Do you have low days; days where you feel down? It’s fine to have those days once in awhile. Sometimes you just need a day to refresh.
These are the days when you need to be thankful for who you are, reflect on your past achievements and review where you are going. Ponder the successes you ... Views: 1170
Knowing what you are grateful for is an important factor to happiness and success.
Being aware of everything that you have to be thankful for will help you create a positive focus. Gratefulness will help you reach your goals because you are seeing all the positive things that are happening ... Views: 2040
Planning is a critical piece of the puzzle in reaching your goals. Planning makes you more productive, because you have written down, and know exactly, what the major and the minor tasks are that you must accomplish each day.
How many times have you actually thought “Oh don’t forget to do ... Views: 2211
What are your goals and dreams? What do you aspire to or hope for? Goals help turn these “wishes” into reality. You can have what you desire with some planning and that is what goal setting is all about. Goal setting gives you the necessary confidence you need to know that you can have ... Views: 2249