Much creativity is contained in the unconscious. By freeing our dreams from the prison of our ego’s perspective, we realize more creative power through the healing faculty of imagination. Dutch Jungian Analyst, Robert Bosnak has developed "Embodied Dreaming," a technique for working with dreams ... Views: 2607
“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your Soul.” - Walt Whitman
For many artists, challenges are very personal. And one of the biggest challenges is the Critic in the room, the Inner Critic. This gnarly Inner Critic is the voice of your self-doubt and fear. It is the ... Views: 2114
Spiritual Healing is a self-growth tool that expands your awareness of yourself as a spiritual being and helps you live your life from a stronger, more expanded, more empowered level of consciousness. Spiritual Healing is a tool that available to everyone regardless of religion or creed or level ... Views: 6468
The Will Power Myth
If you have been fighting the battle of the bulge for any length of time, you have undoubtedly been told to just suck it up and use a little bit of will power. If it were that easy, we wouldn’t have an obesity epidemic in this country. In this article, we’ll explore why ... Views: 3024
Would you agree that WoManKind is beleaguered ?
Wouldn’t you give anything if you could come up with a solution to the multi-mysteries that besiege our race ? Well, we’re not here to offer magic buttons. Just to let you know that we have built a place where you, who are “On The Path”, can ... Views: 1854
Your mood correlates completely to your focus of thought in every moment. You know this because you can feel it change moment to moment as you go through the day. You win a contest, a date is canceled, your boss shows appreciation, your doctor tells you he found a lump, you leave work at the ... Views: 5307
If you have been fighting the battle of the bulge for any length of time, you have undoubtedly been told to just suck it up and use a little bit of will power. If it were that easy, we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic in this country. In this article, we'll explore why using "will power" is ... Views: 2615
Diseases sometimes occur in families because patterns of diseases are reinforced in conversation and expectations. People “learn” that they are supposed to get certain diseases because “all the woman” or “all the men” are supposed to get that disease. I know a 63 year old woman who died of ... Views: 9120
Thousands of years ago, physicians in China mapped the body’s electrical system. They charted fourteen energy paths, or meridians, and documented how stimulating specific points along those paths released energy blocks, restored the normal flow of Chi, or healing energy, and improved health.
... Views: 2268
“Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world.” - Helen Keller
Oh, come on. Admit it.
We all do it every single day.
Everybody enjoys wallowing in a little self-pity. It feels great to remind ourselves how terrible the world is. How ... Views: 2672
Cleanse to Thin has combined these two powerful concepts to bring you unprecedented, safe and significant weight loss. When you are chronically overweight or obese there is a hormone in your body that gets degraded. It's called Leptin. Your brain can actually become resistant to it.
That ... Views: 3455
I was 41 years old, stretched out on a lounge chair by my pool and reflecting on my life. I had achieved all that I thought I needed to be happy.
You see when I was a child, I imagined there were five main things that ensured a happy life: a successful career that helped people, a loving ... Views: 4737
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***The Energy Game - by Dean Allen, the Official Guide to Energy Psychology
Submitted on Feb 11, 2009 from
“The Game of “Life” …is an ‘Energy Game’ …between the Tools/Rules of Energy!
Your TOOLS (from conception) are 23 pairs of chromosomal (color/light body) memory banks that ‘come together’ to play the Game of Life by the RULES (Laws of ... Views: 2365
Here's what I know for sure: finding true love is possible for any one at any age if you're willing to prepare yourself, on all levels, to become a magnet for love.
This wonderful Universe of ours is set up to deliver the people and things we draw to us that are consistent with our personal ... Views: 2110
Dating is a process with a beginning, middle, and end. Very importantly, the process is different depending on why you are dating.
