If you are not being as successful in life as you would like then it is time to stop and analyse the situation so that you can overcome the barriers.
Step 1 is to identify the barrier. What is it that is stopping you from being successful? What is the problem? This is the diagnostic stage. ... Views: 2155
The first step in how to overcome barriers to success is to identify what is a barrier to success? What is it that stops you achieving what you want?
One of the main barriers to success is fear. In fact the way you handle the fear that you will inevitably feel when stepping out of your ... Views: 2602
Do you have a fear of goal setting? Have you set goals in the past that did not work out how you wanted? Are you disheartened as a result? Or maybe you are afraid to set goals in case you fail and you know how awful that feels so end up staying safe instead. Some people are afraid to set a ... Views: 1691
When looking for ways to overcome your fears it is important to establish where exactly does your fear start from. What causes you to choose to feel the fear? What is the trigger? What tells you it is time to feel fearful and freeze? How does that serve you? I can guarantee that the cause of ... Views: 1103
Do you limit your own success by having beliefs that are unhelpful? You may not even be aware of these limiting beliefs because they are so ingrained in your psyche. Why would you limit yourself intentionally? Most people who come to my coaching sessions are totally unaware of how their own ... Views: 1130
I've given up.....hoping that one day I will no longer have challenges to overcome in life. A few years ago I had got to the point where I was tired of the constant struggle to overcome the challenges that seem to continually come my way. Challenges at work, in my personal life, with my ... Views: 2560
Do you find it difficult to make decisions? After making a decision do you doubt what you have done and worry that it's not the best decision for you? Do you make a decision only to quickly change your mind? Do you regret many of the decisions that you've made and wish your life was ... Views: 1940
How to Overcome Fear of Computers - Please feel free to print this article and pass it to anyone you know who has a fear of computers.
Does the thought of computers make you fearful, worried or concerned? Does it cause anxiety as you know you should learn how to use one? Do you feel ... Views: 1481
Are you constantly feeling tired and lacking in energy? Do you feel drained at the thought of the things on your to do list? Are you looking for a way to overcome tiredness and loss of energy? What are your first thoughts of the day when the alarm goes off? Do you smile and bounce out of ... Views: 2285
How to overcome your fears
Lets clarify what I mean by fears. One dictionary definition states 'be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event; "I fear she might get aggressive".'
It's a combination of a feeling and thought that you have about an ... Views: 733
Hello and welcome, it's a pleasure to connect with you. I'm guessing that you are thinking that there must be more to life than this but you don't really know where to start and maybe even doubt if it's possible? Maybe you think there's not a lot of point as things never turn out right for ... Views: 1489
In the busy-ness of our day-to-day lives, it is all too easy to slip into routines or get distracted in such a way that we are not tending to the really important things. This can leave us feeling empty, disconnected from our passion, and unable to accomplish what would be truly fulfilling. If ... Views: 961
Ever wondered why you don't achieve all that you want in life? You know there is something missing but not sure what it is? Do you feel that you could do more or achieve more yet feel fearful of taking any action? There are many causes of a lack of success and not getting what you want in life. ... Views: 884