“Even if I am locked in a prison cell and hated by the entire
world, my spirit can still be that of a king.”
– Daisaku Ikeda
It seems too simple, I know. It’s so simple that we want to make it more difficult, more esoteric. However, the simple truth is that the only way to feel good ... Views: 1039
Once upon a time there was an unusually optimistic little boy named Max. Max’s parents were worried that he was actually incapable of seeing the world like a normal kid, so they decided to take him to a psychiatrist to see if she could talk some sense into him.
The psychiatrist was getting ... Views: 1237
“The one problem is our sense of separation,
and the one solution is to connect again to the Oneness.”
– from A Course in Miracles
“I want to be a Blended Being! I want to be a Blended Being! I want to be a Blended Being!” These are the words and the sentiment that came up from deep inside ... Views: 1522
“Life is the sum of all your choices.”
– Albert Camus

You know, we can have the most enlightened beliefs about life and how life works but they can remain pretty much theoretical until we have an opportunity to practice our beliefs. [YAY Contrast?]
For example, I have for many years been ... Views: 1386
My sister broke her wrist a few months ago and, although she is still in pain and has nowhere near full use of her wrist, both the surgeon and the physical therapist are telling her not to expect much more improvement. After talking with her by phone, I wrote her a note to further encourage her ... Views: 1289
“When you complain, you make yourself a victim.
Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it.
All else is madness.”
– Eckhart Tolle
Complaining, griping, kvetching – we all do it, right? Complaining can be a habit and, for most of us, it’s pretty easy to get others to ... Views: 1401
“What will the neighbors think?” That seemed to be the main concern of my parents when I was growing up.
As much as I rebelled against it at the time, and as much as that concern always felt like bondage to me, and as much as I really did see it as an example of how NOT to live, I still ... Views: 1348
One of my stellar clients [they’re all stellar!] wrote on his Session Prep Form that he had received yet another promotion at work and his co-workers were teasing him about “building an empire.”
He also said co-workers have been asking him how he does it, i.e., how he continues to receive ... Views: 1624
“Get your hopes up!
Expect something good to happen to you every day.”
– Joyce Meyer
“Don’t Get Your Hopes Up!” We’ve heard that advice all our lives. Family, friends, books and movies have all warned us not to get our hopes up. It’s part of our popular culture. You may even say it ... Views: 1536
I can tell you it didn’t immediately feel wonderful when my internet went down. Again! After I’d already had three service techs come out in one week [including one appointment that lasted more than 3 hours], each one assuring me I would have no more issues. It didn’t immediately feel ... Views: 1214
“Depressed people have good memories for bad stuff.”
– Brian Johnson
A few years back, one of my mastermind partners surprised me by declaring it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
My first reaction was Yes!” Followed almost immediately by “Huh?”
Seems like that ship has ... Views: 1201
“I have plenty of time to do what I need to do.
Time expands for me.”
– Louise Hay
According to quantum physics, time doesn’t actually exist. In fact, Einstein postulated that past, present and future are all happening simultaneously.
While that may be true, most of us live by the ... Views: 1077
“When we choose not to focus on what's missing from our lives but are
grateful for the abundance that's present, we experience heaven on earth.”
- Sarah Ban Breathnach
I was enjoying the absolute best massage recently and this thought came to me: "This is truly Heaven on Earth!”
Then I ... Views: 1150
“Well-Being is the basis of this Universe.
Well-Being is the basis of All-That-Is.
It flows to you and through you. You have only to allow it."
- Abraham-Hicks
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Because of the Law of Attraction, I find myself in an entirely new Universe - a ... Views: 1155
“Remember to put your own oxygen mask on
first before assisting others.”
- Airline Attendants
Does the thought of putting yourself first shock you? Scare you? Make you angry?
I know some of you are saying, ”That's crazy. I have a family to take care of."
Others are saying, "That ... Views: 1377
“Treating the body really is about treating the mind.
It is all psychosomatic - every bit of it. No exceptions.”
- Abraham-Hicks
According to Harvard psychologist, Dr. Ellen Langer, “wherever you put the mind, the body will follow.”
Every thought you think causes a reaction in your ... Views: 1092
“Once we realize that any thought, any condition is temporary,
with no power, no charge except that which we give it,
we can go back to our natural state
which is joy and amazing awesomeness.”
