What does it take to live the life you desire? Definitely, having goals you are passionate about, focus, and self-discipline give you a good start. Also there are stages in life that are natural times for thinking about living the life you desire. Many of these times signal a transition which means some part of your life is ending and another part is beginning. Graduations are like that. It is a time of opportunity. Some other natural times are:

• Starting school (middle school, high school, college, and graduate school)
• Participating in sports, music, drama, or other areas of interest
• Beginning a new job, career, or a new position
• Starting a new relationship
• Beginning a marriage
• Becoming parents and eventually grandparents
• Beginning retirement

Life is full of these opportunities.

This last week we attended our grandson’s high school senior project exhibit. He has been totally consumed with it this semester. His finished product is a CD comprised of 7 songs; he wrote 3 of them. It is traditional bluegrass music. He plays the banjo and guitar for all of the songs, formed a band to add additional instruments and support singers, toured with a professional Midwest bluegrass band, and made a CD. What a way to complete his high school years! His senior project grade was pass with distinction – exceeds expectations. It shows what can happen when you are passionate about something and discipline yourself to do what it takes to achieve your goals. Outstanding! We are so proud of him and are looking forward to his graduation this week end.

The following tips will help you live the life you desire:

1. Know yourself. This means being able to identify your strengths, values, and feelings. This is critical information for you to have when you make important decisions. What makes you, you?
2. Have a dream about what you want to happen that matches your values (what is important to you) and uses your strengths. When you use your strengths, it is easier to be engaged or focused in what you are doing. You will not get bored with what you are doing.
3. Be able to picture what you want – in color if possible. When you picture what you want to happen, make the picture large and close to you rather than small and far away. If you can picture something like this, it is more likely to happen. It also helps you focus and feel more motivated.
4. Set goals that are realistic, specific, and measurable so you will know where you are in the process.
5. Be willing to put forth the effort needed to learn what is needed to help you be successful. Often becoming successful depends on your ability to persevere when things do not go the way you want.
6. Be curious about life. It keeps you open to new ideas and learning experiences throughout your life.
7. Discover ways to be flexible and open to change so you can make adjustments along the way.

Throughout your life, know who you are and what is important to you. Let your choices reflect that, and see how your confidence increases as your life unfolds.

Author's Bio: 

Maurine Patten, EdD, CMC, Achieve a Life Worth Living.
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