In the journey of personal mastery it is important to recognize and own the very core “powers” or functions of your mind-body system. It is important to recognize and own your “Power Zone”. When you do this, you establish the foundation for your personal empowerment, responsibility, and ... Views: 1482
CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Coaching provides support for leaders, prepares them for future opportunities
Just like writers need editors and children need parents, current and future executives need ... coaches.
And executive coaching or one-on-one business mentoring isn't just for a company's top ... Views: 1480
Once you’re consciously aware of how you create your internal (mental/emotional) states and your resulting experience of life, you’ll be prepared and poised to be in charge of your life. You don’t have to go through your life on autopilot, sometimes feeling good and get the outcomes you want, ... Views: 1415
Your "internal map of reality" has produced a "life script" that is creating your experience of life. And I think it safe to say that it's not always what you want. Yes?
Now, your "internal map of reality" and "life script" are about 2 things; seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Anything ... Views: 1363
So much of our internal processing is happening at warp speed, and happens beneath our conscious awareness. So once again I say it's going to take practice, and persistence, to become a skilled observer. I know that you can do this, you can achieve mastery. And, as you begin to intentionally run ... Views: 1256
Beliefs are one of THE most important and most misunderstood. aspects of your Internal Map of Reality. You probably think you already know what you believe. There are beliefs hidden in the subconscious part of your "critical mind" that can wreak havoc in your life if they go unchecked.
We ... Views: 1170
You know things could be better and you are committed to make the necessary changes. You’re motivated. Why then is change so difficult? here’s why, You have, what is called, in NLP lingo, an Internal Map of Reality—an internal processing strategy and system, a life script, that takes what you ... Views: 1250
Have you ever asked yourself, “is what I believe worth believing?” I’ll bet you’ve never gone inside your mind and watched how your languaging and believes create the outcomes you’re getting.
You can learn to transform your life and the key is to go inside and observe how you have ... Views: 1246
Beliefs are a key part of your internal map of reality. Your beliefs produce your experience of life. There are a lot of people who really don’t know what they believe.
Transformation comes as you become aware of what your beliefs are. I want you to play along; observe inside your own head, ... Views: 1207
Are you interested in running your mind? Do you want to learn how to use your mind with intentionality to create a better life? We all are creating our lives and the larger percentage of what we are doing to create it, is happening beneath our conscious awareness. It is possible, however, to ... Views: 1403
Stress is caused by your body preparing to face a physical threat - and then doing nothing. When we get wound up our bodies prepare to hit something or to run away - that's how our ancestors stayed alive before we built towns with walls and weapons to defend ourselves.
Of course, nowadays, ... Views: 1322
It’s been said that through meditation, you are able to calm not only your body but your mind as well. It may sound too difficult to try, however, there are ways to make meditation as simple as possible. This article for those who are hesitant to meditate because of the perception that ... Views: 1285
They say that aging is one of the causes that lead to the deteriorating of your brain’s performance. As you grow older, your memory becomes out of form, this is why there are illnesses such as the unfortunate Alzheimer’s disease. Fortunately, there are already known ways that can help you better ... Views: 1232
You may have personally experienced, or just heard from other people, of the mental boost that they get from smoking. Perhaps, for a short period of time such boost may be true, however in the long run, the effect of the tobacco consumption may be more dangerous to your brain than what you have ... Views: 1744
These seven steps might help you in your quest to keep your brain working at optimum.
1. Engage in a Regular Exercise Regimen.
Do simple exercises like a simple walk or jog. It may not be as intense as a full-blown work-out. You just have to keep your body physically fit and active. Simple ... Views: 3259
What are your excuses for not doing something about your life? When you start learning anything, the line of least resistance has the tendency to win. Don't fall into the trap!
Set your goals. Choose a course of action. Hire a coach, hypnotherapist, or other professional to assist you as you ... Views: 1566