– Pam Grout
In my previous article, “What Negative Emotion Really Means", we determined that ... Views: 1361
When you feel negative emotion, it always means there is a desire
within you that you are contradicting with some other thought.”
– Abraham-Hicks
It had been a wonderful Thanksgiving in every way. The weather was gorgeous and clear, in the high 60's. The food was abundant and delicious. ... Views: 1095
“A bird cannot fly high or far with a stone tied to its back. But release
the impediment and it’s free to soar to unprecedented heights."
– Alan Cohen
It’s difficult sometimes to accept that everything you tell yourself is simply a story. You know, the story you tell about how life is ... Views: 1231
"A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart."
- Goethe
The title of this article is, of course, a take-off on the popular 1978 book, When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Over the years, my own answer to the question of why bad things happen to good people has changed ... Views: 1329
“The purpose of life is joy.”
– Abraham-Hicks
We hear a lot about unconditional love these days. And most people are pretty much in favor of that. So I say - What about unconditional joy? What about joy that's not dependent on conditions? Doesn't that sound like a good idea too? ... Views: 1886
"Financial abundance is simply the Universe's response
to consistent thoughts and feelings of abundance."
- Abraham-Hicks
The Law of Attraction teaches that, in order to manifest a desire, you must first achieve the vibration of that desire. So, if you have a desire to create more ... Views: 1190
“You are here to experience outrageous joy.
That is why you are here.”
– Abraham-Hicks
Indeed it IS a wonderful world! But, full disclosure, it wasn’t always such a wonderful world for me.
Prior to embracing the Law of Attraction, I tried many things to feel good and enjoy my life ... Views: 1215
“There is no Non-Physical Source of darkness, sickness,
confusion or evil. There is only the Stream of Well-Being
and it is flowing toward you at all times.”
– Abraham-Hicks
Limiting beliefs – we’ve all got them. You can’t grow up human without absorbing some of the limiting beliefs of ... Views: 1262
“The joy I have – the world didn’t give it,
the world can’t take it away.”
– Shirley Caesar, gospel singer
Sally, age 35, has true clarity that happiness comes from the Inside Out and she makes it her highest priority to be happy regardless of circumstances. The more she practices ... Views: 1351
“The successful warrior is the average man,
with laser-like focus.”
- Bruce Lee
As a Law of Attraction Life Coach, I consider myself to be in the Happy, Healthy Life business. As such, I enjoy making a study of the best ways to attain and maintain health and happiness.
As there are ... Views: 1202
“If only you could love enough, you would be
the happiest and most powerful being in the world.”
– Emmet Fox
LOVE! It's what we all want and, for many of us, it's the most difficult thing to both find and hold on to. In my opinion, the most important thing to know about love is where it ... Views: 1259
“When the voice and the vision on the inside is more
profound, clear and loud than all opinions on the outside,
you've begun to master your life.”
– John Demartini
“Call Madeleine, she can help you.” This was the first really clear guidance I ever received from my Inner Being. Even ... Views: 920
“Your only real problem is that you have forgotten who you are.”
– A Course in Miracles
Once upon a time in meditation, I received a crystal clear message that I am absolutely and eternally wonderful; and the only problem I have ever had is not knowing that.
Really? The only problem I ... Views: 1031
“If someone can be traumatized in 30 seconds, why can’t they
be healed in a day, an hour, a minute?”
– Rick Wilkes, EFT Expert
I am so excited about EFT these days! I have known about it for years and have used it successfully on several occasions – even recommended it as a supplemental ... Views: 1106
"Financial abundance is simply the Universe's response
to consistent thoughts and feelings of abundance."
- Abraham-Hicks
Ever since I first heard about the Abundance Journal process -- probably six years ago now – I’ve been doing it daily. It’s actually one of my favorite processes ... Views: 1653
“Whatever follows ‘I AM’ is going to come looking for you.”
– Joel Olsteen
If you’ve been following the Law of Attraction for a while, you’re most likely comfortable with the idea that your thoughts become the things and events of your life. You probably also accept the concept that you ... Views: 1311
"Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again.
Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble
are those who never mount the high wire."
- Oprah Winfrey
Often, clients come to me requesting help in overcoming “fear of failure.” Many of us recall previous ... Views: 1177
“You can start with nothing, and out of nothing and
out of no way, a way will be made.”
