We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Peak Performance". If you have expertise in Peak Performance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
In my role as a life coach and business psychologist, I often find myself discussing with clients a special place that is little-known in our culture and seldom gets written about. It is a place that modern consciousness has all but forgotten. And yet it is a place where dreams can begin to ... Views: 991
Employers, personnel managers, and human resource directors will all profit from a better understanding of leisure and its hidden benefits to the company. The toll that stress takes on the individual can be minimized while making a substantial contribution to the over all quality of life. The ... Views: 6919
Last week, I was sharing during my fearless millionaire teleconference that I was working to transform my business from one-on-one client work to speaking, writing and group training programs but I had a great deal of fear and frustration.
On Saturday my hubby ended up coaching the diva and ... Views: 1560
On September 26, at 10:02 AM, I stood on top of Gurla Mandhata with 5 of my teammates: Sherpas Panuru, Mingma Chhiring, and Karma Rita, and climbers Kirk Allen and Stuart Sloat. In reaching the 25,502 foot (7728 meter) summit of this remote peak in western Tibet, we became the first American ... Views: 1436
I want to talk to you about taking responsibility. That means taking responsibility for everything single thing that happens in your life, good or bad. That means no more excuses, no more blaming, no more justification.
I can hear some of you asking, “But, what about the accident I had ... Views: 1315
John McCarthy is a project manager for a large construction company.
He arrives for work earlier than everyone.
He greets staff and clients with friendliness.
He never misses meetings, he listens without interrupting, and he is quick to give credit to those around him.
In the next week, ... Views: 1013
Here' my Top tips for living a healthy life
Give up smoking
Get moving!
Wear a seat belt
Take some time out
Sleep well
Five portions a day
Practice safe sex
Reduce your intake of unhealthy foods
Reduce your exposure to pollution
Laugh more!
These tips can help to create a ... Views: 3261
In another one of my articles entitled Personal (and Professional) Success Tip: Do Not Do What Mr. Will And The Pizza Man Did, I relate the true story of a business owner who, having sold his business after 40 years of working in it like a slave, died within four days of finalizing the sale and ... Views: 1641
Photography can be learned by anyone. In this modern age, photography is as common as anything else and there are a lot of people who need useful, solid tips, techniques, advices and ideas about taking pictures. Aperture to shutter speed, framing and film. From the basic principles to the ... Views: 1994
Sounds too good to be true? It really isn’t! In fact, studies show that after a certain amount of hours at work each week, the average worker hits diminishing returns for their labor.
Here are a couple of reasons this is true.
Family drain.
Does your spouse or family complain that you work ... Views: 1225
I met recently with a client at Denver Water for his 1-on-1 “In the Trenches” appointment to get organized. When I first arrived, he stated, “I would be completely organized if it weren’t for other people. As it is, my day is so uncontrollable that I never have enough time to get things done.” ... Views: 1247
Since biblical times, the power of possibility thinking has been documented by innumerable authors. And, over the last century, authors and motivational speakers such as Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, Dr. Robert Schuller, Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer and many more ... Views: 2650
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
– Robert Frost
Take two similar people and give them each the same opportunity. One takes it and achieves remarkable success, while the other accomplishes little or nothing. Why? ... Views: 1432
The Zone
At the highest level of human achievement, in any field, sport, music, academic or art, we reach a state of being beyond and free from effort, understanding and conscious control. It is a state of intuitive knowing, effortless power and universal flow that we call being, “In The ... Views: 1220
A few years ago when I was in training with the Coaches Training Institute, I remember one of the leaders saying that it is easier to give 100% - easier than 95%, or anything less than 100%. That resonated for me. In the moment I knew the truth of it, but put it into some “future query ... Views: 772
Golfers love hypnosis because they know it works. Here are some of the fixes to be done to help their game.
Golfers make me grin. It's fun helping them get the edge on their competition. Lucky for me, my practice is in Orlando, Florida where golfers abound. And whenever I meet one, that grin ... Views: 2150
There are many aspects to success and progress in life, but there is a common pattern of thought that robs many of what they really want for happiness and fulfillment and it is true for you if you are unhappy with your life.
You are living in self-deception.
You are not facing the reality ... Views: 1301
Financial Market Structure
In economics, a financial market is a mechanism that allows people to easily buy and sell financial securities, commodities, and other fungible items of value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect the efficient market hypothesis.
Financial markets have ... Views: 20009
Profit Maximization and Revenue Enhancement
In economics, profit maximization is the process by which a firm determines the price and output level that returns the greatest profit. There are several approaches to this problem. The total revenue -- total cost method relies on the fact that profit ... Views: 4814
Performance Training Management
Performance measurement is the process of assessing progress toward achieving predetermined goals. Performance management is building on that process, adding the relevant communication and action on the progress achieved against these predetermined goals.
