We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Peak Performance". If you have expertise in Peak Performance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Beware of Charlie-Down-the-Block. Charlie is the (generic) person in your new client's life that tells them they are making a mistake doing business with you. Charlie-Down-the-Block is not a particular individual, but the person who ALWAYS knows better than you what is best for your prospective ... Views: 1433
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The problem with the employer/employee relationship is that most employers will only pay you just enough to keep you and most employees will only work just hard enough not to get fired. What a terrible arrangement!
In order for this relationship to progress, ... Views: 1269
Leadership Strategy Number Eight
Treat the mail clerk and the secretaries and the waiters and waitresses who wait on you with the same courtesy and respect as you do the CEO. People who are rude to people they deem beneath them and nice to people they deem above them are phonies and as a ... Views: 1610
Leadership Strategy Number Six
Tell me about your attitude. You may say, “Oh, John, I’ve heard about attitude all my life. And I know you have heard about attitude all your life, but you haven’t heard about it today. Did you know that it is your attitude, not your aptitude that determines ... Views: 1234
Leadership Strategy Number One
You have to have it before you have it. Let me ask you this: how many of you are driving your dream car? Before you ever had that car, I would imagine you saw it in your garage, saw in your driveway, saw it in both. I’ll bet you saw yourself driving that car ... Views: 1504
As a woman in a man’s world, learning to navigate the realm of business and leadership was comparable to charting a course to a yet undiscovered planet in another solar system. Starting out as young entrepreneurs, business success was something we both yearned for, however, knowing what to do ... Views: 1586
"While this is tough, I am a whole lot tougher." James Loehr
How fast you go out at the beginning of a race is a personal decision. Some athletes end up giving away that control without even realizing what they’re doing. Quickly you are caught up in the energy of those around you. When you ... Views: 1410
Leadership Strategy Number Fourteen
Avoid mingling with co-workers who are not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, avoid mingling with anybody that is not trying to make something out of their lives. This is what the gurus will tell you. Researchers conducted this particular study and the ... Views: 1331
How are you doing on your most important goals? How do you even know unless you are carefully measuring your progress on each goal?
You are not alone. You probably already know that 91% of New Year’s Resolutions -- you know the ones to lose weight, go to the gym, and clean out that junk ... Views: 1890
Have you ever before dreamed of taking part in a musical instrument and clueless as to what type of instrument is ideal to execute with? Very well, learn how to participate in a violin and also you will in no way regret it. It is, by much, one of the coolest instruments to engage in with.
For ... Views: 967
Maintaining your focus can be very difficult when working online due to all the distractions the internet environment has to offer! Of course this can also have a detrimental effect on your work productivity and as any veteran marketer will tell you, this can easily doom your chances of ... Views: 1140
Whether you are an entrepreneur growing your business or the CEO of an international multi-continent corporation, your organization’s sustainable future rests squarely on your shoulders. It is leadership not management that sets the course for an organization and it is the leader’s vision, ... Views: 1537
Most athletes who train to compete spend most of their time preparing for ideal situations. Well if you have been competing long enough you know that eventually you will hit a perfect storm. I’m not talking about where everything works out just as you expected. What I mean is you are going to ... Views: 2283
Has personal responsibility for self and taking control of your life taken a backseat to victimhood and blaming others? Feng Shui is all about taking responsibility for self and creating the life you want, not the life others think you should live or tell you to think.
Feng Shui principles ... Views: 1457
Much of success is about performance. It’s about what we do and what we are able to inspire others to do. There are some simple performance principles I have learned in my life, and I want to share them with you. They really bring success, and what it takes to be successful, into sharp focus. ... Views: 2515
Clarity will increase your desire and move you in the direction of your goals and dreams. Legendary motivator Jim Rohn said, “It’s not the direction of the wind, but the setting of the sails that really matters.”
I want to remind you that you were born to win, but to be the winner you were ... Views: 5139
It's Monday morning. You just had a fun and relaxing weekend - and now it's time to get back to the grind.
