Whether you’re a coach, consultant, nutritionist, personal trainer, lifestyle expert, or any other kind of expert your business can be helped considerably by offering packages to your prospective clients.
What’s a package?
A package is simply an easy way of bundling together the core ... Views: 653
Not long ago I saw an email go out from a prominent coach. In it the coach referred to him/herself as a game-changer.
It got me thinking. Could this person actually be MY game-changer? Could he/she be yours? (OK, I’m not going to reveal to you whether it was a him or a her because frankly ... Views: 637
As a business owner you already know how important it is MARKET your business. It’s vital to your business success just like breathing is to living.
Now, more than likely, you weren’t born knowing HOW TO market your business. You WERE born with your unique brilliance, including your ... Views: 670
I recently stumbled upon one photo of me and Pete taken before we were married. It was the late 80′s…the era of BIG, including my hair!
I loved finding this photo of us from so long ago. Because I’m always one to GO DEEP I couldn’t help but meditate on the couple I saw in the picture. I ... Views: 652
I was reminded this morning about the power of teamwork.
My husband Pete is heading to Ottawa, Ontario this morning for a short visit with his mom and sister. This is right on the tail of me returning from four days away with my Passion Into Profit Mastermind clients!
Yesterday as I was ... Views: 642
Everything in our lives is connected. On the surface it might appear we have a problem in one area of our lives when really the problem stems from a different area of our lives.
My friend Chris experienced this firsthand. As a business owner he was struggling to GROW his business. After ... Views: 890
You’re certainly not the only one.
There was a time I worried about that too.
After all, I had been living my life one way and when I decided to live my life in an authentic way I rocked the boat a little. It couldn’t be helped.
Over the years many of my clients have expressed ... Views: 607
It’s been said that if you want to attract good fortune into your life nothing is more important than feeling good! Feeling good NOW actually creates a doorway through which you can meet up with what you wish to manifest.
Feeling bad actually closes that door.
Of course what I’m talking ... Views: 834
You’re ready to upgrade your website because you know it’s the next step in up leveling your business and image.
You also know it’s an important marketing device in your business.
So how do you get started on the right foot so you can rest-assured you’ll end up with the ... Views: 685
1. Choose Your Specialty
An exceptional athlete wouldn’t participate in multiple sports, she would choose one in which she could leverage her gift! If she spread herself too thin, among multiple sports, she wouldn’t know how to train, how to focus, and she would never learn how to be her ... Views: 854
How do you manage the aloneness that comes along with being a solo-entrepreneur? It’s a situation many solo-entrepreneurs find themselves in and even though you’re living your dream, too much alone time gets old really fast!
So what’s an entrepreneur to do? Whether you’re an introvert or ... Views: 691