I hesitate to single out a handful of "must-have" words for your Web site. It brings to mind the overblown promises of "power words" and the like. "Power words" strike me as being about as useful as "power naps" and "power lunches." Heavy on hype and light on content.
However, some words ... Views: 2825
When setting their goals, many freelance writers and copywriters think in terms of income.
"I want to be earning 6 figures a year within 12 months."
That's a great goal in some senses, but you run into problems when it comes to implementation.
What's the first step you need to take? Or the ... Views: 856
All too often freelancers simply set a range of fees for their work and then estimate and invoice accordingly.
If you are new to freelancing, your hourly rate or project rate probably reflects the fact that you don’t have a great deal of experience yet.
If you have been doing this for ... Views: 936
Review: Productivity Engineering -
A hypnosis program to help you improve your performance at work.
"Buy a hypnosis CD program? Will that really help me get more work done? Can it improve my work performance?"
I know, this is a little off the beaten path when compared to the usual courses ... Views: 965