In ... Views: 4664
Peak Performance through Goal Setting
Goal Setting involves establishing specific, measurable and time targeted objectives. Work on the theory of goal-setting suggests that it is an effective tool for making progress by ensuring that participants are clearly aware of what is expected from them, ... Views: 4742
Achieving Peak Performance Through Personal Goals
Individuals can have personal goals. A student may set a goal of a high mark in an exam. An athlete might walk five miles a day. A traveler might try to reach a destination-city within three hours.
Managing goals can give returns in all areas ... Views: 7404
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Peak Performance. Though the term "peak performance" could apply to a number of different areas of self improvement, one thing is clear: Peak performance implies that the individual in question is operating at the top of his or her ... Views: 1484
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Peak Performance. Though the term "peak performance" could apply to a number of different areas of self improvement, one thing is clear: Peak performance implies that the individual in question is operating at the top of his or her ... Views: 1609
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Peak Performance. Though the term "peak performance" could apply to a number of different areas of self improvement, one thing is clear: Peak performance implies that the individual in question is operating at the top of his or her ... Views: 1565
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Peak Performance. Though the term "peak performance" could apply to a number of different areas of self improvement, one thing is clear: Peak performance implies that the individual in question is operating at the top of his or her ... Views: 1970
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Peak Performance. Though the term "peak performance" could apply to a number of different areas of self improvement, one thing is clear: Peak performance implies that the individual in question is operating at the top of his or her ... Views: 3217
Seven Simple Reality Repair Rules
William Cottringer, Ph.D.
“Reality is what persists and accumulates when you finally see past what you think you are looking at.” ~The author.
The modern science of quantum physics have proved a remarkable paradigm-shifting truth that has enormous ... Views: 936
“Know thyself” is a powerful principle that leaders, managers and effective people intuitively know.
When you understand your own strengths and preferences you are in a position to maximise those strengths and compensate for any weaknesses either by working differently or surrounding yourself ... Views: 2967
As I washed down my sixth chocolate cookie with milk, I realized I was trying to flush shame and frustration out of my system. After all, this was the fourth time I took this teacher exam and hadn't passed. However, everything rode on me passing it. Luckily, I had a full time teaching position. ... Views: 1278
In business we use our five senses and something else, a kind of gut feeling or intuition. When dealing with people, learning how to sense “the space”, the intentions in the room, is key to attaining one’s objectives.
In a Christmas commercial for Bailey’s Crème, one fellow holds a nearly empty ... Views: 1146
Your life is all up to you! The sooner you believe and accept that, the better. Stop leaving important decisions up to others. Stop trying to blame others for what goes wrong (or what doesn't go at all). Take responsibility for your life and you take the first steps to ... Views: 3340
For years, people have believed that we are born with a certain number of brain cells, and that those brain cells die off as we age, with no hope of ever getting them back. Today, scientists are proving that not only can we generate new brain cells, but we can also branch them out and make new ... Views: 1823
Sleep is a natural part of life, and while some people try to get by with as little as possible, packing their days and nights with activities, chores, work and play, sleep is essential to health and to optimal performance every day.
A basic need of the human body, sleep is also a basic need of ... Views: 1450
Perhaps the most challenging, and often very difficult, part of the success journey is maintaining momentum.
Many times as we trudge along the success journey, we encounter setbacks that make us falter or even stumble and fall. When this happens, we start losing faith in our ability to complete ... Views: 4078
Can the venerable Juke Box survive in the digital and MP3 world? The MP3 Jukebox is a here in many forms and expressions but still the standard Juke Box is still here.
Juke Box styling came along from the austere wooden boxes in the early 1930s to glorious lighted displays with plastic and ... Views: 1161
High performance selling is available to anyone who desires it. Knowledge is power. Knowledge creates a competitive edge and powers salespeople to success.
There are four things you can do to achieve a measure of high-performance in your sales career.
1. Define your talent. What are you ... Views: 1137
I was introduced to the idea of “Giving an A” when reading The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander. I loved the concept!
The authors point out that “the main purpose of grades is to compare one student against another.” They believe that ... Views: 3850
Everyone has heard of an IQ test. The potential of the brain is called intelligence quotient or I.Q. These tests use the theories of unitary and multiple, which is believed to the two main theories when studying the brain.
Unitary refers to the part of the brain where the linguistic and ... Views: 5083
Do you get enough sleep? Chances are you don’t. Many people living in modern industrial societies suffer from a chronic, and worsening sleep deficit.
Until a few decades ago, most people lived lives so very different from ours that we would scarcely recognize them. Until fairly recently ... Views: 1519