want instant gratification. The good news is that when you're pursuing genuine Core Desires, in most cases you experience constant gratification. You don't have to wait to have fun or joy when you are on the path leading toward your genuine Core Desire.
Having a life in which ... Views: 2230
Like Michael Jordan, I have achieved everything important in my life and work without any goal-setting. I never wrote down that I would be a professional speaker or author of a book.
My background would suggest that what I have accomplished in life is impossible. I was ... Views: 1464
There is a better way to achieve the success you want-a way that is simple and easy to understand because it is basic to your soul; in fact, it is the DNA of all success. It is the way people have achieved success from the beginning of time. It worked before there were self-help experts, it ... Views: 1394
Success is not found somewhere out there-success resides inside, for each of us. You already have what it takes to succeed in life. You were born with all you need. Your birth certificate doesn't come with any guarantees of success, but when you were born you came fully equipped with talents, ... Views: 1430
You step up to the three-point line. The pressure is on as the other team tries to block, but you effortlessly avoid them. The world narrows until all you see is the hoop. You take the shot. The ball floats through the air and drops into the basket…all net.
It’s every basketball player’s ... Views: 1888
Yes, it's true. I can laugh now but it was no joking matter back then when I hurled my golf club farther than I had just hit that last shot. I also laugh at myself when I think of the time when I was intimidated by an employee and changed my operational plan because I was "afraid" that he would ... Views: 1021
There’s the old saying: “It is better to give than to receive,” but really, that’s only the half of it, right?
“Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process,” said Jim Rohn.
Deepak Chopra, in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, refers to the Law of Giving: ... Views: 2536
Removing stress in a team is just one way of helping people to become their best and reach their potential. Very often stress is misunderstood or the causes of stress maybe misdiagnosed. In this article I describe one of the most common causes of stress that very often people fail to identify: ... Views: 2353
Communication is at once easier and more challenging than ever thanks to the availability of high tech devices and programs that can keep us connected to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Now might be a great time to map out a personal communication strategy and review whether your time and energy ... Views: 1910
A new year, and in this case a new decade, often finds us looking back on our lives and thinking about what we’d like to be different in the future. I always get intensively reflective around this time, looking at past mistakes and bad habits, but quickly shifting my focus to the year ahead and ... Views: 1491
You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime…
While you might agree that partnering and teaming achieves more and better outcomes than your own two hands alone, how often do you go beyond just accepting that working with others is simply a reality of business life and consciously ... Views: 2565
Independence Day has recently passed and just around the corner it is time to turn attention to the baseball All Star Game and then the opening of professional football summers camp. Three events that implicitly signify the halfway point of the year. Yes summer is heating up, how about ... Views: 1126
Think of this expression for one moment: “you should take more responsibility for your work!” If you are like me, this may be an expression that you have used in the past to express your frustration at the paltry efforts of your subordinates, employees or teammates. But let’s think about it for ... Views: 2495
Sales ignorance is nothing to laugh about. In fact salespeople who are ignorant seldom realize it. Ain't that amazing?
Ten quick ways to becoming a sales ignoramus - really:
1. Keep everything in your head. Never write it down. Do you think it's possible to remember everything you ... Views: 1783
Most anybody would be interested in making a positive change in their life. In an age of 'self awareness' everybody is always looking for ways to improve themselves. Whether it is for personal success or professional success self improvement can offer you many benefits. Some of these benefits ... Views: 1446
Achieving great success in your life is a relative accomplishment since everybody has different values, goals and priorities. This is not by any means to de-value certain accomplishments since reaching for any goal is admirable. However it is important to recognize people do have different ways ... Views: 799
Each and every one of us possesses creative intelligence most of which is likely untapped and therefore unused. Whether it is a preoccupation with our busy lives or sheer laziness thinking outside the box is something most of us do not do enough of. Nonetheless these creative resources still ... Views: 1493
Getting Real is a very real thing and a very vital part of being successful and happy in our life and our work. If you want to create a happy and authentic life, you are going to have to get real.
What does it mean to Get Real? It means to:
* Live in the whole truth, recognizing that your ... Views: 1346
One of the very best ways to increase productivity is to clear away many of the barriers you have developed over the years. Let's face it we all have formed habits that impede our personal productivity. Whether it is due to procrastination or perhaps our inability to delegate, we all have ... Views: 1331
Every one of us is 'bestowed' with creative intelligence that for the most part is under utilized due to other responsibilities and busy lifestyles. This is not to make excuses for the under-utilization of our creative skills but merely an exclamation as to why they are not used more often. The ... Views: 1422
I got an invoice from my lawyer a couple of days back – for what exactly I’m not sure, as his services didn’t really match the bill! He said he was sending out invoices to a as many people as he could think of, to “keep the wolf from the door in these challenging times”.
