Especially for service-oriented business owners navigating business expansion, career change, and retirement, self-sabotage holds the potential to create frustrated havoc instead of joyous satisfaction. From my perspective, based on my own experience and decades of observations ... Views: 1062
Developing relationships can be equally as confusing as rewarding, yes? Especially at this time, when so many older souls who are attentive to spiritual awareness and energetic balance actively seek romantic partnership for the purpose of raising consciousness and working at a deeper ... Views: 1136
Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Here we are. Deal with it. Love it up, even! The way to deal with and appreciate it, especially for more spiritually-based women, is to realize that while we’re all from the same planet, our spiritual growth processes occur differently. ... Views: 1299
You’ve probably heard the term, “familiar” during conversations among those who provide psychic and/or natural healing services. What does it mean? Though a familiar may take on a variety of different forms, most often a familiar’s form is feline. A psychic, healer, clairvoyant, ... Views: 1381
So, you want to learn tarot, become a psychic reader, develop your intuition. Many people are feeling that call, without quite understanding it or the history behind it. Here’s the thing – all those three desires are separate, each rife with misconceptions. Working ... Views: 1258
What’s, “grounded?” Calm. Centered. Relaxed and alert at the same time. Comfortable in your skin even when things seem chaotic around you. That’s grounded. It’s easy to lose our center and become ungrounded as the day, the week, the month goes on. Here are five tips to regaining ... Views: 1367
Sure, it’s challenging and at times feels embarrassing when someone does not return romantic feelings that you experience as vividly real. However, not only has nobody ever died from embarrassment, but we can also learn more about ourselves as we navigate the emotional challenge. ... Views: 2122
Working with crystals & stones is more of an art than a science. Not unlike how a perfume smells differently on each individual wearing it, the energetic qualities of stones shift in alignment with whoever uses them. Among the published references available are reliable sources of ... Views: 1410
Many professional energy healers and wholistic healing practitioners enjoy using crystals to enhance our healing practices. Each stone carries a vibration, and serves to extend our stamina as well as increase the specific potency of the healing session. The following five are basic, ... Views: 1738
First off, the most operative word here is, “adults.” If you refer to yourself as a, “guy,” or a, “gal,” or any other diminutive term, this perspective is not for you. If you conceptualize yourself as an old soul as well as a mature, responsible adult at this time in your life, thank ... Views: 1045
Speaking briefly on this, because although the subject of soul mates is not central to the services I provide, it occasionally arises within my work with individuals who are expanding their businesses. Women seem more susceptible to it than men, so since I work primarily with men, I’m ... Views: 1349
To the many individuals currently experiencing the joy of finally leaving the past decades of daily obligation to the J.O.B. – good for you! What next?
Now’s a great time to pursue that passion that’s been bubbling just beneath the surface for so long. What makes your heart sing, ... Views: 1720
By now, most people even in the mainstream are familiar with the movie, “The Secret,” which attempts to address the Law of Attraction in easily understood terms & visual images. Correspondingly, most are familiar with the general concept of what you focus on is what expands.
Though ... Views: 1073
Sometimes this subject arises in my private practice, among spiritually-based business owners working to develop compassionate detachment:
“Energy vampire” is a term used to describe manipulative or needy individuals who are said to steal the energy of others by tiring them out, ... Views: 1669
Why is laughter so important in the healing process?
One of my favorite clients is fond of saying, “Laughter is the cheapest medicine!” Three basic reasons why:
1. Laughter lightens up your spirit by shifting your emotions. You create a more positive frame of mind through ... Views: 1045
“I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” Ho’oponopono? Or cultural appropriation? Let’s explore.
Those four statements, popular now to the point that when appearing in succession they receive a knee-jerk, “ho’oponopono!” reaction of “recognition.” However, while those four ... Views: 1625
Are you a business owner, or in an intensely active, high-pressure professional position? Do you wish you had more time to focus on your spiritual development, but don’t know when to do that? Here are three easy ways to incorporate your increased consciousness into your spiritual ... Views: 1891
Aloha! (Which means, “breath of life.”)
Just what is a “toxic friendship?” Surely you wouldn’t be friends with someone who made you drink poison. True? However, that IS what’s happening, energetically. When you are involved in a dynamic with another person and you feel drained, disrespected, ... Views: 1577
Have you been let go from your job, due to downsizing, funding cuts, management change, merger, or other reasons that, while logical, leave an emotional sting? Not to mention the financial impact! Sorry to hear that. Here are three ways to support your ability to get back into your own ... Views: 1182
Those who identify as being on a spiritual path most frequently embrace the concept that yes, everything happens for a reason. True, however what’s often left out of that paradigm is that it doesn’t mean every single occurrence holds a deep meaning. Sometimes the reason is simply that ... Views: 1522
During career consultations, I frequently receive questions from distraught individuals who feel unhappy in their jobs, seeking insight into the treatment they receive at work. As those of you who have worked with me know, clarity and action steps are created from two different ... Views: 1177
How’s 2016 going so far? I was afforded the honor of beginning this year with a blog talk radio show appearance with Al Diaz, international speaker, author, producer, and show host. So on Saturday morning, 10 am PST on January 2, I found myself warming up my voice a couple hours ... Views: 1364
For many business owners worldwide, the past decades have included significant financial ups and downs, strongly impacting the company culture with each rise and fall. One of the biggest challenges in regaining a healthy balance, especially after successive years withstanding personnel ... Views: 1605
In these changing, evolving times, I’ve found it essential to update my personal rituals to keep up with my own personal spiritual growth. The excitement of discovering new ways to support the passion of my life path continues to infuse every day with joy!
