From the very beginning, baby boomers were set up to fail at the retirement game. Our shear numbers made it difficult for institutions, social security and employers to put enough away for us to retire. We bought into the myth of retirement. But, just because life hasn’t worked out exactly as ... Views: 2396
If anyone was going to succeed at retirement it is was Al. An accomplished artist, we first met at a Christmas party of a mutual friend. He was eagerly awaiting retirement as an administrator from a large California university. He was looking forward to entering a new career as an artist. ... Views: 2431
The term boomerang kid emerged during the tough economic cycle that forced grown children back in with their parents. The boomerang, an instrument used by aboriginal people in Australia is thrown in the air only to return back to the sender.
While grown children returning home can be a ... Views: 2560
Women and aging has always been a difficult conversation. Baby boomer women are starting to reach their mid sixties. For some, it has meant burying their heads in the sand of denial. For others it has meant a descent into despair. With the body, age is inevitable, but that doesn’t have to be ... Views: 3252
What are your retirement goals and dreams? The boomer retirement will be different from former generations. There are new challenges to being retired. It still to be determined whether it will better or worse.
Will the boomer retirement be a happy one?
Do you want to have a retirement ... Views: 2941
What are your retirement goals and dreams? The baby boomers retirement will be different from former generations. It still to be determined whether it will better or worse.
Do you want to have a happy retirement? Of course, you do.
Do you want to have a retirement different from your ... Views: 1489
If you have a tendency to put others before your needs, you may want to learn how to put yourself at the top of your list. This doesn’t mean you don’t still care about other people. It means you value yourself as much as you care about everyone else.
A friend is planning the first few months ... Views: 2010
Third Age is your newest frontier. It’s the new and unique opportunity for people of your generation that the “30 year bonus” of our extended life expectancy makes possible.
In 1900, the average lifespan for a man in the United States was forty-seven years old. By 2000, the lifespan had been ... Views: 1486
At some point in the first few weeks or months ob being retired, you may mutter the words, “I’m bored.” The first inclination is to rush out and do something, anything to avoid the feeling of not being needed, of not having a place to go or something that calls for you to do.
The transition ... Views: 1384
What is retirement really like? As the baby boomers enter retirement, they want to age differently than their parents. While golf and travel may still be part of the vision, most new retirees realize that retiring isn’t about old people. With twenty or thirty years left, that’s a lot of time ... Views: 3178
As baby boomers approach retirement, there is the realization they have forgotten how to play. Not to be confused with self-indulgence, play is an activity that needs to be cultivated in a whole new way.
What is play? Believe it or not, baby boomers have forgotten how to play. Learning how ... Views: 1197
Boomers want in retirement what they wanted from their work. To have fun, great experiences, and make a difference. Retire and discover a new sense of purpose.
In today’s complicated world, earning a living is the primary purpose of most working adults. It’s an important role, but can also ... Views: 1616
As boomers approach retirement, old age feels a long way off. The new retiree is entering a second growth. What used to feel like a mid life crisis is now an opportunity to make a dramatic shift as to how you live life.
Because of the image it conjures, we’ve come to dislike the word ‘retire’. ... Views: 1085
As boomers become retirees, they face a new retirement life. What is happiness based on? As you understand what makes you happy, you can create a more rewarding new senior life.
Every year, thousands of people retire, leaving the workforce, looking forward to a well-deserved life of leisure ... Views: 1331
People think they will find a hobby or get involved in volunteer work after they retire. Studies show this is not the case. Unless you were involved with activities prior to retiring, you will struggle afterwards. Here’s how to get started finding new interests.
For many, retirement is about ... Views: 1127
There are very few instructions on how to retire. Other than being told, it’s a time to enjoy yourself, there are few models. Baby boomers want it all, but understand that thirty of years of play may not be all there is.
Sometime in the first few months of retirement, the reality will hit ... Views: 1093
As the boomers retire, they have the opportunity to enter an exciting new adventure. Without planning, this new retirement could turn into dreary nightmare.
Experts have identified six key issues that are important when facing retirement. They are: wealth, health, relationships, ... Views: 1142
As the financial situation shifts daily around the world, people are wondering if this is a good time to retire. New fears about the future make it appear that one shouldn’t even consider retirement. Whether there are concerns about money, healthcare, or creating a new life, one thing is for ... Views: 1057
Will I have enough money to last the rest of my life? The number one fear facing retirees is whether they are going to have enough money in retirement. Ironically, that fear exists regardless of one’s actual worth. In fact, people who report assets of $10 million are more concerned about ... Views: 1445
The boomers new retirement is reinventing the contri0buting citizen, seniors actively involved in the community. Now is the time to explore new adult’s activities that will create a sense of purpose and change the world.
Roseanne knew she would never retire in the traditional sense of the ... Views: 1091
What is the boomers fountain of youth? It’s not about what you see in the mirror, but the way you create a good retirement and the new seniors life. Now is the time to explore, discover and take risks.
When was the last time you took a serious risk, really put yourself out there? When was ... Views: 1060
Human aging does not have to be a time of decline. The boomers retirement will not be a descent into elderly activities. New senior research reveals how the boomer generation can be young old men and women.
As the nearly 77 million of the boomer generation face retirement, the idea of aging ... Views: 1542
The baby boomers retiring today understand thirty years of retirement golf isn’t enough to create a fulfilling retirement life. Learning how to find a new passion is the key to a successful boomer retirement.
“What am I going to do with my time?” is the question the baby boomers retiring ... Views: 3792
When people think of retirement, they usually visualize senior travel, tourist adventures to exotic locations, visiting friends and family, getting involved in a senior activity, maybe at retirement centers, playing golf or other outdoor activities.
No matter how central your home, retirement ... Views: 1077