No other animal on the planet has managed to have the same unique and loving relationship with its owner as the loveable dog. They’re our friends, protectors and family. Therefore, it’s only natural that we want our canine friends to be as happy and healthy as possible, which is why I’ve created ... Views: 2452
“There’s a suicide in the observation room.” That’s what I heard them say. They called me “a suicide.” I no longer have a name. I want to scream out, “My name is MJ, MJ Sawyer!” But, I won’t. I’ve learned that a name is of little consequence once you’ve been committed and declared ... Views: 2687
Do you have trouble keeping track of your money? Do you know what your financial philosophy is? Does money control you, or are you the one in control? What's your financial purpose? Do you think money is the "root of all evil," or the solution to every problem? The answers are vital to your ... Views: 1830
Have you ever looked at your pet and knew exactly what he wanted to “say” to you? Have you ever noticed someone’s body language that communicated something contrary to what they were saying? Have you ever had a gut feeling that something you were about to do wouldn’t result in a good outcome? ... Views: 1308
Our society is in the midst of an emotional meltdown. People are restless, volatile, our tempers about to blow. In the past year, Prozac was prescribed for over thirty million people. Domestic violence occurs in one out of six of households. Half of our marriages end in divorce.
None of this is ... Views: 1554
Breathing has indeed become a fashionable word these days. You hear it over the airwaves and read it in all sorts of publications. “Take a deep breath” is the most frequently given advice handed out by people of all levels of society–parents, teachers, doctors, therapists, ... Views: 1923
The holidays can be a very difficult time for those who are grieving. The holidays are all about spending time with family and friends. The holidays are all about traditions such as special meals or special trips or special gifting rituals or special gatherings.
I remember my first holiday ... Views: 2157
Have you ever struggled with the question of what your life purpose is? I know I have. Finding your life’s purpose. It is a difficult and uncomfortable quest to figure out why you are here and what it is you are suppose to be doing.
Trying to identify your life's purpose and meaning can be ... Views: 1286
The ManKind Project® is a progressive men's organization striving to be increasingly inclusive and affirming of cultural differences, especially with respect to color, class, sexual orientation, faith, age, ability, ethnicity, and nationality.
The ManKind Project® is an educational ... Views: 1429
For religious, moral, and personal reasons many individuals seek to take personal responsibility for their own health. They seek to become aware of the various healthcare options available in this country and in various other parts of the world. To this end, Certified Natural Health ... Views: 2372
In 2005, Rhonda Byrne released her hit movie, The Secret followed by a book version in 2006.
Millions of people have been introduced to the Law of Attraction as a result of this incredible phenomenon.
As a Master Law of Attraction trainer and coach, I was delighted when The Secret came out. I ... Views: 2109
Dreams are gifts from your soul – even nightmares!
Dreams hold the blueprints to your life, your desires, your connection to guides and so much more. Guidance for managing difficult or perplexing situations can often be found in your dreams. Dreams, including nightmares, are the spirit’s ... Views: 6046
Though identity theft happens throughout the year, the holiday season is the busiest time of year for thieves!
Personal information has become the currency of choice for criminals since the credit system allows consumers with good credit ratings to set up lines of credit quite easily. Thieves ... Views: 1747
The holiday season is swiftly approaching, bringing with it great fun and family events. As you are preparing for this great season, it is important to plan accordingly. The friends and family you invite into your home bring plenty of warmth and cheer, but can also create quite a mess. For this ... Views: 2028
Top kitchen products come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Sometimes the items that amaze us with innovation work the best. In other instances we are amazed by simplicity and streamlined construction. There are several ways to decide whether a specific product is the best selection for ... Views: 2195
Presentation By Werner Erhard At The Eranos Conference 2006
Ascona, Switzerland
18 June 2006
While I was asked to speak about individual and social transformation, I will start by talking about knowing.
