Everyone knows one of THOSE PEOPLE; someone whose language patterns are so negative that you wonder if anyone can help them out of their “self-imposed messes” that they have created. I get those too, not a lot of them, but occasionally.
I have a client that for a while now; I’ve been ... Views: 1448
We all from time to time encounter situations that make it hard for us to remain calm, cool and collected. Some people are a bomb ready to go off at any second while other just go with the flow?
What is it that we are trying to accomplish? Why do some things just make us go crazy while other ... Views: 1800
What would you do if your parent asked you to move back home to help with managing the household because your other parent was ill? What if you lost your job and couldn’t find a new one? What if a combination of factors-including but not limited to the recession, economy and life issues-created ... Views: 1752
Thought viruses are statements, ideas or comments, beliefs or beliefs about beliefs (also called values). There are two parts that you need to know about “thought viruses” the first of which is, that these beliefs come in many forms but mostly from people in positions of “authority”. The other ... Views: 4788
In all the Cuban business there is one man who stands out on the horizon of my memory like the north star at midnight.
When war broke out between Spain and the United States, it was very necessary to communicate quickly with the leader of the rebels. Garcia was somewhere in the mountain ... Views: 2446