Challenging times ... Views: 1647
Analyzing A Whole Brain Thinker in Action
What does selling shoes have to do with using your whole brain effectively? Nothing if you are merely trying to sell shoes.
But if you are someone like Tony Hsieh of Zappos, selling shoes is merely the starting point of something with much greater ... Views: 3219
A- Assurance. Has this ever happened to you: you deliver a planned, powerful, positioned presentation, and your prospect says something like, “Sounds great! I like it, I want, I need it. I’m going to do it! (wait for it…) Call me Tuesday!” You call Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday… ... Views: 2678
Many people have been have been inspired by the buzz about a very recognizable TV producer’s search for the next big TV show host! If this sounds familiar, you already know I am talking about Oprah. Whether you are going for Oprah’s contest, or you have your sights set on other networks that ... Views: 2013
“The new corporate contract is that we’ll offer you an opportunity to express yourself and grow, if you promise to leash yourself to our dream, at least for a while.” - John Sculley, former Apple CEO
Creativity is self-expression. One of my favorite business books is David Whyte’s The Heart ... Views: 1795
Are you always looking for a way to stay sharp, gain an edge and boost your personal productivity? If so you are in the good company of a large percentage of the rest of the population of the planet earth. With so much to do and the list seemingly growing every day we are all looking to increase ... Views: 1351
It seems more times than not people fall short of their goals or aspirations when marketing on the internet. Now there is not any singular reason keeping folks from achieving success in business online. Often it can be found that information overload is a large obstacle that many fail to ... Views: 1389
"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way." - Edward de Bono
Q. Really, what’s the big deal about being more creative? Why would I want to be?
A. In every aspect of our lives-our homes, parenting, gardens, meals, finances, how ... Views: 1143
Have you got a to-do list? Or maybe five of them? (one for work, one for home, one for projects, that pile of mail, all those emails...)
As leaders we can get very bogged down in crap that sucks our energy and time, before we ever do anything meaningful. So here is my quick list for you to ... Views: 1358
We sometimes encounter quotes on life that has an inspirational value and is moving. Upon reading these quotations, we are somewhat encouraged to live our lives to the fullest and in a positive way. Normally, these quotations are made from the famous philosophers and famous icons. But all of us ... Views: 834
The use of effective time management techniques is an absolute must for anybody working online from home. The home environment has plenty of built-in distractions to begin plus it is also likely that there is nobody to whom you can delegate any of your work. With a lot to do and nobody to help ... Views: 710
I love listening to other drummers to hear where they’re coming from musically and what motivates their choices. I often share my observations with colleagues while shooting the breeze. My questions framing the conversation are always the same; “What makes this drummer great?” “What separates ... Views: 1164
The other day after watching an incredible gymnastic display I heard someone say ‘I wish I could do that – it must be great to be born so talented!’.
I remember myself that when I was younger, I used to marvel at incredible performance and presumed it was due to ‘talent’ that people were born ... Views: 1921
If you want to be successful, look around at successful people. How do they achieve their success? There are typically five factors that lead them to their success.
First, they dreamed a dream. One of the requirements of being successful is having the desire-–something that drives you to ... Views: 1404
I’ve just received an email from a reader who tells me that, after wasting many years on “normal” living and “normal” people, she is now determined to take the necessary steps to find peace of mind, contentment, happiness and success. Her use of the word “normal” refers to many of my articles ... Views: 1837
Increasing productivity in your life usually starts with identifying those areas or reasons that may be 'wasting' your time or energy. With the fast pace lives many lead it is easy to develop the bad habit of putting many things off till later. This results in an accumulation of clutter and ... Views: 993
In these trying economic times, we are all looking for opportunities to save costs and increase productivity. Businesses have a huge opportunity to increase productivity staring them in the face that unfortunately has gone virtually undetected.
What is that opportunity? The reclaimed ... Views: 976
Our lives are the product of what we ourselves do to create them. Although, ultimately, we cannot fully control our lives, we can, in the right frame of mind, exert a huge influence on our success and happiness. Unfortunately, however, the normal person exerts little or no influence at all ... Views: 1710
Carrying around a negative attitude is like carrying around a gorilla on your back. Not only are you less attractive to others but your attitude also makes everything you do much more difficult. It feels like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders (actually it is just a ... Views: 2575
As many already know getting motivated to do certain things can be very challenging. This lack of motivation may be due to several reasons any of which serve as an obstacle keeping us from taking action. Since life is NOT a spectator sport and there are things that need to be done it is ... Views: 1412
When you are at the top of a big organization or business, you need Personal Power, so that people and your subordinates and your peers are motivated or animated behind your vision regarding in which direction your business is headed. In this case, you would find that the farther the ... Views: 930