We’re not here to worry, suffer, be sick, depressed, live in fear, be subjugated, live in lack and privation, or feel shame, guilt, regret and undeservedness.
We are here…for life’s most important work...that of being happy.
One with source energy, we are the essence of self-empowerment ... Views: 549
We’re not here to worry, suffer, be sick, depressed, live in fear, be subjugated, live in lack and privation, or feel shame, guilt, regret and undeservedness.
We are here…for life’s most important work...that of being happy.
One with source energy, we are the essence of self-empowerment ... Views: 561
Everyone Has a Gift….Divine Synchronicity at Work
From “Everything We Need to Know We Learn from the Media”
One thing I realized early in life was that we all have gifts to share with each other without exception. We can and should share what we have learned along the way irrespective of not ... Views: 1538
Make You Mind Work for You…. Instead of Against You
Excerpted from Make Your Mind Work for You
Instead of Against You (c) 2005, Adele Tartaglia.
Making Your Mind Work for You... Instead of Against You is about using the Law of Attraction in a positive way, instead of a negative way. ... Views: 3932
We know there is only one of us here manifesting in a myriad of aspects. What I do to you, I do to me for there is no other. “Thy Art That.”
Mankind’s shift in consciousness is facilitating our ability to live gently, peacefully, lovingly, and cooperatively in full Unity Consciousness. ... Views: 1595
Self Sabotaging Self Talk: Words That Set You Up for Failure Part 1
Excerpted from Transform Your Life Instantly: Mental Erasers Make the Law of Attraction Work for You Instead of Against You (c) 2005.
In previous articles and radio shows, I have stressed the importance of choosing your ... Views: 1639
If you have experienced a traumatic event or series of events that you have not really recovered from, you may be suffering from PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. You don’t feel like you did before the incident, you are easily triggered, too guarded to connect with your family, fearful, ... Views: 2402
As you proceed to go right on judging the loved one in your life, and labeling them, you forget you did attract them in and many of them by agreement, for a higher purpose.
Maybe them being exactly as they are, and you being who you are in this moment of time, is your gift to yourself and ... Views: 2669
It's never about the other person....there's no one doing it to us....every things an inside job. No matter what we are experiencing, no matter how it appears to be someone else’s fault, someone else’s personality defect, someone else’s manipulation or lie, it isn’t. Everything in our lives ... Views: 6279
Excerpted from Soul Talk: Rescripting Karmic Contracts, 2008, Adele Tartaglia
In this article I shall describe new processing techniques to handle regression memories that trigger past life traumas in reference to child therapy. Using these processes Increases the rate of Spontaneous Healing ... Views: 4659
Excerpted from Transform Your Life Instantly: Mental Erasers Make Your Mind Work for You Instead of Against You, 2005, Adele Tartaglia
Science has told us that expectations based on memories are strong contributing elements in creating the future events of our lives.
If we choose to be ... Views: 4609
As soon as enough of us decide to live with the intention of dispelling dysfunctional, outdated myths, paradigms, prejudices, belief systems and frames on God, humanity, and life itself, we will reach sufficient momentum and everything in the morphic field will shift and come into alignment with ... Views: 2574
Part II What Can Past Life Regression Do for Us?
The emotional reactions associated with past life events which are most often seen in therapy, involve emotional residues of the fear based emotions such as anger, resentment, revenge, fear, guilt, remorse; and distortions of love manifesting ... Views: 2609
Part I : How Do Past and Parallel Lives Influence Current Life Workshop
Excerpted from Soul Talk: Rescripting Karmic Contracts, 2008, Adele Tartaglia
Regression therapy brings to light the body of experiences the soul has traversed throughout its eternal life journey as an incarnated being. ... Views: 3421