Hang out with positive people
Avoid negative people
Hang up pictures of loved ones
Call a friend
Call a relative you haven't been in touch with for a long time just to say "Hi, I was thinking about you!"
Smile at someone
Acknowledge a complete stranger with a greetings, good morning, etc ... Views: 1887
People like to buy but they don't like to be sold!
Have you ever walked into a store with the intention to purchase something and when the sales person walks up and asks "can I help you?" we respond "No thanks, just looking" as we walk away and avoid eye contact. So how do you sell someone ... Views: 2054
When creating a new company, naming a product, or rolling out a service, the way that you brand the benefits can often make more of an impact than conveying any actual features. A good brand can motivate a target market in a desired way, in fact branding is often defined as a set of beliefs ... Views: 1799
Managing your goals essentially boils down to personal management, how you manage your "self" over a period of time. How you manage yourself over a period of time is what's known as time management, which is the essence of life management. Life management is about taking control over your ... Views: 3398