from What If It Does Work Out?
By Susie Moore
Why Wait?
“You don’t have a career, you have a life.”
–Cheryl Strayed, writer
“Happiness is the joy that you feel when you are moving towards your potential.”
–Shawn Achor, ... Views: 1155
Over the past few weeks of creating I have been asked by a few people for recommendations on Portfolio Tracking Tools.
So here is a list of 5 Useful tools for tracking your cryptocurrency/bitcoin portfolio’s.
1. Blockfolio ... Views: 1146
Three hundred years before the birth of Christ, Aristotle said, “Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” It ... Views: 1857
How do you best deal with your anger? And what happens when that doesn’t work? Some of the traditional tools for processing anger include exercise, counting backward from 10 or breathing deeply. These are all typical tools to deal with frustration. But what about when you are becoming angry with ... Views: 697
What if there was a way that you could enhance both your mind and
your energy levels? You may have tried countless ways to achieve this, but
haven’t found the right nutritional ingredients until now.
In this newsletter I will briefly mention a few ingredients or nutrients that are ... Views: 721
During the week leading up to the 4th of July, approximately 700 million pounds of chicken and 190 million pounds of red meat/pork are purchased. On July 4th itself, 150 million hot dogs are consumed.
Are you stocked up and ready?
In order to help with your 4th of July celebration this ... Views: 1438
I love marketing with web landing pages. It’s one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to get a message read by a target market and a terrific tool to move prospects through the sales cycle. Landing pages, done well, can generate high response rates and marketing programs using landing ... Views: 2480
Memorial Day in the U.S. started off as a somber day of remembrance, a day where we in America went to cemeteries and placed flags or flowers on the graves of those who died in battle or in some way during the course of war. We remembered our ancestors, family members, loved ones, and even ... Views: 1589
If you are interested in selling more to more people in less time, testimonials are a vital part of the formula for success. If you’re not using them in your business right now, you are missing out on one of the most profitable sales tools...ever!
Why are testimonials so effective? Consider ... Views: 2384
Here are 10 simple Internet Marketing Rules to Live by. Print them. Post them to your desk. Use them everyday.
1. Invest Small When Starting Anything New.
Always invest small when starting out. It’s possible any ad you run may lose money. Always keep your risks and investment small ... Views: 3114
Nothing complements the flavor of lamb better than rosemary. And our Quick Broil method makes this dish very fast and easy to prepare. With this dish you not only enjoy great taste but add an excellent source of protein, vitamin B12, selenium, zinc, and vitamin B3 to your Healthiest Way of ... Views: 1990
Tampa, FL, December 26, 2012: Marketdata Enterprises, Inc., a leading independent market research publisher since 1979, has released the 8th edition of one of its best-selling studies, a 382-page report entitled: The U.S. Market For Self-Improvement Products & Services. This is the ONLY ... Views: 2625
You can’t tune into the news today without hearing about the rising cost of living, be it gas for your car, heat for your home, or food for your family. Many baby boomers are giving up -- or at least stretching out -- food luxury items such as those coveted fancy coffees, because their ... Views: 2375
After age 25-30, depending on marital status and other things, it becomes more and more helpful to have and to know certain things. Some are practical and some make sense from a life planning standpoint. The following are suggested for anyone over age 30, single or married, male or female, ... Views: 2257
We have all read about people who are successful briefly. They win a gold medal, make a fortune, or star in one great movie and then disappear. Or, there are those like Marilyn Monroe and Howard Hughes who achieve extraordinary success, at the cost of their own lives. These examples do not ... Views: 2541
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* How to Fat-Proof Your Life *
We asked top experts for their strategies to help you ward off weight creep -- and even shed pounds -- at tricky stages in life.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 1877
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 17 Worst Habits for Your Heart *
Here are the 17 worst habits for your heart, and how to avoid them.
Go here for the complete news story:,,20475961,00.html
* 5 Keys to ... Views: 2193
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 15 Simple Food Remedies *
Banish the occasional headache or upset tummy with remedies straight from your kitchen.
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Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 9 Fast Fixes for Instant Energy *
Little lifestyle or diet tweaks -- like the size of your Starbucks order or what you music is on your iPod -- can help bring you out of a slump.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 1611
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 7 Popular Foods With Surprising Health Benefits *
You may be cutting out yummy foods previously deemed bad for you and missing out on their surprising health benefits.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 2327
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* Are You Making Healthy Food Unhealthy? *
Unfortunately, many people who think they are preparing their food healthily unwittingly make healthy food unhealthy.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 1788
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* Best And Worst Ways To Hydrate Your Summer Workout *
According to a new report from the CDC, nearly 6,000 people will go to the emergency room this summer for heat illnesses related to sports and exercise.
Go here for the complete ... Views: 1433
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 53 Easy Ways to Torch 100 Calories *
Take advantage of these fun ways to sneak in a burn and shed pounds effortlessly!
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 1690
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 12 Ways you Risk Killing Yourself this Summer *
With greater freedom comes greater responsibility, and many typical summertime activities come with their share of - often fatal - risks.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 1716
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 5 Bad Habits You Don't Need to Break *
Turns out some of these so-called “bad behaviors” may actually be good for your health.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 1895
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 5 Everyday Habits That Can Harm Your Memory *
Are aspects of our daily lives potentially affecting our memory?