If you are Dating to Find Your Ideal Partner, be crystal clear; the more you know what you want, the more likely you will be successful finding your ideal partner. ... Views: 1798
Relationships can be our greatest joy, or our greatest challenge. Often they are both! With a world going through significant economic restructuring and transition, many people are re-assessing what is truly important to them. After all, will we assess our lives with the question of "How did my ... Views: 2349
"Forgiveness is freeing up and putting to better use the energy once consumed by holding grudges, harboring resentments, and nursing unhealed wounds. It is rediscovering the strengths we always had and relocating our limitless capacity to understand and accept other people and ourselves." -- ... Views: 4549
The belief that you are in complete control of your own life can get you into some pretty serious trouble if you aren't careful. Your unique identity, your reputation and especially your credit scores are ruled by your own actions, but only to an extent. To be absolutely certain that your life ... Views: 2230
What parent doesn't occasionally agonize over the challenges that teenagers bring to a family environment? Because of raging hormones and the teen brain (I hear their frontal lobes are not fully-developed, accounting for the lack of empathy) I long for the days when our sweet little dearies used ... Views: 3336
Diets don’t work. Do these words surprise you? Depress you? Make you want to throw up your hands and eat a box of Twinkies out of sheer frustration?
It’s no wonder so many people who embark on traditional diets give up after only a few days or weeks without experiencing the ... Views: 2162
August 3rd was designated as International Worldwide Forgiveness Day by the visionary, Robert Plath. His vision was it would be a day that would evoke the healing spirit of forgiveness worldwide. He created the Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance in 1996 to empower that vision.
Each year on this ... Views: 3215
Many do not understand that we are all gifted in a number of areas. It is if we choose to develop the gifts or not and if we choose to develop them to use them with understanding, responsibility and wisdom. As we develop our gifts and abilities we can further our expertise in different areas and ... Views: 2857
A correctly calculated chart of the sky for the date, time and
location of a person’s birth is the focal point of scientific astrology.
This chart maps the life pattern of the person for whom it is
A Birth Chart (which is also known as a horoscope -- NOT to be
confused with ... Views: 6307
When you read the words “accelerated learning,” what comes to mind? A bespectacled “brainiac”? A teenager receiving a Ph.D.? The fact is you don’t have to be a prodigy to experience the benefits of rapid learning.
The purpose of this brief article is to give you a ... Views: 3907
The never-endingness of the spiral speaks to us of eternal life. Spirals in motion can go on indefinitely, and therein lies much of the fascination and excitement we derive from looking at, and experiencing the movement of spirals. Without them we could not move our bodies.
Spirals are all ... Views: 5484
Every so often we seekers undergo a significant transformation. It's as if our spirit gets restless and takes off after something that only it understands, dragging us behind.
It is often chaotic and painful, because change is disruptive and can feel like crisis.
It is also a great gift, ... Views: 2172
There is a lot of talk these days about The Secret and what we might be attracting into our lives. Some celebrities are attracting situations that give them the opportunity to enter rehab and clean up certain aspects of their lives. Paris Hilton is a good example of someone who has the ... Views: 1726
It was a lazy, rainy October Saturday morning in Texas. I had slept in ‘til 8:45. Sleeping in is a rare thing for me these days. Even on the days I can, I rarely choose to because I can hardly wait to get up and meet the day. Life is so full!
I slipped out of my pajamas and into my favorite ... Views: 2534
Animal massage can benefit all animals from companion pets such as cats and dogs to horses and livestock and even zoo animals. The benefits of massage for animals mirror those for people, including decreased stress and improved circulation.
For many, pet massage sounds like a luxury for ... Views: 4773
Shhh…can you hear that? That growing noise you hear is either our once strong economy coming to a screeching halt or the sounds of economic experts offering up their noisy opinions. As a former Macroeconomics professor, I know if you ask 5 economists their thoughts on the direction of the ... Views: 2409
If you’re serious about wanting a smarter child in brain, body and spirit, here are 7 new learning discoveries to give your child an advantage in school, home and life.
1. There Is More To Smart Than A High I.Q.
I.Q. scores are very limited and frequently used to measure a gap between ... Views: 3444
What made you decide to write about the feminine side of creative power?
