Welcome back! In part 1, you will have learned the first 5 reasons why your visualization may not be effective and how to turn this around so your Vision Board will indeed coming to fruition in incredible ways you never thought possible. Let me explain the other 5 important reasons ... Views: 3061
So here you are; you have created your very own Vision Board with fantastic goals and dreams on it. You are excited about it, however it’s been a while since you put it together and none of your goals have actually made it into your reality yet. You may be feeling like you are doing everything ... Views: 2996
Would you like to make your dream life a reality, regardless of the current economic situation? Of course the answer to that question will be “Yes”! However, many people feel quite negative at the moment and have the idea that they can't achieve any of their goals in these economic ... Views: 2282
In my articles I often stress the importance of keeping your thoughts as positive as possible and to balance up your negative thoughts with positive ones. You know, in todays society a lot of people tend to choose a negative view on things and look for reasons why something wouldn't work. ... Views: 2757
It is exciting to see a fast growing number of people creating a personal Vision Board, as this is such an effective way to apply “The Law of Attraction” as seen in “The Secret”. However, a lot of people don't know exactly how to create a Vision Board, so I thought I'd ... Views: 6307
It is exciting to see a fast growing number of people creating a personal Vision Board, as this is such an effective way to apply “The Law of Attraction” as seen in “The Secret”. However, a lot of people don't know exactly how to create a Vision Board, so I thought I'd ... Views: 1666
Did you watch Oprah when The Secret was featured on the show, a while ago? How amazing to have this incredibly powerful movie brought to the world like this. Thousands of people had already seen and benefited from the teachings of The Secret, but I think these were mostly the early adopters of ... Views: 1253
What exciting times we live in! Since The secret came out so many more people are now “wakened” to the idea of being able to direct their destiny! I have come across a lot of people wanting to apply the Law of Attraction, particularly to attract more wealth and fortune into their ... Views: 2087