We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
We all want an incredible life and a large part of that is identifying and creating a lifestyle that suits us – finding our “best fit”. When embarking on this quest, we start out gung ho, excited about the possibilities for what we want our lives to look and feel like. We ... Views: 967
You don’t have to call yourself a magician, mystic, psychic, priestess or wiccan to be magical. Every wish, prayer, business plan, and affirmation carries magic. The question is, how do you get better at making things happen? How do you increase your experience of ease flow and ... Views: 7757
It's natural to take time and consider our New Year's Resolutions on January 1st, but what about the other 364 days of the year? How often do we actually achieve the goals we set after the champagne wore off?
Does your life today match your dreams? If not, you're not alone. Most of us do not ... Views: 1417
“When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true”
The Alchemist, by Paolo Coehlo
I’ve been thinking a lot about synchronicity, about that intersection between saying “I want this” and seeing it show up. I see this happen over and over again ... Views: 7191
Life coaches specialize in helping individuals create the life they most desire. Within that process is visioning, goal setting and creating strategies to achieve those goals.
One of the strategies I use with clients is to view the goal achievement as a path to success. Just as in a cross ... Views: 1610
Millions of people started the day today "hoping" for
motivation to get them through the week. They woke up
waiting for some external force to inspire and light a fire
under them so they could make it through the day. Not an
exciting way to begin the week, do you agree?
Does it make sense to ... Views: 4246
There are two reasons why goals fail or we give up trying to achieve a specific goal. When I first learnt this, I knew I finally found the Holy Grail of goal achievement.
The first reason is the “Brick Wall”. Often if we make an attempt or several attempts at ... Views: 1063
Life can be tough, and as we all know, it's even more complicated when trying to stop binge eating disorder. We are thrown obstacles and our drive can sometimes seem obscured. Even in these struggles, your goal needs to stay at the forefront of your mind, so that you learn how to stop binge ... Views: 1935
When setting their goals, many freelance writers and copywriters think in terms of income.
"I want to be earning 6 figures a year within 12 months."
That's a great goal in some senses, but you run into problems when it comes to implementation.
What's the first step you need to take? Or the ... Views: 856
Danica Patrick’s first racing season was in 2005 at
Homestead-Miami. That year, she became the first woman to
lead the Indy 500 for 19 laps and finished the race in
fourth place. It was the best finish by a woman at Indy,
and she took Rookie of the Year honors.
On April 20th, 2008, the ... Views: 1740
Popular motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, "If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. What ever good things we build end up building us."
Goal setting is indeed a tricky task. Every goal you wish ... Views: 721
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. “
Henry Ford
Are you ready to change your life and achieve the goals you really want?
Maybe you have already used goal setting tools and defined what you wanted to achieve. Perhaps you've
• Set ... Views: 1888
Here are some tips from a personal coach to help with your goal setting process.
1. First, you need to get very clear on exactly it is that you want. Clarity is the very first step in the goal setting - - - and achievement process. You need to be specific enough so that you can measure your ... Views: 1432
Did you know that you can use hypnosis to change your life and achieve your goals? Hypnosis is an amazing mind-body state. Although it's been understood for thousands of years, no one quite knows how or why it works as well as it does, or even what it is.
In this article, we're going to look at ... Views: 892
There are people who spend their lives being controlled by circumstances, excuses & a victim’s attitude (Why Me?) and there are others who plan, set goals and actively take steps to create their desired outcome despite their circumstances. Needless to say which group is considered successful. ... Views: 2097
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Goal Setting. Goal Setting involves setting a specific, time targeted personal or business objective. In order for both short term and long term goals to be met, they must be realistic and clearly defined. Joanne Roibu is the ... Views: 3334
Goal Setting involves establishing specific, measurable and time targeted objectives. Work on the theory of goal-setting suggests that it is an effective tool for making progress by ensuring that participants are clearly aware of what is expected from them, if an objective is to be achieved. On ... Views: 7715
Life coaches work with those who have goals and want support in achieving their goals. Client goals fall into all life areas and range from things other people have said they should do to the most inspiring life changing goals that come from within themselves. The goals with the best chance of ... Views: 1238
If you're like many people, you've packed away the goals you had at the beginning of this year. But I have a suggestion for you: Dust them off and get on your way to accomplishing them, starting today.
