RISK- chance, opportunity, uncertainty, possibility
We are creatures of habit for the most part. The average person likes stability and routine. It provides a level of perceived security. However, deep inside of everyone there are hopes, dreams and aspirations longing to be realized. Those ... Views: 1312
PRESENCE – how you present yourself, your state or fact of being
We have all had the experience of walking in a party or meeting up with friends at a restaurant and pick up on a feeling or the ‘vibe’ that is happening. Right? It can either can be warm, inviting and comfortable or weird, cold ... Views: 1286
PURPOSE – our goals, aims and determinations, the reason we exist. Living life on purpose is living a life with purpose. The focus of the week is to embrace the purpose of your life and live on purpose by being the best you can be.
Even though we all have unique talents and contributions to ... Views: 829
ABUNDANCE – thriving, prosperity, opulence, affluence, plenty
In this time of what is being called “Economic Crisis or Hardship” it is important not to let fear or lack and limitation to creep into your mindset. I firmly believe ABUNDANCE is a state of mind, just like lack or scarcity. There ... Views: 911