Whenever I ask people why they want a coach, they invariably tell me that they need someone to hold them accountable. I think that hiring a coach is the best answer to that, but suppose you aren't ready for a coach? Here's something you can do until you are ready for one (or even if you have one). Get an accountability partner.

This is someone who can help you:

• Keep on track with your goals

• Give you encouragement

• Celebrate your accomplishments

• Bounce off or brainstorm new ideas

• Have someone to share insights with

Your accountability partner can be a colleague, peer, or business associate who preferably is on the same wavelength and track to success that you are on.

If you have someone to go over your week with that is excited about your journey to success, it makes it much easier to keep your enthusiasm for your journey.

Once a week take 30 minutes to discuss your wins, losses, and aha moments. You can also tell each other what challenges or problems you had and how you solved them. And you can challenge each other for better results in the following week.

Here is a suggested agenda:

1. Wins- this gets the session started on a positive and uplifting note (5-10 min)

• What did you accomplish?
• What problems did you solved?

2. Losses- only spend 3-5 minutes on this

• What not-so-great things happened?
• What problems are needing your attention?

3. Ahas- this gets you back in the positive mode

• What new ideas came to you?
• What insights did you receive?

4. New business- future intentions

• What are you working on this week that you need support with?
• What concerns do you have?
• What would you like to see happen next week?

5. Ask for support- this gives you both an opportunity to practice giving and receiving

• Ask for any support your partner can give you
• Ask for their expertise on something
• Ask them to hold any intentions for you

6. Offer a new challenge- this sets the stage for success by making your challenge fun and more interesting.

• What can you challenge your partner on for the following week?
• What goals are you currently working on?

When you use this kind of agenda, you give each other a safe, structured environment to discuss problems, solutions, hopes, wishes and dreams with someone who has similar achievements and aspirations. This is how an accountability partner can help you be more accountable.

Author's Bio: 

Jeannette Koczela coaches solopreneurs who want to get more clients, grow their business, and make more money. Let her help you create a thriving business and prosperous money mindset using the universal law of attraction. Receive her Empowered Spirit Coaching Success Kit including her report "3 Secrets to Attract Your Ideal Clients" and a free coaching session audio www.empoweredspiritcoaching.com .