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Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 6 Habits That Can Add Years To Your Life *
Steven Spielberg has recently made his case for "Super 8." In the spirit of less-is-more, I make mine for Super 6: the list of six factors most likely to add years to our lives, and life to ... Views: 2605
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 5 Health Tests You Didn't Know You Needed *
It's tough to know which of these are truly essential, especially when they're packaged with dozens of other tests and called an "executive health exam."
Go here for the complete news ... Views: 1763
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 5 Foods That Can Save Your Life *
Over the years scientists and nutritionists have studied the foods that are good for the heart, and some of these might come as a surprise.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 1770
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* Picnics, Pools, Public Bathrooms: Summer's Germy Hotspots *
The germs of summer are out in full force, hiding in picnic food, pools and public bathrooms.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 1774
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 6 Weird Signs You're Way Too Stressed Out *
Physical symptoms of stress, such as dry heaving, can manifest themselves in weird ways when the affairs of life get too overwhelming.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 3854
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* An Easy Meditation Practice to Reverse Memory Loss *
By the time you finish reading the above headline, you or someone you love could have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 2037
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* 10 Ways to Eat Healthy Without Breaking the Bank *
The Cleveland Clinic, where I work, attracts patients from just about every corner of the globe. I have the opportunity to see many of these diverse patients and, regardless of where ... Views: 1690
Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.
* Six New "Superfoods" You'll Want to Try *
So-called "superfoods" are supposed to help you stay healthy, fight disease and even live longer.
Learn all the buzz on six hot new "superfoods."
Go here for the complete news story: ... Views: 1818
Earlier this year, a good friend phoned me and said: "I've got breast cancer!" The statement was delivered as succinct as that, quietly and with a pause afterwards - just like a death knell. As the recipient of this shocking news - what reply of any substance could I give? Feeling my awkwardness ... Views: 3567
In the wake of the BP oil spill, we face a major environmental disaster. Hundreds of animals are dead, and even more are in danger. It could take years for affected areas to fully recover.
As cleanup efforts are ongoing, engineers are still trying to work out the best method to control or ... Views: 12651
We are full swing into summer at my house. Lazy days at the pool, sipping icy lemonade while watching fireworks and BBQ's filled with family and friends are just to name a few summertime traditions. While many of our summertime activities revolve around enjoying the outdoors and grilling, it's ... Views: 2807
America's independence did not come on a silver platter. In a similar way our personal successes would not materialize if we are not willing to pay the prize for their attainment. In the Audio book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill,it is stated that in spite of the fact that we all remember ... Views: 1842
If you ask 100 people, “Are webinars free?” most of them will answer, “Yes!”
If you ask those same 100 people, “Is training free?” they will reply, “No!”
Then ask the $64,000 question: “What about training webinars?”
Author, speaker, and sales management strategist, Lee Salz, believes ... Views: 2000
In the United States, we are observing Memorial Day this weekend.
I wanted to take a minute and share with everyone the significance of Memorial Day to me and, I believe, to all of us.
On Memorial Day, we take time to remember all of the soldiers that died so that we can have our freedom. ... Views: 4475
It is estimated that an average of 1 in 110 children in the United States have an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The challenge for many people is to get their questions answered:
1) What exactly is Autism?
2) How do you treat Autism?
3) What are the symptoms of Autism?
4) What resources are ... Views: 1825
Memorial Day signifies the beginning of summer. School is almost out, and the weather has turned warm. People take the long weekend to travel, have bbq parties, swim, bike, and spend it with friends and family. But there's a deeper meaning to Memorial Day that we often times forget. Yes, it is a ... Views: 2398
Tao is the source of all universes. Tao creates One. In fact, Tao is One and One is Tao. One creates Two. Two is Heaven and Earth, yang and yin. Heaven and Earth interact to produce all souls and all things in all universes, but they all come from Tao.
To study and practice Tao is advanced ... Views: 3061
If you are in debt, it probably feels like there is no way out. Though your situation may be overwhelming and increasingly stressful, there is no reason it has to keep getting worse. Have you ever considered debt consolidation? There are actually many viable options available to you to help ... Views: 43876
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are ... Views: 3278
WHEE is an amazing new method for releasing pains of all sorts. Users report dramatic improvements with tension headaches, migraines, frozen shoulders, backaches, irritable bowel syndrome, surgery, injuries, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer.
Example 1: I was out hiking with a ... Views: 1764
This article is an excerpt from "Bach Flowers for Crisis Care" and taken from the website
Using Bach Flower Therapy to Resolve Emotional Crises
Life is an eternal process of development. Those who accept this, and go with the flow, will have an ... Views: 1646
Excerpted from The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi by Charles F. Haanel, Edited by Anthony R. Michalski
This part tells where the masculine, fiery, and positive etheric forces come from and how they are distributed to all parts of the body. It also tells where the feminine, sympathetic, and ... Views: 5902
*Book Excerpt - from The Naturopathic Way
Helping the Body to Heal Itself
In allopathic medicine the diagnosis of the patient is considered to be the most important point to be resolved, because medical prescriptions will be determined by clues that indicate a ... Views: 1753
*This article is excerpted from "Overcoming Prescription Drug Addiction". For more information, go to
Sedatives are drugs that depress the central nervous system and are frequently used to treat anxiety, panic disorder, or insomnia; some are also used for ... Views: 6233