Spring is a time of cleaning out clutter and starting afresh. So let this be a time of ... Views: 1919
I've learned at least two things about achieving goals. There is an easy way and a hard way.
The hard way is to work night and day, stay obsessed, rarely sleep, and never give up.
Since everyone talks about the hard way, I want to address the easy way. After all, why struggle if you don't ... Views: 1584
Sounds like an invitation to visit a tailor or your favourite clothes shop, doesn’t it? And as you read this article you can start to think about the way you feel as you walk into the world in smart and well-formed clothes, and as you do you will find how easy it is to imagine how even more ... Views: 907
Alone I sat trying to figure out my new vision map, and as I slaved away trying to forge a path to
fulfil my dreams, I had a sudden realization. Wouldn’t life be great if it was more like a grocery
store and less like McDonald’s!!!
I know this may sound completely out of left field, so allow me ... Views: 1202
This old Zen saying describes the way in which a trainee practices Zen; no striving, no ambition (to become enlightened), no goals . . . only sitting quietly. As a matter of fact, Zen considers goal making a disease of the mind! Quite a contrast from modern life where without goals we would be ... Views: 1160
"You can't fly planes! Be more realistic!!”
Those were the words of Stephen Hopson’s well-meaning parents.
You see, Stephen was born with a passion for flying, but he was also born profoundly deaf.
When he was just four years old, Stephen would beg his mother to take him to the airport so he ... Views: 856
When we are teaching another to learn something patience is critical to the learning process for both parties. However, when we put up with or even create needless dealys in our processes we prevent ourselves from achieving our most inspiring goals.
"Only the curious will learn and only the ... Views: 1527
Nine Ways to Put ACTION in Your Action Plan
Inspired and Written in the Midst and Aftermath of Hurricane Wilma
by Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR (Ret.)
By now, I am sure just about everyone knows about Hurricane Wilma, which ripped through South Florida on October 24, 2005. Over 6 million ... Views: 1517
So many people have wonderful dreams that are buried just beneath the surface--a book they'd love to write, a business venture they'd like to pursue, a race they'd like to sign up for, or a trip they want to take.
If only.
If only they had: more time, more motivation, more get-up-and-go. ... Views: 1111
Human nature tells you to plan from the beginning. I say start with the end in mind, draw what that will look like on paper and post your “Success Sketch” where you can see it every day. Stick men are acceptable! If you are changing jobs, don’t blindly answer classified ads and send out ... Views: 1971
We crossed paths as I was getting out of the pool and she was getting in--pushed in her wheelchair by one of the lifeguards.
It is not unusual to see a senior citizen with mobility challenges at our gym. The pool is frequently used by them for therapeutic purposes.
As we passed each ... Views: 2312
Have you ever heard the expression, "be true to yourself"? Maybe this expression should be changed to, "stay true to your course". Both of these expressions may be ones you should consider etching into your mind when you work for other people, or certain types of bosses, or in certain ... Views: 4209
Quite frequently now, I'm having times when I am in complete awe of the power of the Universe. And I just keep saying "Wowww!"
When I stay in sync with the big "U", which is more and more often now, and things happen to reinforce all that we are taught, I am reminded of just how simple and ... Views: 4127
Okay, sing along with me now…..
“Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every moonbeam, ‘till you find your dream”
Is there anyone, anywhere who has not sung or hummed (in or out of tune) those famous words from “The Sound of Music”? I can still hear the spine tingling tones of the ... Views: 1186
How many of your goals are ‘radishes’ and how many are ‘acorns’?
In our quest to set and achieve goals we actually grow our Garden of Goals with many different types of seeds. How boring it would be to have a garden of just squash!