Primarily because the world of ideas and innovation is so focused on more masculine models of ideas.When I say masculine I mean the concept of "ideation" which focuses on getting an idea out there and making it happen. Our ... Views: 2064
Chapter 3
The bodies of people who have a weight problem function differently. Their bodies are more adept at storing energy than they are at using it. Ideally, you want your body to be an energy-using machine instead of an energy-storing machine. The function of your body dictates which ... Views: 2201
A female client of mine years ago was married to a man who was very abusive to her. He wouldn’t get therapy or examine his beliefs, feelings, and actions. After several years of listening to him cut her down, she decided to leave the marriage and quickly went from having a non-glamorous ... Views: 1896
Public relations strategies are evolving in the world of social networking and Web 2.0. It’s still any business owner’s dream to be featured in a key media piece where their expertise and business are showcased. The free publicity and additional media queries alone can revolutionize ... Views: 3036
Mental Wellbeing
Mental health can be seen as a continuum, where an individual's mental health may have many different possible values. Mental wellness is generally viewed as a positive attribute, such that a person can reach enhanced levels of mental health, even if they do not have any ... Views: 9752
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. “
Henry Ford
Are you ready to change your life and achieve the goals you really want?
Maybe you have already used goal setting tools and defined what you wanted to achieve. Perhaps you've
• Set ... Views: 1869
You will become Older but do not become Old…
Picture yourself in twenty-five years right now…do you see OLD or OLDER? A revealing question don’t you think?
One we often deny…
Because OLD speaks of a loss of freedom, lack of dignity, disease, no sex, no fun, no making ... Views: 2309
From CEOs and independent professionals, to work at home moms and entrepreneurs, Big Picture Thinkers inspire others and lead the way in their fields. Without their visionary insights and actions, our world would be lacking in innovation, new ideas, and fresh approaches.
Now there is a way for ... Views: 6536
Landmark Education LLC (LE) as of 2007, offers training and development programs delivered in approximately 115 locations throughout over 20 countries worldwide. Locations include the cities of London, New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, Toronto, and others, with 52 offices in 24 countries.
An ... Views: 2813
The Landmark Seminar Program
Come to grips with the issues that make you powerful in life.
Each seminar in Landmark’s Seminar Program addresses a specific topic that makes life powerful, such as: relationships, creativity, integrity, money, fitness, and what it takes to make a ... Views: 3406
Landmark Forum Faculty
Landmark Forum leaders are considered to be the best in the entire seminar and program industry. Dynamic and effective, they are committed to producing results for you.
Landmark Forum leaders come from a great variety of backgrounds and walks of life. They conduct our ... Views: 2731
Landmark Education's Charter refers to the organization as "a global enterprise whose purpose is to empower and enable people and organizations to generate and fulfill new possibilities. We create and provide programs, services, and paradigms that produce extraordinary results for our ... Views: 2052
How the Landmark Education Forum Works
After you know the benefits of The Landmark Forum, most people want to know the specifics. So here are the answers to our most often asked questions: what, where, when, and how much will it cost. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact a ... Views: 5758
If you're like many people, you've packed away the goals you had at the beginning of this year. But I have a suggestion for you: Dust them off and get on your way to accomplishing them, starting today.
Spring is a time of cleaning out clutter and starting afresh. So let this be a time of ... Views: 1906
Who do you think you are?
This is a question that philosophers have been asking for millenniums. How and why did this whole universe begin? Why are human beings here? What is their purpose? We could get very broad and deep about the answers, or we could just probe our own selves and say that we ... Views: 1961
Massage therapy has been in use for a long time. Chinese documents dating back more than 3000 years denote its use. In recent years, massage therapy has grown in relevance, popularity and significance as a viable alternative to more traditional treatments. Adding to the legitimacy of massage as ... Views: 1832
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, has been called many names over the years. It was known as “shell-shock” in World War I and “battle fatigue” in World War II. The term post-traumatic stress disorder became well known during the war in Viet Nam. It simply means a ... Views: 2655
You have the ability right now to learn what it takes to earn whatever income you want. That’s a pretty strong statement, but don't discount it until you've read the rest of this article.
Do you know that the majority of today’s leaders in business were in sales at one time or ... Views: 1742
How did you get started in Facialbuilding?
I began teaching Facial Exercise in 1976. At that time, Isometrics were the only form of facial training known to the public. A year later, still teaching Facial Isometrics, I became interested in weightlifting and soon after stepped into competitive ... Views: 3852