It's understandable that most people dread Mondays - after all, the number of people working unfulfilling jobs is staggering! So, it makes sense that most of them have a hard time ... Views: 5032
Are you dealing with more regulation, a reduced workforce and a shrinking budget leaving your organization with decreased productivity, mediocre performance and waning profitability? Are you hoping to push a button that will delete all old programming and thinking and magically upgrade your ... Views: 1260
Although having self doubt is common for many this 'cancer' can easily keep you from becoming successful! Actually it is quite natural for doubt to take hold especially when you're faced with something unfamiliar to you! The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing for some and in many cases this ... Views: 1425
When you read about the habits and styles of well-known managers, you realize that they don’t all fit the same mold. Some are workaholics with no outside interests, while others live balanced lives by reserving time for family, hobbies, and community service. Some flaunt their wealth by living ... Views: 1763
30 Questions
To Help You Find Your Best Self
Bill Cottringer
"You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be."
~ Lou Holtz.
The self-growth movement is all about people finding ways to help themselves and each other become their ... Views: 2796
Procrastination isn’t just a bad habit; it’s an affliction ruining the lives of nearly 1 million New Zealanders. Research has found that one person in five suffers so badly from the problem that their careers are threatened. At its best procrastination is time wasting and at its worst it’s a ... Views: 2471
Without a positive mindset, anyone charged with selling goods and services is doomed from the beginning. This not only includes small business owners, but also professional salespeople.
Most people working in sales have had training of some sort to teach them how to sell. They learn things ... Views: 2095
Because we live in such a now generation, with instant popcorn, microwaves and fast food, we have become impatient and expect everything in our lives to be instant. We expect instant success, instant personal growth and the case of our health we want instant results there too. Leaders are no ... Views: 1613
Talent shows are back on U.S. television and bigger than ever. One of the newest is The Voice, where vocalists compete for a recording contract and $100,000. What makes this show unique is its innovative “blind audition,” in which judges select contestants based solely on their voice.
How would ... Views: 1399
You might be wondering why anyone would come up with their own rules for failure. Particularly, if that person was Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was obviously one of the most successful individuals in American history.
The late Jim Rohn (America's Foremost Business Philosopher) used to say ... Views: 3191
The Common Misalignment Problem in Organizations
Bill Cottringer
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” ~John F. Kennedy.
Every “group” goes through a similar progression of four stages in its development and maturity:
• Stage One: Members start out interacting ... Views: 1728
Success leaves clues. In order for us to become champions, we must watch champions. If we model what they do, think what they think, believe what they believe, learn what they learned, then we will get similar results. One such champion I think we can learn from is one of the great thinkers, ... Views: 4725
Why do leaders fail? This is a tricky question. One with multiple depths of answers. However, I believe there are two shining pillars that are always missing from leaders who fail. Sometimes, these failing leaders are missing both of these pillars and at other times they are missing just one of ... Views: 2101
For an executive to be highly effective, they need to become highly productive. In addition, how they attain high productivity is as important as the productivity itself. High productivity is essential for executives because it serves three important purposes. The first, most obvious, is that ... Views: 1445
There are a good deal of positive aspects finding out to enjoy on piano on the web- it saves funds, it saves useful time and it can be also considerably more convenient and at ease to learn to enjoy piano at your own pace from your own personal dwelling.
So as to aid you carry the best ... Views: 887
This article is devoted to finding out the best way to execute guitar (and even all those just dreaming about finding out to enjoy or providing the present of songs to a adored a person) and the way to strategy gaining some type of proficiency about the instrument. Now, we've all noticed ... Views: 1110
All of us as human beings have been taught “from the cradle on” about how the real world operates, and we are “told” that this reality exists independent from our own ideas of it. Would it surprise you if you learned that after your own death one day this was not true? What if there was “more to ... Views: 1601
Through several exercises and mental toughness training, any athlete would be able to reach his or her true potential.