So what is a ‘radish’ goal and what is an ‘acorn’ goal? ... Views: 1385
What are you thoroughly sick of?
You feel that if it continues on in your life you are going to explode!
You feel powerless in the grip of this, you don’t know where to turn and it’s all you can think of most of the time. You feel like you are going in circles and can’t break out into a ... Views: 865
Follow this scenario….
You are now becoming a pretty good goal setter and achiever. You are consistently working at it and making progress, one step at a time. You are learning that the ‘rules’ for goal setting and achieving are set in ‘Universal’ stone and you can’t take short cuts. This, in ... Views: 1041
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have 'the magic, Midas touch' when it comes to success? I mean people like Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett? Why do some people seem to just have to breathe in order to make millions of dollars? Discover the process that will turn your ... Views: 1656
Keep your elbow up. Reach and glide. No, keep the arm straight out, don't let it fall down. Fingers in the water first. Keep your hand cupped like a spoon--not a fork, not a knife, a spoon. Rotate your hips. Keep the body stiff. Your whole body should tilt to the side. Rotate your ... Views: 1001
What do you desire that you don’t have now? A new job? A new Relationship? A new home? Make a list of all the things you want in every category you can think of. Everything you desire that you don’t have is outside of your comfort zone. Do you want to release some weight or be in better shape? ... Views: 1155
There are many ways of creating new methods and strategies for doing things well. One form of innovation is to take a powerful strategy from one area and apply it usefully in a completely different one. In that spirit, I have borrowed a concept from the field of engineering and will present you ... Views: 4603
There are so many things we can want in life – success, achieving a qualification, career development, financial security, feeling happy, positive relationships with others..……..the list is endless and can feel quite mind boggling.
Do you ever ask yourself “What’s important to me in my ... Views: 895
Are you like most people? Have you set and broken many of your New Years Resolutions already? Have you spent time focused on your deficits and shortcomings? The law of attraction says we will draw those things towards us that we spend time thinking about.
Quote from author, Ellen ... Views: 646
It’s a new year and a time when people like to start fresh and sample some new approaches to areas in your life you would like to improve. You have seen the development of the organizing and redesign shows take over our television stations. It’s been called the latest trend, the new dieting but ... Views: 668
EXCERPT FROM BOOK "The Forbidden Book Of Getting What you Want; Making The World Your Banquet Starting with a Simmering Broth for Ambition"
There are people who live their lives as if they were a force of nature.
They seem to always get what they desire and be unaffected by the events around ... Views: 5304
When you decide to bite the bullet and lose weight, setting weight loss goals can help. These four goals to weight loss success can not only help you with losing weight, but they can also help when you set goals for other things in your life as well such as a career change or changing a habit. ... Views: 898
When most of us set goals we write down all those things we think we should achieve or should already have achieved but haven't! For example, if your body is no longer looking as trim as it was a decade ago, one of your goals might be to lose weight and begin an exercise programme. If you are ... Views: 1157
January is usually the month when people make resolutions for the new year they are about to embark on. We review and take account of what was done the previous year and what was not done; what we did accomplish or not accomplish. I believe it is absolutely a good thing to examine and take ... Views: 1018
Managing your goals essentially boils down to personal management, how you manage your "self" over a period of time. How you manage yourself over a period of time is what's known as time management, which is the essence of life management. Life management is about taking control over your ... Views: 3398
I was recently reading a personal finance blog where the author explained that he had paid all of his debts in full.
His initial course of action was to pay off the bills with the largest interest rates first. Unfortunately the bills with the largest interest rates, were also the biggest of ... Views: 1101
It's easy to write down your goals, isn't it? Even mapping out the steps for achieving those goals is rather straightforward. And imagining the end result is probably the sweetest part of them all.
So why is that most people never start actually working on their goals even though they're ... Views: 616
Day One: The best-built egos are ones that are well designed, so the first step is to acquire a great set of plans. These are available at any convenient party in the neighborhood. Just mingle around and you will see all kinds of egos being built right there before your eyes, and all you will ... Views: 1764