You know what you want; you can almost taste your goal, see it just over that one mountain. Truly, if you can dream it, you can do it, and no goal is ever truly out of reach. It simply might take more planning and inspired action to get you over that great big mountain.
You started with an ... Views: 1509
Everything is going according to plan. You’ve got your strategy laid out, specific goals in mind, and a long-term plan that seems to be airtight. But then it happens, just as everyone said it would. You’re smacked in the face with your first obstacle. “Not a problem,” you say, cracking your ... Views: 2528
Everyone, no matter how successful, has some area in their life that hasn’t quite reached up to their ideal. It can be frustrating, especially when every other area of your life seems to be going so well. The first instinct for most people is to blame their situation. Whether it’s the boss at ... Views: 2055
Close your eyes for a moment. Think back to when you were five or six years old, and playing with your favorite toy. Perhaps it was a doll, or perhaps a hot wheels racer. Or maybe it was a simple cardboard box. Whatever it was, chances are you were able to build an entire world around that one ... Views: 3067
No matter how carefully you schedule your day, a single “Time Killer” can make it nearly impossible to stay on track and get the day’s work done. These annoying little time killers can definitely throw us off track and send us for a tail spin. However, focusing on them and not letting them ... Views: 2649
There are many advantages to maintaining a To-Do list, do you keep one?
A to-do list is one of the more important elements to a successful life: duties are noted to help with your memory, and tasks are collected in one place for easy reference.
To-Do lists have many advantages to help you ... Views: 1428
If you want to be successful in your time management skills, you must first take a good look at how you manage your time. So right about now you must be thinking how do I do that? It's not very difficult, let's start by determining what you do in a day. This can be easier seen if you keep a ... Views: 1397
If you are one that tends to procrastinate, then this post is for you! It is time to put all the evil procrastination aside for good. Many will say that it is easier said than done, but with some help it can be accomplished.
Procrastination is something that will literally suck up all your ... Views: 1427
How Can Playing and Having Fun Boost Productivity?
This weekend I can proudly say that I added a new member to my family. Yes, that's right, her name is Zoe, a 7 week old Yorkshire Terrier with lots of spunk, and she is the newest member of my family. Boy, oh boy, can this puppy play!
It ... Views: 1374
Is Be Do Have What Gets Goals Achieved?
Nearly everyone will freely admit that they need to set goals in order to achieve success. However, the methods that people use for their goal achievement are vastly different. They might believe in setting achievable goals, but then they go about the ... Views: 1779
Sometimes, we just don't know enough about what we are trying to achieve. Stuart Wilde
The question that I am asked most often is….
How can I be sure that, this time, I achieve the goals that I set?
And my answer is….First, get ... Views: 1557
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. “
Henry Ford
Are you ready to create the Life you really want?
You've done some spiritual work. Perhaps you've
•heard of the Law of ... Views: 1336