There are various types of mental training techniques that are applicable for athletes.
Through rigorous mental training, any athlete would be able to keep themselves in ... Views: 1432
Success Storming is the technique similar to brainstorming and gets you to produce a set of questions about an idea, problem or decision. It allows you to consider the options open to you and the diagram is a useful illustrative aide enabling you to view all your questions. From here you’ll be ... Views: 1320
The Cost Of Persistence, by Doug Grady
per·sist·ence (noun): firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
“I will persist until I succeed.” -Og Mandino
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more ... Views: 1406
Growing your business is a spiral process, where you go through certain phases, then repeat them again. Note that it's not a straight line and also there's no arrival. Success is not a place you arrive so much as it is a journey.
The first stage of a growth cycle is discontent. You're not ... Views: 1113
Check Email Only When You Can Process Email. We all love to ‘check’ our email to see what has arrived since we last viewed our inbox. But this means we continually add to our to-do list (and our anxiety) without giving ourselves the time to actually deal with the email (i.e. respond, delete, ... Views: 1477
If you have ever come to Atlanta to work with me in one of my intensive sessions, you know that I devote the entire time to coaching, advising, and consulting on a variety of key strategies and techniques.
The intensity of this kind of laser focus really gets to the core of your leadership ... Views: 1667
Have you ever been at home all day when there’s nothing in the fridge?
You open the door. You poke your head in. You hum a little tune and look around. You sigh. You grab a handful of pine nuts. You go back to your desk.
About an hour later, you’re hungry.
So you go back to the fridge ... Views: 1318
Your focus plays a HUGE role in your ability to become a success or for that matter your lack thereof! You see our ability to achieve success is a matter of the quality of effort we are able or willing to put forth! This effort requires that we stay focused to not only be more productive but to ... Views: 1311
Is your computer outdated and running slow? If you are looking to upgrade your PC there are several different things you need to consider before undergoing such a task. A first thing to be done is research, only you know specifically what you are looking for in your computer system. We at SPlus ... Views: 1791
As a productivity and time management coach, I often hear “I don’t have the time to work on time management, it just takes too much darn time!” This is true if you choose a complex system such as Getting Things Done, the Franklin Covey system, and others, which require you to learn the system, ... Views: 2878
A very important quality what I have learned in my sales career is that you need to know how to control emotions. How to be happy at hard times? How to keep a joyful face when someone insults you? How to keep going despite of opposition? There is a solution...
The Master of Success is a thumb Life Purpose. This person is independent and wants to make her own way in the world. She can take the intangible and turn it into something tangible and useful. Often full of ideas, she is good at taking action and getting results when living purposefully and ... Views: 1208
In order to achieve success it is almost always inevitable that mistakes will be made and setbacks encountered along the way! For those who may fear failure, get over it and realize these setbacks are as much a part of achieving success as the euphoric feelings you experience upon your ... Views: 1701
• Want to have a thriving business?
• Want to attract prosperity?
• Want to have an expansive, abundant mindset?
Practice excellent self-care.
What is self-care?
It has many forms: it means getting enough sleep, providing yourself with high-quality, nutritious and beautiful ... Views: 1182
One of the biggest frustrations of small business owners is simply procrastinating on tasks that they know need to be done, but just don’t do them. Other contributing factors that sideline most entrepreneurs include: not setting clear goals, underestimating the difficulty or time required to ... Views: 1340
Some people believe in shortcuts. For them, a shortcut is a way to save time and avoid hard work. Not only that, they also believe that the results they get through shortcuts are as good as perfect.
Do you also believe the same? While it may appear to you that you are saving time by taking a ... Views: 2056
Heroes are the people who we admire and the people that we strive to be like in our lives. We all have heroes and sometimes we get down because we look at their successes and we see that we aren’t at their level yet. But let’s take a look at the things that we admire about our heroes and the ... Views: 1287