Are you ready to sit down and lay out your goals... be they for the New Year, for a project or just to get a fresh start on your life? I'd like to share my thoughts and experiences about goal setting that might provide you with some new perspectives on this important ritual.
I have a ... Views: 5607
Are you challenged to live authentically and in alignment with your spiritual values on a daily basis? Many of us are so busy every day that it's hard to even remember what spiritual values are when we are on the go from morning to night. We have children to raise, jobs to commute to, work to ... Views: 1429
Forgiving doesn't mean that you have to be best friends with - or married to - the person who hurt you. It simply means that you have reached a feeling of peace about the person or situation and have discharged your anger or resentment.
The decision to take action after someone has hurt you ... Views: 2096
Gossiping can suck the zest out of your spirit. Gossip is mean-spirited and little-minded; its goal is to make the gossipers feel superior to the gossiped-about. It is seductive, addictive and a way of bonding with other gossipers, all while pulling you down to the lowest spiritual common ... Views: 2880
Can you think of a colleague, co-worker or acquaintance who really annoys you, but is probably a pretty agreeable person underneath their irritating qualities? Stated another way, are there people who make you bristle because of a certain aspect of their personality, but if you consider them ... Views: 1732
Did you know that forgiveness is good for you?
The process of forgiveness has been shown to have both psychological and physical benefits to the person who is doing the forgiving. Shocking, isn't it? You may have heard the old axiom, "Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the ... Views: 6905
"Timing is everything, and this is not the time," a colleague once said to me when I offered her a job that would require a move to another state. Her family situation didn't allow her to move at that time, but she left open the possibility that the timing could be right in a difference ... Views: 1727
The scene was a late Friday night at O'Hare airport in Chicago. The flight was delayed and all the passengers were crabby. As they entered the aircraft, passengers were greeted by the first class flight attendant, who had a personality that filled the aircraft! "Welcome aboard, and how are you ... Views: 3274
The scene: a hip and fashionable downtown restaurant. A high-ranking manager of a technology company and several of his team members are enjoying lunch together to celebrate the team's recent achievement. As the conversation veers off onto casual topics, one of the employees excitedly explains ... Views: 1786
Being an authentic leader is a cornerstone of building a spiritually intelligent workplace. To be authentic is to be real, to be genuine. If we consider that the opposite of authentic is phony or fake, then most people would vote for authenticity. It's like a counterfeit coin, which doesn't buy ... Views: 8852
There are only two basic human emotions, love and fear. All other emotions are variations on these two archetypal themes. Of the two, which emotion have we seen at work in our economy over the past several months? Of course, the answer is fear.
When I worked in the securities industry years ... Views: 1849
The country of Bhutan thinks differently. This country values happiness over productivity, as evidenced by their measurement of the Gross Domesic Happiness index. Recently, the Prime Minister of Bhutan, Jigme Thinley, pointed to the cause of the current economic crisis. His answer: "Greed, ... Views: 1455
Who is the inspirational leader in your organization? A company needs just one focal person to bear the flag, as a Civil War flag bearer would ride in front of a cavalry unit, showing the way into battle with a symbol of pride. Employees long to work for organizations in which there is a purpose ... Views: 1321
Today, leaders must deal with complexity, ambiguity and constant change. If leaders are to be successful, they must possess not only mental maturity, but also maturity of heart, mind and the human spirit. Tall order for us mere mortals, huh? The good news is that transformational leaders, those ... Views: 2332
Not long ago, I saw an online video of a woman who described the wondrous things that manifested in her life once she forgave the man who killed her daughter. She said she worked hard to forgive - it took her several days.
I start screaming at the screen, "Several days! Honey, you think ... Views: 2231
Are you afraid of forgiveness? Do you believe that it will empower the other person to continue to hurt you and/or other people? Do you fear that forgiveness will make you give up your role as victim and lose the sympathy you get from others? Are you under the impression that forgiving will make ... Views: 1238
Are you grateful? Now, more than ever, is the best time to practice gratitude. Although, it may seem like an odd time to discuss being thankful -- economic times are tough and public confidence in both corporate and governmental leaders is low. Why should you be grateful when it seems like ... Views: 1407
Does this sound like you? You rush from one meeting to another, deal with demanding customers, handle employees' concerns, put out the latest "fire" at the office or at home, return phone calls and wade through a knee-deep pile of emails. With a day like that, it can be so easy to get caught up ... Views: 1525
Forgiveness and the workplace -- seems like an odd juxtaposition, doesn't it? We do not often think of forgiveness as having anything to do with the workplace, but surprisingly, forgiveness is an essential practice of a highly effective work team.
Thanks to recent psychological and medical ... Views: 1894
When you walk down the street, where do you look? If you are like most people, you are looking at your feet, to make sure you don't trip, to see where you are going in the next step. In everyday life, we all tend to notice only those things that are at eye level or below. Our natural inclination ... Views: 1233
We don’t often think about forgiveness in a business context. It’s usually not in our vocabulary at work. But it needs to be. Forgiveness at work creates a healthier work climate or environment and creates many other real benefits. It is not a touchy-feely, hold-hands-and-sing-Kumbaya gimmick. ... Views: 2986
A shocked silence hung over the conference room. Barry (not his real name), usually a compassionate and even-tempered vice president, had just loudly berated one of his managers during a staff meeting. The accused manager was looking down at his hands with a reddened face and the other managers’ ... Views: 1937
Forgiveness is like eating chicken soup for whatever ails you – it helps you feel better all over. You forgive others to help yourself – not to help the other person. Surprised? In my definition of forgiveness, the goal is to attain a feeling of peace toward a person who has harmed you. ... Views: 1833