Do you know what your goals are but can't seem to make them come true? Is your life going in the direction you'd like it to? It may be time to take some action, any action! As Will Rogers said, "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."

Most of us feel quite anxious when making big changes in our lives. We're afraid we'll make a mistake that we'll later regret. Taking small steps toward a decision works to alleviate this unnecessary anxiety. You'll probably find that as you take those small steps the decision becomes clearer, your resolve becomes stronger and the fear begins to lessen. In this way, intuition can guide you, small step by small step.

The following seven suggestions are incremental changes you can take to begin to create the life you want. None of them require you to make an immediate decision or to take a big risk. All you are doing is gathering information or what I call "putting your energy out there."

1. Talk to someone who made a successful career change; ask them how they got there.
2. Interview someone who has your dream job.
3. Sign up for a class in something that is either pure fun or a subject you may want to explore for a new career.
4. If you are thinking about a geographical move, go to that place on vacation, subscribe to the local paper and ask friends for referrals to people living in the area.
5. Research your interests on the Internet or at the library. Small steps count. You are building a bridge to the life you want!
6. Call a career counselor and make an appointment to discuss your interests. Work with her to create an action plan to bring your dreams into reality.
7. Make an appointment with a financial planner to evaluate how you could make a career switch and at the same time maintain your financial security.

Take action on at least one thing each week to move you closer to your goals and dreams. Making a change in your life often feels uncomfortable at first, but even the smallest steps count. Put the energy to create new things in your life out into the world. Your intuition will communicate with you through feelings, images, dreams and words. Intuition is your inner guide and will direct you towards the actions you should take. The path towards your goal will begin to open up.

You have a purpose in life. It is the thing about which you are excited, the thing you'd love to do if only you had a few million dollars and didn't have to worry about money. The root of the word "enthusiasm" is from the Greek, "entheos." It literally means, "God within." When you are enthusiastic about something in your life, God is giving you a clue about the direction to follow.

Begin to trust the passion that you feel. When you listen to the whispers of your soul and take small steps forward, your life purpose begins to take shape and manifest clearly. It takes courage, trust, and strength to begin to live the life you were meant to live. You have access to the gift of divine guidance to help you begin to fulfill your destiny. Each time you act on the guidance you receive, you tap into a stream of love and intelligence that will direct you to the right steps that will help you fulfill your destiny.

Copyright 2010 by Lynn A. Robinson

Author's Bio: 

Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed., is one of the nation's leading experts on the topic of intuition. Through her work as an intuitive she's helped thousands of people discover their life passion and achieve their goals. She's a bestselling author whose latest book is LISTEN: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Crisis. Her other books include Divine Intuition and Trust Your Gut. Her free Intuition Newsletter is available at She may be reached at 800-925-4002 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              800-925-4002      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or at