I talk about this subject often, but I think it is worth mentioning again. If you want to raise your game as an entrepreneur, you need a coach. Period. Sure, you can get pretty far driving solo, people do it all of the time. But, in order to truly get to the level of delivering at your highest ... Views: 779
Anybody who knows me well, knows how much I love facebook. It completely levels the playing field. If you are an entrepreneur, you can truly compete with the behemoth businesses when it comes to messaging, building a community and a solid brand, just by becoming a savvy facebook user.
But ... Views: 1240
Oprah hosts an annual vacation for her employees.
Martha Stewart hosts an Annual Wedding Event at the Plaza Hotel (New York).
The Obama’s host a themed picnic every summer. What do you do?
What’s your Signature event? You know that thing that you host and people simply can’t wait to run ... Views: 1537
What do your prices say about your brand? Are you "competitive?" Less expensive? Do you change what you think you can get? Or, do you fully understand what you bring to the table and charge accordingly?
After working with "tons of tons" of entrepreneurs, it wasn't surprising to learn that ... Views: 1945
Every time I embark on doing something big, I get sick to my stomach. My hands get sweaty and butterflies start swirling around like I'm lying in the middle of a pasture on a bright sunny day. The feeling sucks. But believe it or not, it is one that I have actually started forcing myself to ... Views: 1849
I'm going to let you in on a little secret: your best is no longer good enough. I know...I know...it sucks, but it's the truth and what this means is "you don't get brownie points for doing something you're supposed to be doing," to paraphrase a Chris Rock routine!
If someone hires you, they ... Views: 1433
I know it's a tongue twister. Forget trying to say it three times. I want to know what happens when you do it one time. What comes up? What's the 411 on you? If someone were to type your name in the world's most famous search engine, would they be blown away by the results?
Ten years ago ... Views: 2287
Anybody who knows me can testify that I'm a BIG dreamer. And in the past, depending on how those dreams were channeled, they could either be a gift or a curse. For years, I was one of those who always had big plans, but never a plan on how to achieve them. I spent hours upon hours in my head, ... Views: 921
"Here's the test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't" Richard Back.
Time's up.
No more excuses; you've got work to do. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
It's time to think about all of the things that you've promised yourself you were ... Views: 860
"You have one or two choices when someone throws a rock at you. You can pick it up and throw it back, or you can pick it up and build a castle." Terrance Howard.
It’s time to raise your game.
From now on, you aren't allowed to play half-court. You're not allowed to be a bench warmer. In ... Views: 1374
Here's a fun fact that you may not be familiar with. Less than 1% of the United States population earns more than $365,000 per year. You read that right, less than 1%. So what does that mean? That means that in order to break out of the 99% pack, you must do things drastically different! You ... Views: 893