One of the most important topics discussed in recent years in the field of neuroscience explores the mind-body relationship and the fact (yes, it is a fact) that much of our best “thinking” does not occur in the traditional rational left brain-centered approach. This more thorough scientific ... Views: 1195
Many of our clients (and we as parents) are striving to raise emotionally healthy kids and teenagers. Being a parent is a very difficult job. Many parents I know make a conscious effort to deal with their young child or teenager. They have found that being a conscious parent is even more ... Views: 861
Are you chronically unhappy? Are you unconsciously taking the seven steps to depression, unhappiness & dissatisfaction? Are you living life from the subconscious programming you;re accustomed to even if it's a block to the experience of a good life? Do people always have ideas about how to ... Views: 1264
Nicole and I are asked by our clients to simplify complex ideas so that they can put these ideas into action. That's something that we love to do. If any idea becomes too complex it becomes very difficult to put those very good ideas into action. Below, we have listed 7 steps to help you move ... Views: 1179
Have you ever consciously considered what you are modeling to your kids? Do you stop to consider that children are very susceptible to modeling? Modeling is the copying of behavior without understanding the thought process behind the behavior. Children need mentors. Children need to be equipped ... Views: 890
Since the mid-70s the liposuction myth has been sold as the ultimate shortcut by surgeons who profit from this idea that we have internalized about ourselves- that "we are not enough" as we are and that we can be "fixed" by this (and other) short-term solutions. This is one of, if not the most ... Views: 812
Are you dealing with an angry ex? If you have children, have gone through a divorce or separation, and are dealing with a hostile or a non-cooperative parent, you find yourself in a difficult situation where parental alienation is often the result. Ideally, both parents would put aside their ... Views: 3067
Our clients often ask what are the secrets to lifelong success. The tell us that is seems that no matter how much or how hard they try to "will" the process forward they eventually end up self-sabotaging. For everyone the answer is different but we'll share with you 5 steps that help you to tap ... Views: 898
How connecting with the universal energy helps you manifest your dreams.
(excerpt from the book The 5 Laws of Conscious Living)
Each of us radiates an energy vibe others feel. We also personally harmonize with certain energies, those that we are most focused on. Each of these channels or ... Views: 1661
How you live a great life by learning how to discover and follow your path (excerpt from the book The 5 Laws of Conscious Living)
Living life from your center means that your experience of life is not determined by external life situations. As you grow, you learn about yourself, and you ... Views: 1084
Peole are taught that the rational mind is the final arbiter of good decision makingFor many people, the answer is yes. Why? Because many of these people feel a sense of safety dealing with life from the rational perspective. Life becomes a list of tasks that can be checked off the list. ... Views: 966
(Excerpted from the book, The 5 Laws to Conscious Living)
We all want to achieve different objectives in life. The sense of accomplishment when we face and then surmount the challenges in our life broadens our base for an increasing experience of life. Our confidence goes up and we become ... Views: 1608
Learning life skills for kids and teens -The Five A’s of Helping Children Learn Accountability
An important part of the experience of children is pushing against limits, exploring boundaries, and seeing how to function within boundaries. They are not bad or wrong for following these normal ... Views: 2174
"The only problem with winning the rat race is you have to be a rat to win."
How can I be happy? Why am I depressed? How do I change your life? How do I attract abundance into my life? How can I lose weight? Is there a secret to living a life with abundance in my health, relationship, and ... Views: 1012
Here's a primer the condenses current research into working out and shows you how to maximize your workout results and look great in less time! (
Do you belong to a gym? Do you see the same people doing the same routine for the same amount of time? What happens? They look the same! 90% of ... Views: 2322