To understand who we are and why we are here, it is important to understand the difference between cognitive knowledge and experiential knowledge. To illus¬trate, if you were a non–swimmer and wanted to learn to swim, you could read some books on the subject, you could speak with experienced ... Views: 1767
In the last article, I stated that Meditation is one of the most effective consciousness expanders. In this article, I will provide a brief overview of what meditation is and how to do it.
Meditation is a response in the nervous system and there are many ways to trigger that response. Once ... Views: 1813
In an earlier article, I had stated that there are many influences keeping our energetic vibration low, and holding us back from expanding our consciousness and advancing our spirituality. One of the biggest obstacles to expanding our consciousness is our Ego. Our Ego is not who we are. Our ... Views: 1700
In precious articles, I’ve talked about what consciousness is, that everything is made up of a vibrating energy and that there are many influences designed to keep our vibration low and ensure that we remain in the third density or the third dimension of consciousness until we have experienced ... Views: 1593
As you may or may not know, the Mayan calendar ended on December 21, 2012.
Many thought that date marked the end of the world. Others interpreted this as the end of an age of consciousness and a shifting to a new one.
In my opinion, there is a shift upon us, it’s a shift in consciousness ... Views: 1556
In the fourth article in this series, I asked the question: “What’s holding me back?” In that article, I enumerated a number of influences that are holding our vibration down, preventing us from expanding our consciousness and from developing our spirit¬uality. In the fifth article, I elaborated ... Views: 1541
If you have been reading the previous three articles in this series of 10, by now, you should have the understanding that everything is made up of a vibrating energy, everything and everyone has its own unique rate of vibration, and vibration correlates with consciousness and spirituality. In ... Views: 1427
In the previous article, I mentioned that, for convenience, Metaphysicians have developed levels or categories of consciousness. Some refer to these as densities and others as dimensions of consciousness. Regardless of terminology, we humans occupy the third and fourth levels, which we can call ... Views: 1469
Scientists tell us that, when we look beneath the level of molecules and atoms, and get to the tiniest of known particles, we find great amounts of space between these particles. This space is not empty; it is filled with a vibrating energy. Not much is known about this vibrating energy but it ... Views: 1984
My definition of Consciousness is simply awareness of what's going on around us and what's going on within us.
Here's one way of looking at it:
Suppose we are all in a large room, which is full of furniture: There are tables, chairs, sofas, stools, etc. And we have to get from one corner ... Views: 1484
Consciousness is the ability to be aware of one’s inner self and of one’s surroundings. Everything has some degree of consciousness, although in some cases, science hasn’t yet discovered how to identify or measure it.
A plant, for example, has more consciousness than a rock. It can lean ... Views: 1320
Last January, a friend loaned me a DVD called The Living Matrix. It was about quantum physics and some of the things that science is discovering about healing. One segment featured Dr. Eric Pearl and Reconnective Healing, and frankly, that’s about the only part I can recall.
Reconnective ... Views: 1752
The Law of Attraction is pretty straight forward. It is expressed in various ways, e.g. “What you put out is what you get back,” Likes attract likes,” Birds of a feather flock together.” Or, simply put: “We attract what we think about.”
Quantum Physics is demonstrating that thought does move ... Views: 1265
When you are a human being trying to understand and explain the infinite, you will probably fall short. Generally, when describing attributes of the infinite, there are only a few individuals who can legitimately say that they know something to be true. Some can say that they believe something ... Views: 1240
What is Nordic Pole Walking?
Nordic Pole Walking is a low-impact, easy to learn, and enjoyable exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels. There are approximately 350 scientific and clinical studies pointing to the health benefits of Nordic Pole Walking.
Nordic Walking Poles ... Views: 1969
You may have heard about the California study that randomly selected a group of teachers and assigned randomly selected students to them. They told both the teachers and the students that they were selected from the top 10% of their respective groups and that everyone expected out-standing ... Views: 1220
If you ask the Success Gurus, e.g. Tony Robbins, Brian Tracey, Ken Blanchard, etc. most will state that goal setting is the number one success tool. If not number one, then close to it. Back in the 1950s, Peter Drucker introduced Management by Objectives and through the 60s and 70s George ... Views: 1553
We often hear people use the word “soul.” They talk about “mind-body-soul”, they might state that someone “has soul,” they can point to a “poor soul,” they may designate certain individuals as “soul mates,” and they could talk about operating on a “soul level.” What exactly are they talking ... Views: 1201
This is the date that the Pre-Columbian Mayan calendar ends. It seems that no one really knows what is supposed to happen after this date, but there is a great deal of speculation, ranging from the end of the world to a dawning of a new enlightened age. On the one hand, we have movies like 2012, ... Views: 1834
Many Consulting Hypnotists/Hypnotherapists find that weight reduction, smoking cessation, and stress management make up the bulk of their practice. After that, their next biggest focus may well be on overcoming debilitating fears. I’m referring to abnormal fears of such things as flying, ... Views: 1648
It is common in hypnotherapy to have a client tell you that he or she just feels stuck. They explain that they are not motivated to do anything, they don’t complete tasks, and they procrastinate all the time. When you ask what is causing this, they shrug and say they wish they knew. So, what ... Views: 1443
If you don’t believe in reincarnation, it might be because you don’t have any reason to – fair enough. If you reject the idea and are a reasonable person, you have probably looked at the evidence objectively and have rejected it for what you believe to be good reason – also quite fair. If, on ... Views: 1723
Meditation is a response in the nervous system and there are many ways to trigger it. Once activated, certain chemicals flow, brain waves change from beta waves to alpha waves, metabolism drops, senses become more acute, the body relaxes deeply, and the subconscious mind comes to the fore, ... Views: 1359
Meditation, hypnosis, and self-hypnosis all trigger a response in the nervous system that gets us into an altered state of consciousness. In this state, the subconscious mind comes to the fore and the conscious mind takes a back seat.
Some say that our subconscious mind ... Views: 1391
In my last article, I stated that the greatest benefit of meditation may actually be an increase in consciousness. The metaphysicists tell us that everything has consciousness (awareness). Most scientists wouldn’t agree. That’s OK because science likely hasn’t yet developed the tools to ... Views: 1396
In my last article, I mentioned that many benefits accrue to those who practice regular meditation. In this one, I will be more specific. First, by “regular meditation”, I mean approximately 20 minutes every day, give or take a few minutes, and without missing very many days. It’s much like ... Views: 1109
These are all states of consciousness or awareness, as are the states of sleep and every-day, walking-around wakefulness. These three, however, share a number of similarities that sleep and wakefulness only display in certain instances, and usually not to the same extent:
• Metabolism drops ... Views: 1207