– Michael Beckwith
This is an inspiring experience from my client, Aimee, which reads like a how-to manual for getting what you want. As you read Aimee’s experience, notice how she focuses on her ... Views: 1351
“We turn poison into medicine and our sorrows into blessings”
– Rumi
One of my clients had the most fascinating experience recently involving the appearance of a mouse in her apartment. In and of itself, it’s an amazing experience. As an example of the potential for something wonderful to ... Views: 1388
“If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is
‘thank you,’ that will suffice.”
– Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)
There’s great wisdom in that quote from Meister Eckhart as well as in the similar statement from Abraham that if all you do is look for things to appreciate, you will live ... Views: 2250
“If all you did was just look for things to appreciate,
you would live a joyous, spectacular life.”
– Abraham-Hicks
I recently read the book, Pollyanna (written in 1913 by Eleanor Porter), and was delighted to find that this is a book about the Law of Attraction. Through a process called ... Views: 1997
“Think of the happy things. It’s the same as having wings.”
– Walt Disney
I’m reasonably sure Walt Disney never heard of The Law of Attraction, but he lived the principles brilliantly every day of his life.
Walt lived his life as a grand adventure, dreaming big dreams, with no interest ... Views: 2369
“All doubt, despair, and fear become insignificant once the intention
of life becomes love, rather than dependence on love.”
– Sri da Avabhas
LOVE! Millions of songs have been sung about it. Countless poems, movies, books and plays have been written about it. Untold numbers of notes, ... Views: 1298
“If the way you feel depends on anything outside of you, you’re in trouble. But if you depend only upon your connection with your own Inner Being, then everything in your experience falls into alignment.”
– Abraham-Hicks
I have a great idea for a new book. The working title is Inside Out: ... Views: 1119
“Treating the body really is about treating the mind. It is all psychosomatic – every bit of it. No exceptions.”
– Abraham-Hicks
In my ebook, Think and Grow Thin, I make this bold statement at the end of each chapter:
Your thoughts created the body you now have.
Your thoughts can ... Views: 1070
“Emotional and physical states can be altered by changing the breathing pattern.”
– Wilhelm Reich
If you’re breathing, you’re alive, right? Would you then agree that – if you’re breathing fully and consciously – you’re fully and consciously alive? Try an experiment right now. As you read ... Views: 2629
“Abundance expands proportionately to match desires.”
– Abraham-Hicks
According to the Law of Attraction, you’re a magnet attracting into your life whatever you focus on. It is, therefore, a wise course of action to focus on what you DO want rather than what you DON’T want. Like attracts ... Views: 1649
“It is fun to think on purpose and to see the results of those deliberately chosen thoughts.”
– Abraham-Hicks
In a recent interview about the Law of Attraction, I was asked what I consider to be the biggest hang-ups deliberate creators experience in successfully manifesting their ... Views: 1431
“Anybody who ever succeeded at anything came to a place of expecting success.”
- Abraham-Hicks
In January of this year, my sister called to tell me about a Friends & Family special her chiropractor was running. For $11, he was offering an exam, a full set of x-rays and a chiropractic ... Views: 1233
“There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract
everything you need to live life gloriously, joyously, and abundantly.”
– Joseph Murphy
After 30 + years of knowing that thoughts become things, I feel as if I’ve just picked up a HUGE piece of the How-To-Get-What-You-Want ... Views: 3149
“Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and away from every illness.” – Soren Kierkegaard
How can something as simple as walking be considered magical? For starters, walking is refreshing and rejuvenating. It’s like hitting the re-set button to re-fuel and re-charge you for ... Views: 1313
What is the Law of Attraction really? These days, most people have at least heard of the Law of Attraction. For many, their first introduction to LOA came about due to the phenomenal popularity of The Secret in 2006. There was so much buzz about this topic at the time that many long-time ... Views: 1721
“Keep your eyes on the prize. Hold on!”
– lyrics by civil rights activist, Alice Wine
“I’m keeping my eyes on the prize.” These are the wonderful words my client, Reenie, wrote to me recently. She continued, “It took all the strength I had to keep my eyes on the prize and not allow that ... Views: 1574
“Make sure that your life is a rare entertainment! It doesn't take anything drastic. You needn't be gorgeous or wealthy or smart – just very Enthusiastic!” – Bette Midler
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Enthusiasm! When you enter this magical realm, you ride a wave of Life Force Energy ... Views: 1772