How do you know when it’s the right time to make a change and begin to take the small steps that will hopefully lead you to success and a more positive life?
Here are some points to ponder that may help you decide:
Are you bored with what you do? Boredom is one of those messages from your ... Views: 1356
I had lunch yesterday in a restaurant near my home. I had taken along a good book to read and was just finishing a cup of coffee when a young women sat down at the table next to me. She was speaking loudly and rapidly making multiple calls on her cell phone, updating her staff, calling her kids, ... Views: 1661
Whether you’re an engineer, an accountant, a lawyer or a piano teacher, malaise can set in and leave you questioning what to do next. Where did that life and job you used to love go to?! I believe that if something is boring or draining, it’s your intuition giving you a nudge to say, “Time for ... Views: 1636
You’ve been laid off. Or perhaps your spouse has asked for a divorce. Or your doctor has just informed you that he’s found something he’s “concerned about.” How do you make wise decisions when your life is turned upside down? How do you find calm, peace and sanity again? Who do you trust when ... Views: 1650
“Serenity now!” When Frank Costanza shouted the words he made famous in the especially hilarious Seinfeld episode, he was seeking immediate peace. It didn’t work, of course, but don’t you wish it was that easy? Unfortunately, it’s not. But you can find time for calm and listening within during ... Views: 2155
"We are each responsible for our lives and, more important, the thoughts that create them. If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think."
— Oprah Winfrey
What you say when you talk to yourself has a huge impact on what happens in your life. The content of ... Views: 2283
“Serenity now!” When Frank Costanza shouted the words he made famous in the especially hilarious Seinfeld episode, he was seeking immediate peace. It didn’t work, of course, but don’t you wish it was that easy? Unfortunately, it’s not. But you can find time for calm and stillness within the ... Views: 1173
Most of us have experienced it at least once in our lives. We’ve prayed — for money, a job, healing from an illness, a loved ones recovery — and nothing happens. Where is God during those times? What do you do when God seems silent?
I had that happen to me several years ago. One of my books, ... Views: 1496
What comes to your mind when you think of “taking care of yourself?” Pause a moment and really think about it… Is it a long vacation by the beach? Endless massages? A full month at a restorative spa? Perhaps you imagine you can do that when you retire. Most of us think of taking time out of ... Views: 1545
All of us are born with powerful wisdom within us. It’s there to guide us in good times and bad. We need it most when we feel lost, alone and directionless.
We live in a time of turmoil and upheaval. The stability we’ve counted on, such as steady jobs, long-lived marriages, excellent health ... Views: 1843
The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas and throw the bad ones away. — Linus Pauling, winner of Nobel Prizes in both peace and chemistry.
What do you do when you need an idea and you need it quick? Hire a consultant? Delegate? Panic? No to all of those! You have within you a ... Views: 1701
“When it comes to your money, what you think will direct what you say, what you say will direct what you do, and what you do will create your destiny” — Suze Orman
All of us have an inner dialogue that chatters to us during our waking moments. It is constantly judging, perceiving and ... Views: 1479
The dictionary defines it as “quick and ready insight.” It comes from the Latin root, intueri which means to “look within.” I think of intuition as a “compass of the soul” that guides, informs and directs us toward success. It’s a skill we all have. We use it to make successful decisions and ... Views: 1326
I heard from a client last week who had lost her job and was faced with the possibility of losing her home. She said, "I need a miracle!" Well... I happen to believe in miracles. I love what the book A Course in Miracles says, "Miracles are natural. When they do not occur, something has gone ... Views: 4669
Most of us hate making big decisions. Should I leave this job? Would my life be better if I moved to another place? Is it time to end this relationship? We usually angst about these issues for weeks, months and even years. I've observed that, left to their own devices, most people decide not to ... Views: 2209
As human beings we are wired for wisdom and guidance from God. When we learn how to listen to our intuition we will hear the guidance that will show us the next step to take. We don’t have to be concerned with all the minutiae about how to reach our goals and visions. We only need to be ... Views: 3640
You feel excited. He just called for the first time and left a message asking you to join him Saturday night to catch the latest act at a new club in town. You’re attracted to him, and a little nervous. You don’t know him that well. Can you trust him? Should you go out with him? Could he be the ... Views: 2723
“Serenity now!” When Frank Costanza shouted the words he made famous in the especially hilarious Seinfeld episode, he was seeking immediate peace. It didn’t work, of course, but don’t you wish it was that easy? Unfortunately, it’s not. But you can find time for calm and stillness within the ... Views: 1527
"We are each responsible for our lives and, more important, the thoughts that create them. If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think." — Oprah Winfrey
What you say when you talk to yourself has a huge impact on what happens in your life. You create your ... Views: 2797
Think of someone you know who leads a successful life. They exude an aura of calm and inner peace, yet you can almost see their “spirit.” They crackle with infectious energy. They may have millions or they may not, but their success is obvious in their “presence.” They enjoy life and they love ... Views: 1620
"I discovered that people are not really afraid of dying; they're afraid of not ever having lived, not ever having deeply considered their life's higher purpose, and not ever having stepped into that purpose and at least tried to make a difference in this world." — Joseph Jaworski
You come to ... Views: 1357
Do you know what your goals are but can't seem to make them come true? Is your life going in the direction you'd like it to? It may be time to take some action, any action! As Will Rogers said, "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
Most of us feel ... Views: 1757
Think of someone you know who leads a successful life. They probably have an enviable aura of calm and peacefulness, yet somehow they seem to sparkle with infectious energy. They enjoy life and they love to share that joy with others.
Does that sound like you? It could be, because you have ... Views: 1506
We’ve all had those times when we’ve thought and thought about a decision and just can’t seem to land on the right answer. It’s as if we’re so caught up in logic, facts, and data we can’t see the proverbial trees for the forest. During those periods when you feel stuck, listen for I-Mail. It ... Views: 1493
The national unemployment rate has soared to its highest level in 16 years, offering little encouragement to the 12 million plus Americans who are unemployed. During these difficult economic times, intuition expert and best-selling author Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed., offers sound advice on how to ... Views: 1562
It’s impossible to ignore any longer. Your hair is beginning its transition to “sophisticated silver.” Your face is taking on the look of a “wise” woman. And your kids, friends, parents, neighbors – and mysteriously, your husband – all seem to be “changing” before your very eyes, (the ones ... Views: 4392