Think of the circle I have drawn here as containing all knowledge. The circle is divided ... Views: 1860
It's easy to get caught up in our daily life forgetting that, in the eyes of many, we are actually role models. Our children look to us. They notice everything. They see how we speak and act. Our behaviors impact the way they interact with others. They act as mirrors of all they see and ... Views: 2091
Do you feel you understand the law of attraction but just don't seem to be getting the things you desire? Are you frustrated? Do you manifest some things but not others? The truth is you most likely have not been taught the "key" principle to manifesting using law of attraction the way it was ... Views: 4979
Today, more and more people are focusing on health and wellness. One important aspect of health and wellness deals with how we feel. In particular, the types of emotions we deal with on a daily basis. We all have emotions, that is a given. As our day unfolds, we may experience a variety of ... Views: 1616
Grief intensifies the emotions we are feeling. Life can be stressful and grief intensifies the stress. Pressure builds inside. When the tension seems to have reached our ultimate pressure point, escape is often sought.
How do you escape from the pain and the exhaustion of grief? Perhaps you ... Views: 1158
Sometimes life seems to be a giant “to do” list. The goal of our days becomes the exercise of checking items off our list. When grief is involved, the frustration can seem overwhelming. Grief is not easily checked off the list.
Getting through each day can become the goal of each day for those ... Views: 1187
Leftovers are gone, weight-gain is on, favorite presents used and worn. No more holiday cookies to bake, just New Year’s Resolutions to make—and later not forsake!
Here is a brief, fun and innovative list of Resolutions that not only involves the whole family but can also change ... Views: 1530
I am always amazed when people talk about their intentions and how much they want to make their life great. It is inspiring to listen to another person’s hopes and dreams, yet within minutes, no matter what they have said, accomplished or how much they have acquired, so often they exhibit ... Views: 1977
An organized kitchen can reduce the stress of preparing an excellent meal. Whether you cook for a family of five or for yourself, there are benefits to establishing an efficient system for making your kitchen run smoothly. First, empty all of the cupboards, the pantries and even the ... Views: 2374
You've been there. At a networking function someone asks you what your company does, and you freeze like a deer in the headlights. You haven't thought it through so what might roll off your tongue is a lengthy speech that says absolutely nothing. Worse yet, you might default to spitting out a ... Views: 1505
Many tend to think of the mind as operating similar to a camera or computer. Indeed, these models are so inviting that we too have used the bio-computer analogy. Still, the mind is not a camera and its computer similarity is far from the operation of any computer yet developed. The mind sees ... Views: 1713
The life cycle of the butterfly speaks volumes about the process of grief. The life of the butterfly begins inside a cocoon, hanging inconspicuously from the limb of a tree.
Silently, but deliberately the transformation begins. Anyone looking from below would have no idea what is going on ... Views: 2191
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Identity Theft. Identity theft is the stealing, often via electronic means, of your personal information such as credit card numbers, social security number, bank account information, etc., with the intention of posing as you in order ... Views: 1375
Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personally identifying information, like your name, Social Security number, or credit card number, without your permission, to commit fraud or other crimes.
The crime takes many forms. Identity thieves may rent an apartment, obtain a credit card, ... Views: 2248
Many people are still skeptical about the Power of Imagination and the application of Universal Laws. If you are one of them, the following ideas may not be for you. But if you have experienced things that aren’t easily explained or have a sense that it is your spiritual birthright to be ... Views: 1221
Human Development describes the way people grow and change over their life span. Everyone who has a child is familiar with stages of child development. Babies start out helpless only able to cry and eventually move on to crawling, walking and talking.
Transformational Human Development ... Views: 2044
Have you been feeling pressured, worried or overwhelmed by responsibilities and financial concerns? There’s an old saying: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”.
Here are seven suggestions that if accepted and applied will help you gain control of your focus and time, and open the ... Views: 1880
The expression "work-life balance" was first used in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual's work and personal life.