Discerning the difference ... Views: 1907
The mainstream western mindset, aka monkey-mind, aka mundanitude, continues to suck the vibrancy out of intelligent, creative, sensitive souls who try albeit in vain, to fit into it. The resulting rise in health crises both physical and emotional, coupled with the current spiritual ... Views: 1310
The ability to be articulate about emotional intelligence does not translate into actual emotional intelligence. This time of year, the upsurge in mental masturbation masquerading as “consciousness,” prepared for and presented to the mainstream monkey mind mentality buying into the latest new ... Views: 1354
Aloha! Yes, I said it, per usual! Why?
The beautiful Hawai’ian word, “aloha,” is commonly thought by people outside the culture as meaning, “hello,” or, “goodbye.” Actually, the word translates as, “breath of life.” “Alo” = life; “ha” = breath. The “ha” breath in Hawai’ian culture encompasses ... Views: 1165
Aloha! Right Now: Your self care tip for today: "No. It's a complete sentence. Learn to say it." Further, from, "The B-Natural Food for the Soul Self-Care & Maintenance Guide:"
"Say NO without guilt or explanation. Ultimately, YOU are the only person responsible for YOU and your spiritual ... Views: 1725
In light of the increased media focus on strife between humans, with little emphasis placed on how to shift out of that constant struggle and evolve as a species, I feel compelled to offer this foundational perspective. These brief, easy to use tools empower individuals to hold more ... Views: 1279
It has been just over a year now since the wake of Robin Williams's suicide resulted in a variety of questions and open forums for exploring & sharing information on the subjects of mental health & well-being, especially depression. I thought it a potent time to re-share the following ... Views: 1212
By now, the important place that holding an attitude of gratitude occupies in personal/spiritual development and even practical planning has received enough mainstream press to be passe. My intent here is to revitalize the concept by returning to the basics, as many who've ... Views: 1531
Aloha! Q & A time again!
Q: What's so wrong about "The Golden Rule?"
A: Short form: It's tyranny! Surprised? Read further, please:
A: Longer elaboration:
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Ok, so what if others prefer something different done unto them than what it is ... Views: 1271
During each of the many times I’ve begun this article, I’ve felt at once inspired to share and perplexed as to how to begin. So I am jumping in. Here goes:
I feel dismayed when I hear people, especially those who describe themselves as light workers, refer to the darkness as ... Views: 1278
The phrases, "Focus on the positive," and, "What you focus on is what expands," have become as cliche as gluten issues. What do these phrases need in order to evolve from merely truthful to potently useful in helping you enjoy your transitions, such as retirement, career change, ... Views: 1290
Intuition - that "inner knowing," or "gut feeling," is not just for the new cage granola mafia. ;) For decades, I have supported & facilitated practical intuitive development for groups as well as individual entrepreneurs. Please note: I said "development," and "practical." Using ... Views: 1402
Frequently, I’m approached by individuals ranging from novice to adept, requesting support as they learn to more accurately discern the difference between intuition and ego. In the spirit of clarity and with the intention of demystifying basic terms that have become confusing in the ... Views: 1691
The holiday season is upon us! For event vendors, the focus on prosperity flow takes center stage. I'm often asked for my event success tips. Currently, my priority is providing private services. This supportive information from my successful event experience is intended to help ... Views: 1873
From seeing Christmas decorations out before Halloween to decorated fake trees displayed until March, the over-commercialization of the holiday season can push our irritation buttons – IF we allow it. Following are 3 simple, effective ways to use “holiday madness” to your advantage in ... Views: 1256
Frustration? Valuable?!? Yuck!!!
Well, it’s true. Frustration serves a purpose, especially for those on a spiritual path. Frustration forces us to stop and reevaluate. You feel wound up tighter than a spring and like you can’t do anything. When you actually do something, it just doesn’t seem ... Views: 1595
Sometimes healing qualities or abilities are discerned from some type of amazing or magical feat. This isn’t necessary. Other times someone in a health care profession is thought of as a natural healer. This is a transformational time. As more people begin to awaken to inner spirituality and ... Views: 1723
Yes, of course you can become a healer. What is a healer, anyway? Is a healer an individual who strikes someone in the head, thereby dazing them, displaying “miracle power?” Is a healer a doctor who has studied year after year in medical school? How can you become a healer if these two choices ... Views: 1462
Being a healer entails a different way of life. A different attitude and different needs require a different kind of self care. The following are 9 basic ways in which a healer can remain a healer for others and keep centered and grounded. Add whatever else works for you, and don’t be afraid to ... Views: 2778
First off, who exactly is a warrior woman? What does that mean? For those of you who already know and recognize yourselves, HELLO!!! How’s it going? Are you handling the frustration? I know you can do it!
For those of you who aren’t sure, try a self-check: Are you a woman who is often ... Views: 1363
Hello! Guess what? No matter who you are, you can move forward more quickly and effectively by using your intuition to enhance your decision-making. How? Glad you asked.
First of all, intuition has to do with following feelings rather than intellectual logic. Gut-feelings, inclinations, ... Views: 1999
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How to See Auras - by T. Renee Richardson,
Much has already been written about the human aura as well as the auras of other living things. Methods of perceiving this energy field with the naked eye as well as with instruments have already been developed. Research about which colors mean what, the effects of certain shapes, and many other ... Views: 3164
So, what shall you choose? If you’re tired of the “cover it up or chop it off” philosophy of Western medicine, you’re probably considering “alternative” medicine. There are several options available.
Acupuncture? Reiki? Shiatsu? Cranialsacral? Homeopathy? Chiropractic? Aquacranial? Folk ... Views: 1344