Will power what the heck is that all about anyway? Seems to me we never have enough of it and can’t seem to find more of it. The power to will reality into your own
reality is something I have worked on all my life. I have been successful at times and others not so successful. I do know that ... Views: 1082
The idea of nothing makes it something. Once it is something it becomes whatever we think it is. Nothing is only limited by our imagination. There for as Einstein postulated imagination is the universe. This explains why it is so difficult to create and or manifest something into this universe, ... Views: 891
A lot of emphasis in our society is put on our IQ and how well we do in school regurgitating informational facts. As I researched this area I realized that although there are some exceptions to the rule. This doesn’t seem to have any bearing on true success.
I mean if I wanted somebody that ... Views: 2533