Over the past twenty-five years, there has been a substantial increase in work which is felt to be due, in part, by information technology and by an ... Views: 1548
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Life Work Balance. Many people feel that striking a good balance between their work responsibilities and their personal lives is an essential factor in living a whole and healthy life. Gabriela Cora is the Official Guide to Life Work ... Views: 1263
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***Hypnosis 101 - by The Hypnosis Network, The Official Guide to Hypnosis
The Hypnosis Network upholds the highest professional standards for our products, quality and therapists. We carefully monitor our product list and therapist requirements against the standards of The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH), the largest U.S. organization for health and ... Views: 1554
An interview of Brian Schwartz, Ph. D, by Frank Bordonaro, Ph. D.
Summary: Two talent management goals that get increasing attention these days are: 1) the individual’s quest for career fulfillment and, 2) the organization’s desire to get extraordinary results by ... Views: 1441
As a practitioner of integrative healthcare, I apply the term “integrative” to pertain to a different model of understanding of how human experience works. My use of “integrative” means bringing into balance the 5 significant areas of our functioning making up our experience and existence in ... Views: 2132
Last week, while in my bank I was ushered into my business representative’s office. Our conversation began with pleasantries and then switched to the economic scene.
“Melissa, I have never seen a week like this in thirty five years. Intelligent people are panicking over the economy ... Views: 1210
What would you do if you had a sudden health crisis? Do you think you really know how you would handle your life changing in seconds? What would you do first? What would you think? How would you cope with the onslaught of unexpected bad news and painful feelings?
My life changed in seconds when ... Views: 1657
At a time when we are becoming aware of the results of our disconnection from the Infinite Healing Presence and the increasing need for an imaginative and refreshing look at Universal Laws, let us explore messages of renewal, seek their relevance to us in the present moment, and allow ourselves ... Views: 1402
Business coaching is the practice of providing support and occasional advice to an individual or group in order to help them recognize ways in which they can improve the effectiveness of their business. Business coaches work to improve leadership, employee accountability, teamwork, sales, ... Views: 1189
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Business Coach and Business Coaching. Business coaching focuses on the needs of your business to expand and grow. Many of us try to improve our lives by growing our own business. Rhonda Hess is the Official Guide to Business Coach and ... Views: 1384
Did you know that humans think visually! The saying I hear what I see is true.
A UCLA study proves that 85% of all decisions are made with our eyes. The 3 areas of personal presence are the Verbal, Vocal and Visual ones. The one with the most impact is the visual presentation.
Whether you ... Views: 2438
Leanness is a goal most of us are pursuing most of the time. We do it with exercise, calorie restrictions and just about anything else that might help from hypnosis to herbal teas.
Some of you may already be familiar with the work of Dr. Oleg Yasko. He's a remarkable Russian naturopath who ... Views: 2032
Whatever you continually feed to your mind becomes the material of your mind. It also becomes your point of attraction.
Autosuggestion, very simply, is what you suggest to yourself. It’s the process of feeding the mind. It is a form of self-hypnosis that we do pretty much all day every day. ... Views: 5343
Study and use of the Enneagram in organizations and business consulting significantly impacts and speeds up both personal and organizational results. This cutting-edge technology describes nine distinct personality styles that have a distinctive way of thinking, acting and being. Each style has ... Views: 1641
Every day hurricanes, earthquakes, cyclones, and tornadoes are reshaping Mother Earth.
Never before have we witnessed so many lives being violently silenced. Turn on the evening news and your mind is focused in the direction of cataclysmic upheavals. Many media suggestions are rooted in an ... Views: 1168
The Cat is Out of the Bag! We live in a time of great transition. It has been stated that the rate of change for the Information Age is faster than ever before for we humans.
• Do you feel extraordinarily blessed or challenged by this time of transformation?
• Are you moving forward or hiding ... Views: 1220
Since biblical times, the power of possibility thinking has been documented by innumerable authors. And, over the last century, authors and motivational speakers such as Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, Dr. Robert Schuller, Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer and many more ... Views: 2650
Nowadays, there are many programs teaching Oriental Medicine, or Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM), across America. An Acupuncturist or Doctor of Oriental Medicine is usually trained to diagnose particular health conditions that are viewed as problems or diseases. The TCM doctor has studied ... Views: 2205